Night of apocalypse

Chapter 404 Joke (Part 1)

In the Black Pine Forest · Abandoned Tunnel.

Three members of the Church of the Defeated Army wearing the same motorcycle uniform and wearing helmets galloped.

At this time, the slightly shorter figure in the middle was carrying a large box on his back.

"Master Basil, this time you will make a great contribution."

There was also a hint of excitement in the flattering words of the defeated Christians on the left.

At this moment, the shorter figure in the middle coughed a few times and replied in a weak voice.

"Kab, did you think that kid Lin Jing has changed his gender? This time he was so kind and gave me such a big cake."

"Master Basil, is there something tricky in it?"

The defeated Christian on the right said with some concern.

"Axidi, are you too timid? Even if there is something tricky in front of Master Basil, it's okay. In addition, I have deployed surveillance along the way, and there is no drone to lock us."

Kabo said very confidently.

"Ahem, don't worry, there is the exit of the tunnel ahead. After exiting the tunnel and entering the Yurun Forest, the sky will be high and the birds will fly away. Who can catch up with us?"

Basil coughed sickly.

"Master Basil said yes."

"The guys in Ercheng are really stupid, haha, let us play around."

"Haha, that's it."

In the black pine forest.

Shen Qiu flew across the bushes quickly, his feet flashed with lightning, he jumped and stepped on a thick tree branch.

The branch suddenly bent and bounced to the tree in front.

From a distance, he is like an afterimage moving quickly through the intricate forest.

Shen Qiu's spirit was highly concentrated, and he chose the optimal landing point for every jump, and all running routes were delineated in advance, striving to reach the tunnel as soon as possible.

In an instant, Shen Qiu rushed out from the dense bushes.

An abandoned tunnel on the mountain not far away came into view, Shen Qiu's eyes froze, and he rushed in extremely fast.

The tunnel was dark and damp, as he ran inside, his feet echoed on the ground.

The further you go in, the lower the visibility becomes, and Shen Qiu's whole body flashes with thunder, illuminating the surroundings, without any drop in speed.

da da~

The deep and slender tunnel passed behind Shen Qiu one by one.

Shen Qiu's blood became inexplicably excited, a very strong premonition lingered in his heart, he felt that he was not far away from the other party.

At this moment, he saw a bright and dazzling exit in the distance.

Shen Qiu couldn't help but quicken his pace.


Shen Qiu rushed out of the tunnel like an afterimage.

The moment he stepped into Yurun Forest, he saw some traces at a glance.

Shen Qiu then accelerated to chase along the trail.

When he passed through the dense trees and chased forward for more than ten minutes, he stopped suddenly.

I saw a handsome and cold figure standing in front of him.

This figure was none other than Zhang Chenyun. In front of Zhang Chenyun stood three defeated Christians in motorcycle suits.

The shorter figure among the three defeated believers was carrying a large box.

Shen Qiu's expression moved slightly, as expected of being one of the top ten rookie kings, this dust cloud really doesn't look like a vegetarian.

He actually caught up one step earlier than himself, and he didn't know what method he used.

Zhang Chenyun turned to look at Shen Qiu, the brows on his handsome face moved slightly, he was also surprised that someone was chasing him, and it was the most controversial Shen Qiu.

Although Shen Qiu is a non-staff, but Zhang Chenyun is not really stupid enough to treat him as a cannon fodder, he said to Shen Qiu in a gentlemanly manner.

"You come first, or I will come."

After pondering for a while, Shen Qiu said to Zhang Chenyun.

"You come first, you come first."

"Okay, thanks then."

Zhang Chenyun bowed and replied.

Then Zhang Chenyun raised the cross sword in his hand and warned the three of Basil.

"Leave the box!"

"Haha, Lord Basil, they are so arrogant! They actually underestimated us so much!"

Kabo laughed and said, as if he heard something funny.

"that is!"

Axidi also echoed, if it is said that a group of KPI personnel and masters of the lion army who caught up, they were still a little bit cautious, and in the end only two people caught up.

At this time, Basil reached out to take off the helmet, tore off the motorcycle clothes, and said while coughing.

"Hey, since I've been caught up, I won't pack it. If you want a box, you have to step over my dead body."

Shen Qiu looked at Baoli carefully, and saw that his face was very shriveled, his skin was very withered and yellow, without any blood color, like a person whose body was half buried in the ground.

But judging from his facial features, he should be a middle-aged man.

At this time, Kabo and Axidi also took off their helmets to reveal their appearances. Kabo is a blond man with an arrogant expression, and Axidi is a young man who looks quite cunning and sinister.

At this time, Basil's body was a little swaying, and then he coughed and said in a sickly tone.

"It's unlucky for you to bump into me today. I introduced myself as Basil, one of the ten evils of the defeated army. Today will be your death day next year. Kabo, Axidi, you two stand aside and don't intervene. As for you Two brats, it is absolutely impossible to give the box to you, come and get it if you have the ability, let's go together!"


Kabo and Axidi immediately stepped back, the two of them had full confidence in Basil.

Shen Qiu and Zhang Chenyun looked at the bony Basil, they felt that this guy was very weak, as if he would collapse if the wind blows.

But hearing the identity of the ten evils, the two looked at each other tacitly.

In the next second, Zhang Chenyun took the lead in launching the attack. The wind blew up around his body out of thin air, and the invisible wind entwined the gorgeous cross long sword, piercing through the air and piercing towards Basil's neck.

Basil stretched out his left hand and clenched it into a fist, and precisely hit the side of the cross sword.


Zhang Chenyun's powerful attack was blocked straight away, and if he looked carefully, he could see the bronze knuckles on Basil's hand.

"Tsk tsk!"

A wretched smile appeared on Basil's shriveled face.

At this moment, Shen Qiu's whole body burst out with thunder, his body bent slightly, and he rushed out like a thunder shadow in an instant, blinking his eyes and approaching Basil, the bone blade in his hand swept across.

"Thunder Slash!"

Basil immediately raised his right hand to block!


At the moment of the collision, thunder flashed and splashed in all directions, causing Basil's eyes to dazzle and his heart to startle.

However, before Basil could react, Shen Qiu charged violent thunder with his left hand, and punched Basil's chest brutally.

"Thunder Fist!"

Terrifying thunder and lightning penetrated Basil's body, making his whole body numb, and he flew upside down, hitting a one-meter-thick tree.


The whole tree was cut down in half.

Baile raised his head with a face full of pain, and looked at Shen Qiu like hell.

"MD, who is this kid, he is so ruthless!"

After Baule said this, Kabo looked carefully at Shen Qiu, and the result became more and more familiar, and then something suddenly came to his mind, and he shouted at Basil in horror.

"Master Baile, he is Shen Qiu! He is the one who killed the coffin-bearer Azibuk."

Basil's complexion suddenly changed when he heard what Kabo said.

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