Night of apocalypse

Chapter 659 Urgent (Additional update for Bai Alliance leader An Jingyuan) (Fourth update)

At the same time, Shen Qiu also saw that a lot of ground had been forcibly destroyed, and those who were not qualified at the entrance of the holes were scrambling to get out, as if they were afraid that they would be late to come out.

The scene was like poking an ant's nest, and even Shen Qiu felt a little hairy.

At the same time, everyone's wireless communication devices continued to ring with requests for support from various areas.

"This is the C37 grid area of ​​the dungeon. Please support us. We can't hold on any longer!"

second lower floor.

The disqualified ones were like headless flies, roaring and escaping everywhere.

Bang bang!

One damaged dormitory cabin after another was crashed.

Looking from a distance, one can see gray dry tentacles composed of flesh particles and metal particles penetrating from the ground.


These gray shriveled metal tentacles are like toothpicks, instantly piercing through the disqualified ones.


Accompanied by screams, the body of the disqualified person who was penetrated shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those gray metal tentacles began to glow with a scarlet color, looking very permeable and weird.

And those tentacles are like starving ghosts. No matter how many disqualified people they absorb, they still can't get enough to eat, and they sweep through those disqualified people like crazy.

Although these disqualified people have lost their IQ, their instincts are still there, and they flee everywhere like frightened birds.

Some attack the top ceiling like crazy, and some even crawl on the ceiling and chew on it with their mouths.

In those areas where the gaps were opened, the disqualified people squeezed in like crazy, and some of the more tyrannical disqualified people violently swept away the blocked ones.

In front of the Xingyun Reactor.

Bai Mucheng stood there quietly, holding a pure white rapier in her hand.

There were corpses everywhere, no survivors.

At this time, dozens more disqualified ones attacked crazily.

I saw her slowly raising her left hand.


The disqualified persons who rushed over were all immediately suppressed and unable to move. Bai Mucheng swiftly swept over them with the rapier in her hand.

A flash of cold light!

All these disqualified people fell in two.

At this time, on the other side, Wu Di was also fighting hard. He was like a violent bulldozer, sweeping through the incoming disqualified people and smashing each one to pieces.

But even so, the situation is still not optimistic.

More and more disqualified people are coming here.

"Damn, why are there so many?"

Wu Di used his strength to hammer these bastards. For him, although these disqualified people were strong, they were not an eyesore. But there were too many, so much that he couldn't stand it.

What's even worse is that from time to time there are sporadic attacks that fall on the shell of the Xingyun reactor device and explode.

Every time it exploded, Wu Di's heart felt like bleeding, and he couldn't hold himself back and cursed loudly.

"Damn it! Tang Yi prioritizes killing those disqualified people who don't have eyesight."


Admiral Tang Yi and others responded one after another, and they immediately rushed towards those disqualified people who did not have long eyes.

At this time, a soldier issued an early warning and shouted in horror.

"General, top of your head!"

Wu Di suddenly raised his head and looked over, only to see a disqualified person that split into the form of a foul-smelling black crow and rushed towards the Xingyun Nuclear Power Station.

"Son of a bitch!"

Just when Wu Di was about to jump up and stop him, a violent purple thunder struck down.


Immediately, the disqualified one was blasted down, and Wu Di turned to look over.

Shen Qiu, flashing purple thunder light, arrived.

"Brother, you are finally here, but you are too slow!"

Wu Di said while blasting the disqualified person.

"Sorry, I'm late to take care of something."

"It's not too late. These damn disqualified people are becoming more and more common. This is when we need manpower."

"I feel that it would be too much for us to kill them all. Along the way, the holes in the ground are opening up, and the disqualified ones are pouring out in a steady stream."

Shen Qiu said a little awkwardly.

"What should we do? We finally took down this mechanical city, so we can't just give up, right?"

When Wu Di heard what Shen Qiu said, he became more and more anxious.

At this time, Lieutenant General Lin Xuan came over and said anxiously to Wu Di.

"General, we can't go on like this. There are too many monsters coming out! Our people can't hold them anymore! If the number continues to increase like this, we won't be surrounded and kill them, and they will become unqualified ones besieged and killed us. .”

"No, how long has it been before the number of disqualified people exceeds ours? How many disqualified people are there down here?"

Wu Di almost jumped up.

Shen Qiu's expression changed for a while, and then he spoke.

"These disqualified people are the awakening and mutation of dormant aboriginal people. There are estimated to be as many as there are dormant aborigines in this city."

Wu Di's face turned dark when he heard Shen Qiu's words, and he said directly to Shen Qiu.

"Let's go find Bai Mucheng."

If one goes by what Shen Qiu said, it is not surprising that there are millions of disqualified people down here. However, the total number of their troops is less than 100,000, which is a shame.

Shen Qiu directly followed Wu Di and rushed towards Bai Mucheng who was killing them.

At this time, Bai Mucheng was standing among the group of disqualified people. Her pupils shrank slightly. The disqualified people swarming towards her all knelt down, and then she gracefully waved her sword.


A disqualified person was beheaded.

Then Bai Mucheng noticed Wu Di and Shen Qiu coming over, and she asked lightly.

"whats the matter?"

"No, there are too many disqualified people. There may be millions of disqualified people down there. Many encirclement and suppression teams are in a hurry now, and this is not the way to go."

Wu Di said to Bai Mucheng.

Bai Mucheng listened to Wu Di's words, pondered for a while, then used group wireless communication and spoke calmly.

"I am Vice Chairman Bai Mucheng. Everyone follows the command. We are now starting to shrink our troops to defend the castle and the Xingyun reactor, and abandon the rest of the areas. General Lu Yang is in charge of the castle, and Wu Di and I are in charge of the Xingyun side. You don’t have to worry about the number of disqualified people, as the disqualified people will kill each other when they can’t find a target to attack.”


In the wireless communication device, many officers responded one after another.

When Shen Qiu heard Bai Mucheng's words, she also agreed very much. This decision was still very good.

After all, more and more disqualified people are emerging. If they were to annihilate them all, let alone whether they could be annihilated. Even if they succeeded in the end, the casualties would probably be extremely heavy.

Soon all the troops were acting according to Bai Mucheng's command.

With the shrinking of troops, many disqualified people lost their goals and began to kill each other.

However, the castle and Xingyun also began to be besieged on a large scale, and the disqualified ones rushed over like crazy.

These shrinking troops immediately formed a defensive formation!

Rows of earth-type awakeners were pressed to the ground at the same time!


Countless earth cones pierce up,

Some of the weaker disqualifiers were killed directly, but there were still a large number of disqualifiers who ignored the ground cone and rushed forward.

At this time, other awakened people launched attacks one after another. At the same time, many soldiers used beam guns and rocket launchers to launch waves of attacks.


Many disqualified people fell unwillingly.

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