Night of apocalypse

Chapter 782 Irony (Additional update for alliance leader Bingshan Muxue) (Fourth update)

This disease comes very suddenly and without any warning. Infected people will have various symptoms and spots, and then they will go crazy and eventually attack everywhere. Finally, the whole body organs will be exhausted and they will die from exhaustion.

This caused unprecedented turmoil. Everyone began to panic and began to investigate the source of the epidemic and research drugs.

However, at this time, a large number of wild bugs began to appear one after another in various areas of the kingdom, emerging from the forest and attacking people, and everyone who was attacked became sick.

At this moment, the source of the epidemic was blamed on insects.

So at this moment, everyone went crazy. They began to use various weapons to kill the bugs, and even later started to set fire to the forest, spray insecticidal liquid, etc.

In the beginning, the insects were massacred, but in the later stages, no one knew what happened.

More and more bugs began to go berserk, attacking various areas crazily. At the same time, the disease spread among the population more and more fiercely.

At this moment, everyone's fear of bugs reached its peak, and the kingdom issued an order to eliminate all bugs, including domesticated ones.

Anyone who fails to comply or harbors bugs will be regarded as a heretic and will be thoroughly cleaned up.

Soon the personnel who carried out the removal order came to Pacoson to remove his captive pet Apache.

But Pacoson didn't want to. Apache was picked up by him in the wild and stayed with him for many years, like a family member, and even saved him several times.

So Pacoson had a dispute with the cleanup crew. In his opinion, bugs were harmless. They had been coexisting peacefully for thousands of years, so how could bugs suddenly become the source of disaster?

It is no surprise that Parson was regarded as a heretic, just when the people of the kingdom were about to execute him.

Apax saves Paxon again.

In the end, Paxon had no choice but to take like-minded people with him and embark on the road of exile.

They took captive insects with them, hid in this insect cave, and built a village underground.

They firmly believe that living in isolation will protect them from disease.

At first things went exactly the way Pacoson expected.

Here they reopened planting areas, built light industry, and lived a stable and beautiful life again.

However, the nightmare finally came to this hopeful village.

The first patient of the epidemic appeared, it was Bakery Miss Qiao. She was so kind, but unfortunately she was tortured to death by the epidemic.

For a time, residents in the village began to panic.

Paxon began to investigate the epidemic, but at this time, several sick bugs appeared in the village, and all the fingers were pointed at the bugs again.

At this moment, faith began to collapse, and the formerly harmonious villagers began to have differences again.

At this critical moment, Paxon stepped forward to stop the villagers who were about to conflict. He promised to study the sick people and bugs to find a solution to the epidemic.

So Paxon started researching.

He dissects numerous infected bugs and the corpses of his dead companions.

However, when Paxon studied further, he suddenly discovered something surprising.

The disease does not seem to be transmitted to them by bugs. The disease pathogens on them are very weak and have low activity.

So Pacoson began to re-investigate the source of the village epidemic.

In the end, the truth was revealed. It turned out to be Miss Kesi in the village. She secretly rescued and took in a young man from the outside world, and the young man was infected with the disease.

However, it was already too late, as more than three-quarters of the people in the village were infected with the disease.

The situation became increasingly critical, but Paxon was powerless and could only watch the situation worsen.

Until that night, he was suddenly awakened by God's guidance in his sleep.

A bold thought flashed through his mind. The disease was transmitted indiscriminately.

Bugs were also infected on a large scale, but compared to humans, they did not die on a large scale. It is obvious that they have higher resistance.

If the resistant components in the body could be extracted, perhaps everyone would be saved.

So he began to study insect resistance and extracted Apax's insect fluid. After day and night research and development, Paxon finally succeeded.

He developed a special potion, which Pacoson named the insecticide.

Pacoson provided the medicine to the entire village, and everyone got an injection.

It has to be said that people who have been injected with insecticides have all gained extraordinary resistance, and some people who have contracted the disease have also begun to improve.

But the good times didn't last long. People who had been injected for a short time began to mutate, and then died suddenly one by one.

At the end of the diary, a shocking line of words was written in scarlet blood.

"Dead! All dead! Haha! We will eventually atone for what we have done!"

"Farewell, this world."

After reading the last page, Bei Kailun closed the diary and said calmly.

"It's really ironic."

"Oh, that man named Paxon is so miserable. Judging from the blood stains on the diary, he must have committed suicide out of despair."

Chen Ye picked up a tube of green medicine on the experimental table and said with emotion.

"Don't touch these things randomly, they may be some kind of virus medicine."

Bei Kailun glanced at Chen Ye and reminded.


Chen Ye promised, but when he put the potion back, he quickly stuffed it into his pocket.

It took a lot of effort to get here, so it would be a shame not to touch something.

Qi Dong, who was standing aside, asked thoughtfully.

"It's strange. If the man named Paxon committed suicide, what about his body? He hasn't been seen in the entire laboratory."

"Who knows, maybe it was eaten by insects."

Chen Ye said casually.

"Ah! If he was eaten, how would we find the mechanical Rubik's Cube that Long Er wanted? That thing is always hanging around his neck!"

Qi Dong said helplessly.

At this moment, a pair of blue eyes lit up on the ceiling at the top of the underground laboratory, and a figure crawled over little by little.


At this time, the little golden dragon suddenly screamed very uneasily.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Chen Ye turned to look at Xiao Jinlong.

Bei Kailun instinctively sensed danger, and he immediately stretched out his hands to grab Chen Ye and Qi Dong, and retreated sharply.

Instantly a huge figure fell down.


The experimental table was torn apart.

Chen Ye and Qi Dong looked over in shock. When they saw clearly the appearance of the attacking monster, goosebumps spread all over their bodies.

It was a three-meter long creature with sharp claws and a bulging spine on its back. A lifelike male face appeared on the insect's head. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth, its skin was all golden lines, and there was an MX512 branded on its forehead. Logo monster.

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