Night of apocalypse

Chapter 574 Unselected (Additional update for book friend Airvana) (Fourth update)

"It's strange."

Shen Qiu said to himself in confusion, this guy couldn't get through the phone.

Could it be that he went to the overlapping world? Thinking of this, Shen Qiu tried to call Zhang Shi's number.


The call was connected after more than ten seconds, and Zhang Shi's confused voice sounded from the bracelet.

"Mr. Shen Qiu?"

"Dr. Zhang Shi, I would like to ask if Qi Lin is with you? Why can't he get through on the phone?"

Shen Qiu then asked.

"Dr. Qi Lin is attending a very important meeting and cannot answer the phone for the time being. Do you have anything important to do with him?"

Dr. Zhang Shi asked after hesitation.

"It's quite important."

Shen Qiu thought for a while and replied.

Zhang Shi heard Shen Qiu's words, hesitated for a few seconds, and then said to Shen Qiu.

"Okay, come to Haitang Street, Ring Road 3, I'll wait for you there."


Shen Qiu immediately hung up the phone.

He thought for a while and then said to Chen Ye.

"Chen Ye, you go to the hotel first, and then give me the car, and I'll go find Qi Lin! Before I come back, you guys can take a walk around and have fun, and treat it as a holiday."

Originally, Shen Qiu had thought about taking Chen Ye and others to find Qi Lin, but when he thought about Qi Lin's bad temper, he decided not to.

"Oh yeah!"

Chen Ye suddenly smiled.

Bei Kelun also looked at the City of Sinking Star with great interest.

"Among the three alliances, I come to the Red Alliance the least. It's quite nice to take a look around."

"Ahem, you can go shopping for a while. If someone offends you, don't do anything on a whim! Just tell me and I will definitely help you get it back."

Shen Qiu quickly gave Bei Kelun a vaccination, otherwise he might be in big trouble later.

You must know that this guy is used to being lawless, and he will definitely do it without any ambiguity.

"Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion. Even if I do it, I won't leave any traces and won't cause you any trouble."

"Huh? Am I someone who is afraid of trouble? What I mean is that you don't do anything, I will handle it if there is anything."

Shen Qiu said dumbfounded.

"All right."

Bei Kelun smiled and agreed.

When Shen Qiu saw Bei Kailun agreed, the stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Haitang Street.

Shen Qiu drove an off-road vehicle to the designated location, while Chen Ye and the others checked into a nearby hotel.

At this time, Shen Qiu saw Dr. Zhang Shi standing on the roadside not far away.

Shen Qiu drove the car over and stopped.

Dr. Zhang Shi immediately opened the passenger door, sat in, and said to Shen Qiu.

"Go forward and turn right to the end. You can reach the entrance of the dungeon."

"Qi Lin is in the underground city? Isn't that used for refuge? Why is he going there?"

Shen Qiu asked curiously.

"It's like this. Lord Qilin is attending a very important meeting at the Gamma Experiment Base. I don't know when it will end. I will take you there to wait for him."

Dr. Zhang Shi briefly explained to Shen Qiu.

When Shen Qiu heard about Gamma Laboratory, he immediately reacted and said.

"Are you talking about the laboratory where the Storm Legion broke in and robbed things?"

"Yes, that's right there."

Zhang Shi responded with an awkward smile.

At this time, Shen Qiu drove the car to the entrance of the underground city. This was a tunnel entrance and was guarded by special soldiers. It could be seen that casual entry and exit were not allowed.

Zhang Shi directly lowered the window, took out his ID, gave the other party a look, and then let him go.

Shen Qiu drove the car along the tunnel. The entire tunnel was diagonally downward.

Seven or eight minutes later, Shen Qiu drove out of the tunnel and entered the underground city. At a glance, the entire underground area was very empty.

Excluding the infrastructure roads and some scattered greenery, there is a vast steel bearing platform. Each steel bearing platform corresponds to a sunken building above. When the upper building sinks, it will fall on the bearing platform.

At this time, the entire underground area seemed very quiet, and almost no one could be seen.

But it's normal, who wants to come down during an extraordinary battle. After all, apart from being relatively safe, none of the supporting facilities here are as good as above.

Gamma Laboratory·Conference Room.

Dr. Luo Wen and Dr. Chen Bolong sat in the main seats.

In front of them sat a row of the youngest and most outstanding research doctors from the Red Alliance, including Dr. Mu Chen and Dr. Qi Lin.

At this time, Dr. Chen Bolong said calmly.

"We have carefully studied the research ideas and plans you submitted, and they are all excellent! You are worthy of being the backbone of our Hongmeng scientific research."

Dr. Muchen and others present did not say a word, but they looked very nervous and excited.

As for Qi Lin, his eyes revealed a hint of fanaticism.

"But the project to be studied this time is very special and crucial. The experimental subject was brought back by our people at a heavy price. Therefore, the chief research doctor responsible for this experimental research must be cautious! After We made a unanimous decision and we believe that Dr. Muchen is more suitable to be responsible for this research."

Dr. Chen Bolong solemnly announced.

Hearing Chen Bolong's words, Dr. Muchen suddenly showed an expression of joy.

"Thank you so much."

The other doctors present all looked very sorry, but they didn't say anything.

However, at this moment, Qi Lin slapped the handrail and stood up, asking angrily.

"Why Mu Chen? What's wrong with my plan? Is it not as good as his plan?"

"Ahem, Qi Lin, please calm down. We have seen your plan. It is very good, but it is too radical! The risks are difficult to control, and there is only one experimental subject this time. Mu Chen's plan is relatively mild, so we It feels more appropriate.”

Dr. Chen Bolong patiently explained to Qi Lin.

In fact, there is a reason why everyone is so actively fighting for this participation spot. Because you are responsible for this experiment, you can get a lot of internal research points.

The higher the points, the higher the ranking in the laboratory.

So far, Qi Lin is ranked fifth, while Mu Chen is ranked fourth. As for the top three, they are all senior overlords with very senior qualifications.

So more generally, this experiment is related to the competition between Qi Lin and Muchen.

Of course, it's not that Qi Lin's academic achievements are not as good as Mu Chen's, but that his temper is too bad, while Mu Chen is relatively gentle, tactful and likable in doing things.

Therefore, sometimes many projects are given to Mu Chen, so Qilin's overall points are not as good as Mu Chen.

Of course, if it was just a matter of points, Qi Lin wouldn't be so angry. Most importantly, he is also very enthusiastic about this project.

Because he heard that the experimental subject was taken from Theta Bio-Heavy Industries and involved the immortality project.

He is very obsessed with these things, so he tried his best to fight for them this time.

Unexpectedly, he was eliminated for this reason.

"Dr. Qi Lin, we believe that your plan must be excellent, and may even be better than mine. But Dr. Chen Bolong is right. This experiment is very important, because it is better to be safe."

Dr. Muchen coughed and quickly stood up to smooth things over.

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