Night of apocalypse

Chapter 344 Meat Grinder

At this time Chu Wuji suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Why didn't the mechanical corps continue to attack here? You must know that this point he chose is one of the largest nodes directly leading to the 2nd ring.

The impact has never stopped since the war started.

Could it be that the other party is dead?

At this moment, the besieged mechanical corps all gathered towards Zhuguang Street.

Zhuguang Avenue guard point.

An elite red holy word army guarded it.

At this time, a large number of storm motorcycles, storm tanks, and mechanical dogs rushed to the defense line like crazy.

All kinds of beams and shells kept falling.


A set of Wild Lions and armored vehicles were bombed.

"Counterattack, stop them at all costs!"

A middle-aged lieutenant in black armor roared at the top of his voice.

"No, captain, I don't know what happened, the number of enemies attacking us has suddenly increased. It seems that the enemies around us are all coming towards us."

A non-commissioned officer reported anxiously.

Hearing this, the lieutenant immediately reacted, and immediately picked up the communicator and called out.

"I'm Lieutenant Liu Sui, Zhu Guang Street was attacked by the mechanical corps, please help!!!"

Underground Special Command.

Responsible for monitoring the report of the battlefield non-commissioned officers.

"The satellite photographed that the other party was mobilizing and gathering troops on a large scale."

After Kong Le heard it, he said in a deep voice.

"The dogs are jumping over the wall in a hurry, where are they gathering?"

"The whole is gathering in the southwest direction and is analyzing the opponent's assembly point."

The staff officer responded.

At this time, a non-commissioned officer hurriedly got up and reported.

"Zhu Guang Street asked for help, Lieutenant Liu Sui was attacked by a large number of mechanical troops."

"Zoom in the map for me to see."

Kong Le said in a deep voice when he heard this.

Soon the map was zoomed in, Zhuguang Street was impressively located in the southwest of the Second Ring Road, the most important point. Just behind Zhuguang Street, there is a large closed entrance to the underground city.

"Let Lieutenant Liu Sui hold on, and order all support personnel to rush to Zhuguang Street."


"There is still a part of the air fighters to support first, otherwise Lieutenant Liu Sui might not be able to hold on."


"Remember, tell him that as long as he can last for 30 minutes, he is a hero! At that time, we can gather our troops and wipe them all out!"


Shen Qiu and Yun Xiaoxi, who were wandering around at this time, looked around.

"What the hell, where's the enemy?"

Shen Qiu was also very puzzled, he could bump into them casually just now, but now he couldn't see any of them.

If it weren't for the countless anti-aircraft firepower, they would still be firing continuously at the sky.

Shen Qiu even wondered if the opponent was defeated.

Suddenly his and Yun Xiaoxi's phones vibrated again, and they both took out their phones.

A red text message pops up.

"Urgent notice: The enemy is gathering firepower to attack the defense point of Zhuguang Street, please rush to the scene immediately to support."

After reading it, Shen Qiu immediately said to Yun Xiaoxi.

"The other party is on fire, let's go, go back and start the car."


Yun Xiaoxi nodded quickly in response.

The two immediately ran towards the locomotive.

At this time, at the defense point of Zhuguang Street, more and more mechanical corps gathered and bombarded Lieutenant Liu Sui's defense line.


The screams continued.

However, none of the troops on the defensive line retreated. One after another, the burning Wild Lion tanks desperately rushed towards the charging storm tanks.

Even if they are killed, they will use their bodies to block their way forward.

Even so, the effect is still not good, and the mechanical corps continue to attack.

"Captain Liu Sui, you can't hold it anymore."

"What about support?"

Liu Sui asked while biting.

Just as missiles shot down from the sky.

Boom exploded in the mechanical corps, and the pressure suddenly dropped!

"Great, it's air support!"

The sergeant next to him shouted excitedly.

However, before they could be happy, they saw Silver Wing fighters rushing towards them in the sky. The Rafale fighters that came to support immediately adjusted their formation, intercepted the Silver Wing fighters, and fired missiles one after another.


Immediately, several Silver Wing fighters were hit and burst into flames.

But what is desperate is that those damaged Silver Wing fighters dive directly towards Liu Sui's line of defense.


One after another, the Silver Wing fighter planes crashed into the rocket car and exploded!

Suddenly, it became a sea of ​​flames.

At this time, a group of KPI personnel and mercenaries nearby rushed over to help intercept it.

"Hang on, here we come!"

A master cut into the battlefield, killed those mechanical dogs and storm motorcycles, and used various abilities to trap the storm tank.

But at this moment.

bang! bang!

More than a dozen Greedy Wolf mechs appeared at the same time, and they opened the belly launchers!


A missile was fired over.

At the same time, the machine guns on the shoulders swept wildly!


The personnel who rushed to support immediately suffered heavy casualties.

These greedy wolf mechas rushed forward, and whoever stood in front would be violently killed. The momentum was extremely fierce.

However, at this time, the mobile unit of the Red Holy Word Legion nearby also arrived.

One after the other galloped towards the Wild Lion, adjusting the barrel while blasting towards the Greedy Wolf Mecha.


The armor-piercing bullets exploded on the body of the Greedy Wolf Mecha, but this still couldn't stop them from advancing.

The mechanical corps will not back down at all, and will only rush towards the intended target until they die!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Wild Lion tanks that arrived first accelerated and rushed forward.


The Greedy Wolf Mecha was hit so violently that it couldn't even stand still. They either swung heavy metal blades and slashed at the Wild Lion Tank, or directly lifted the entire tank.

It's not that the drivers who control the wild lion are stupid and hit the rocks with pebbles to die.

Rather, they were buying time for the troops who came after them.

The war is getting more and more intense, and troops from both sides are constantly gathering here to carry out brutal strangulation!

One side is like a sharp knife, desperately trying to break in.

But the other side continued to increase its troops, and went up to intercept them without fear of death.

At this time, Shen Qiu's motorbike was speeding nearby, he stopped the car, and then raised his head to look far ahead.

The sound of rumbling explosions never stopped.

Billows of black smoke shot straight into the sky.

From time to time, there are still damaged fighter planes on both sides, swooping down and colliding.

Seeing this posture before reaching the battlefield, Shen Qiu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. But he was not afraid, and got out of the car and said to Yun Xiaoxi.



Yun Xiaoxi nodded.

The two ran forward.

It didn't take long before they arrived near Zhuguang Street, and there were fierce firefights everywhere.

The whole area is like a meat grinder battlefield.

"Let's not get too close to the central battlefield, just intercept at the edge."

Shen Qiu took a deep breath, picked up the Canggu Blade, and rushed forward with violent lightning flashing all over his body.

Yun Xiaoxi's whole body was burning with black flames, and she followed her very fast.

The moment they cut into the battlefield, they were immediately locked.

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