Night of apocalypse

Chapter 341: Each Demonstrates His Abilities (Part 1)

"Sir, what's the next step?"

The staff officer next to Kong Le hesitated and asked.

"What can we do? Technology has been crushed, and we can only win by numbers."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Relax control restrictions."

Kong Le replied in a deep voice.


3 Ring · Dolly Street.

Shen Qiu drove Yun Xiaoxi past on a scooter.

Yun Xiaoxi got used to it a little bit, although she still hugged Shen Qiu tightly in fear, at least she dared to open her eyes completely.

At this moment, Shen Qiu heard a noisy roar from the area ahead.

"There is a situation! Sit down."

Shen Qiu instructed Yun Xiaoxi.


Yun Xiaoxi responded quickly.

Just when Shen Qiu drove to the front, he saw tanks of different models, armored vehicles, and many heavily armed soldiers.

"Quick! Hurry up and go to the second ring!"

Shen Qiu immediately let go of the raised heart, feeling is here to support.

Immediately, Shen Qiu turned the accelerator and rushed over.

When Shen Qiu drove away from Dolly Street, he saw the flames of the explosion coming from ahead.

He squinted his eyes and looked over, only to see a storm motorcycle being torn into two by a very strong man, and sparks were still emitting from the fracture.

Staring at the houses on both sides, one after another swift figures jumped and galloped.

Shen Qiu glanced sideways, although he couldn't tell who those figures were, they didn't look like they were vegetarians.

However, what surprised Shen Qiu even more was that there was a sudden violent roar in the sky.

Then a very shocking scene appeared.

Thousands of paratroopers jumped down from the sky, and the sky over the center of Sunken Star City was densely packed with paratroopers.

What's even more extreme is the airdrop support, which doesn't end in one wave, but one crop after another.

And from around the city of Shenxing, densely packed fighter jets galloped in, some of them were facing the mechanical corps rushing towards the 2nd ring, continuously firing air-to-ground missiles, and some frantically encircled and suppressed the Silver Wing fighters.

Some fighter jets even directly rammed into the Silver Wing Fighter.

Countless fireworks exploded across the sky.

Shen Qiu looked at the support falling like rain, and the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

In the past, no matter whether he was fighting in Sky City or the eighth district, Shen Qiu's biggest feeling was that every time he was outnumbered, the more he fought, the less he fought. For support, we always look forward to the stars and the moon, and it is always long overdue.

But this time in the battle against Shenxing City, Shen Qiu completely experienced another feeling.

That is, wherever they fight, they have their own people. Although their strength may not be very strong, and they may not be able to defeat the enemy, at least they have not lost in numbers.

Now the situation is even more exaggerated. The airdrop support is simply cheating.

However, Shen Qiu didn't know one thing, this was just the beginning.

The entrance to the City of Sunken Star.

Cars with different license plates drove to the entrance, and temporary passes were handed out from the windows.

The soldiers guarding the checkpoint took a look at the temporary pass, and then took a look at the mercenaries sitting in the car with fierce eyes and a dangerous atmosphere, and waved their hands!

In addition to these mercenaries, a large number of unidentified people can also be seen entering the city with temporary passes.

Outside the entire Sunken Star City, at a glance, there are heavy equipment and weapons ready to enter the city and all kinds of fighters everywhere.

In fact, before the dungeon was attacked, the situation was not that exaggerated.

But after the dungeon was attacked, the situation changed suddenly. The top thugs from all sides were recalled one after another.

In the sky.

Empty aircraft · Backlight number.

In the control room, red prompts kept popping up on the screen.

"Warning: The number of enemy units is increasing rapidly."

"Warning: Troops Intercepted."

"Generate the latest instructions to speed up troop build-up."

City of Sunken Stars.

Shen Qiu drove the locomotive at a high speed, and they were about to reach the 2nd Ring Road first, after all, they were so close.

However, just as Shen Qiu and the others arrived at the intersection of the 2nd and 3rd ring roads.

I saw heavy-duty Wild Lion tanks and all kinds of heavy weapons completely blocking the street. The soldiers responsible for the blockade were all wearing metal exoskeleton armor, Xuanjia.

At this time, the captain in the lead raised his hand to signal Shen Qiu to stop.

Shen Qiu slowed down and stopped, and Yun Xiaoxi in the car immediately yelled.

"We are the third team of KPI, and we came here to support!"

After the captain heard it, he also saluted Yun Xiaoxi and Shen Qiu and said.

"Thank you very much for your support, but now the second ring is guarded and defended by our Red Holy Word Legion."

"Then what do we do?"

Shen Qiu was slightly taken aback.

"Now all the people who come to support will form a line of defense in front of us, and you can block it there."

The defense captain explained to Shen Qiu.

After Shen Qiu and Yun Xiaoxi glanced at each other, Yun Xiaoxi suggested.

"Shen Qiu, why don't we find a place to put the locomotive, and then look for it to see where it is better to intercept it?"

"It can only be the."

Shen Qiu thought for a while and agreed.

So Shen Qiu drove the motorcycle to the corner of the street, and he and Yun Xiaoxi left on foot towards the side.

At this time, the battle in Shenxing City became more and more intense.

On the Baita Street of the third ring, a storm motorcycle moved nimbly at high speed, sprinting towards the second ring.

At this time, an armed helicopter lowered its altitude, the hatch opened, and a big man held a heavy-duty Gatling erected and fired wildly!

Ding Ding!

The dense bullets swept towards those storm motorcycles, no matter how dexterous they were, they were still hit.

A car exploded, and the flames shot up into the sky.

"Haha, a bunch of bastards!"

The big man became more and more excited, and this group of storm motorcycles were all targets.

However, at this moment, a very dazzling light shone on the armed helicopter, and the light made the big man unable to open his eyes.

He couldn't help covering it up with his hands, then turned his head to look behind.

There was a crackling sound behind it.


A four-meter-long, three-meter-high giant storm motorcycle leaped towards it at an extremely fast speed by taking advantage of the tilted terrain.

Immediately afterwards, the giant storm motorcycle deformed in mid-air, and instantly transformed into a humanoid form. Its left hand raised its gun and pointed at the armed helicopter.

call out!

A beam of light shot past.

The big man's eyes showed a look of extreme horror, and he didn't wait for him to react!


The entire armed helicopter exploded directly in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the storm motorcycle transformed into a motorcycle form and landed again, speeding to the front of the group of storm motorcycles.

"Captain Storm Motorcycle!!!"

The surrounding storm motorcycles seemed to be burning accelerant, making mechanical sounds with excitement.

At this time in the 2nd Ring · Yunwu Street.

Chu Wuji stood arrogantly at the crossroads alone, while two storm tanks, groups of mechanical dogs, and storm motorcycles swarmed towards here.

bang bang!

Intensive firepower shot towards Chu Wuji.

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