Night of apocalypse

Chapter 640 Kill (Second update)

However, Shen Qiu confirmed that Wu Di should have no problem containing the opponent, and then stopped being distracted and prepared to kill Kaqion with all his strength.

So Shen Qiu activated the full amplification of the atomic magic equipment and entered the third realm, with violent purple thunder and lightning bursting out of his body.

At this time, Kaqion's electronic eyes flashed prompts.

"Warning: Target's atomic reaction spikes!"

"Start overclocking mode and maximize power output!"

The two burst out with power at the same time, the ground collapsed, and the two fell into a stalemate for a while.

However, at this moment Kaqian's scarlet electronic eyes lit up.


Two lasers shot out.

Shen Qiu instantly used the Lightning Shadow to disappear and dodge away.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared behind Kaqion and slashed down with the Star Blade with all his strength.

"Thunderstorm Slash!"

However, at this moment, as if there were eyes on his back, Kaqion suddenly turned around and raised the lightsaber in his hand to block accurately!


With the impact of huge power, Kaqion only took a few steps back and then stopped.

Then Kaqion lowered the twin particle beam cannons on his shoulders.


It instantly shot two beams of light at Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu moves at high speed to dodge!


The beams of light exploded immediately when they landed on the ground, and the shock wave of the explosion spread and covered Shen Qiu.

However, at this moment, a violent purple thunder spear was shot out from the explosion towards Kaqion.

Kaqion then waved the lightsaber in his hand to accurately slash the incoming purple thunder spear. It did not dare to let Shen Qiu's attack hit it. After all, the damage caused by the violent thunder and lightning was several times higher than that of a regular attack. .

However, at this moment, a thunder shadow rushed out from the explosion, so fast that the air made a harsh buzzing sound.

"Thousand Blades Thunder Slash!"


Shen Qiu slashed his sword hard on Kaqian's chest, opening a gaping hole, and violent purple thunder and lightning swept through Kaqian's body.

Kaqion's entire left arm manipulator instantly transformed into a rotating sharp spear head, piercing through Shen Qiu's chest.

"Death Pierce!"


Shen Qiu suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and his whole body slid back dozens of meters, and the atomic magic armor on his chest was dented.

But in the next second, the damaged parts of the atomic magic armor were quickly repaired.

In comparison, Kaqion's entire mechanical body was charred black, and it could be seen that Shen Qiu's blow caused a lot of damage.

Immediately, Kaqian opened the launch port on his abdomen and fired two bulging missiles at Shen Qiu.

The two missiles split in mid-air!


Countless black beads spread out like a goddess scattering flowers, covering Shen Qiu in all directions.

"Atomic barrier!"

Shen Qiu decisively activated the atomic magic suit!


Those black beads exploded in chains, and the entire area seemed to be bombarded wildly.

At this time, Kaqion immediately lowered the particle beam cannon and carried out a second supplementary attack.

At this moment, Shen Qiu rushed out of the explosion, as fast as an afterimage, and rushed towards Kachien alternately from left to right.

Kaqion immediately stopped shooting and swung his lightsaber to attack!


The two collided together again, and then the two quickly drew back their weapons and slashed at each other extremely quickly.

With sparks flying, the two continued to collide and entangle.

In just a few minutes, the two of them swung hundreds of swords. If it had been anyone else, his hands would have been numb long ago, but at this moment, Shen Qiu was very excited and his blood was boiling.

Strength and speed increase across the board.

For a moment, Kaqion began to lack stamina and kept retreating.

"Why, do you only have this strength and speed?"

Shen Qiu said excitedly. At this time, he did not regard the opponent as a mechanical weapon, but as a powerful opponent.

Kaqion's electronic eyes suddenly lit up, preparing to fire a beam.

However, at this time, Shen Qiu struck hard with his sword and cut Kachien's lightsaber away. Then he jumped up, his right foot flashed with lightning, and kicked Kachien hard on the head.


Kaqion's head suddenly tilted.


The beam deflected and penetrated the ground.

The moment Shen Qiu landed on the ground, he stepped on the ground with his toes and rushed directly to hold down Kaqian's damaged chest.


Kaqion's electronic glasses popped up prompts one after another.

The next second, Shen Qiu's pupils shrank, and the purple lines all over his body simultaneously emitted light. Then he tried his best to release all the thunder and lightning, and brought the Thunder Burial to the extreme.

"Heavenly Thunder Burial!"

In an instant, violent purple lightning burst out from Shen Qiu's body.

In an instant, Shen Qiu turned into a dazzling purple thunder and lightning sun.

The huge movement instantly alerted Wu Di and the others who were fighting two suspended knights.

After Wu Di saw it, he couldn't help but praise him.


At this time, the two floating knights sensed that Ka Qian was in danger, and immediately ignored Wu Di and rushed towards Shen Qiu.

"Think about it, there is no way! Hongtian Fist!"

Wu Di's muscles all over turned red and steam came out, and he punched him hard.

Aulie raised his mechanical hammer to block.


The whole person flew out and crashed through a building, and then Wu Di kicked Yaheng sharply.


The levitating knight holding a spear also flew out and hit the ground hard, with no chance of rescue.

On the other side, after the dazzling light dissipated, Kaqian was seen standing on the spot with his whole body charred, and electric sparks constantly coming out of his body.

But even so, Kaqion's electronic eyes did not go out, and they still held on.

Although Ka Qian's body also has an anti-electricity device, it is still not as good as the characteristics of a Chihuahua. In addition, Shen Qiu's lightning was too strong and completely penetrated the protective layer.

At this time, Kaqion's electronic eyes popped up prompts one after another.

"Warning: K21 line burned out."

"Warning: BSD41 circuit board damaged."

"The damage is judged to be extremely serious and we are preparing to initiate the self-destruction procedure."

Unfortunately, Shen Qiu didn't give Kachien a chance. He decisively let go of his left hand and swung the Star Blade in his hand to chop off Kachien's head.


Kaqion's head was cut off directly.

Then Shen Qiu held the Star Blade in both hands and pierced Kaqian's fallen head.


The entire Star Blade pierced Kaqion's head, and his electronic eyes suddenly dimmed.

The two floating knights who were fighting Wu Di at this time saw that Ka Qian was killed and immediately received instructions from the artificial intelligence.


So the two of them immediately turned around and ran away.

"Want to run? That requires my permission."

Just as Wu Di was about to pursue him, two suspended bases descended from the sky and shot beams of light at him.

He was startled and could only dodge.

Immediately afterwards, the two floating knights jumped onto the floating base and escaped.

"Damn! He actually ran away!"

Wu Di was also angry when he saw the floating knight escaping. He fought hard for a long time and then ran away.

"There's nothing surprising. If you want to kill them, you need to destroy the floating base first, otherwise they will run faster than rabbits."

Shen Qiu picked up the lightsaber of the Levitation Knight, walked over and said to Wu Di.

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