Chapter 165: An unexpected turn of events!


With a cry of surprise, Chojuro was hit again.

He was about to suffer the pain of being devoured by thousands of snakes.

However, the strange thing was that the vicious snakes suddenly became completely different from before, and just wrapped him up and made him unable to move.

Kimimaro saw Chojuro trapped and wanted to rescue him, but he didn’t expect that he would reveal his flaws and was also tied up tightly and unable to move.

Karin saw that her two companions who had been with her day and night were trapped, and she couldn’t help at all, and she was full of resentment in her heart.

She hated herself for being like this, but she was powerless.

“Karin, let’s go!”


Kimimaro and Chojuro said to Karin.

They had been caught and could not escape.

Karin’s strength was limited, and if she stayed, she would only get the same fate as them.

There was no need for that.

It was better to run if she could.

But, for some reason, Karin did not respond.

“Haha, do you want to leave?”

“But it’s not that simple!”

The mysterious Kusagakure ninja sneered and used the same ninjutsu as before.

“”Shadow Snake Limbs!”

Suddenly, countless snakes with bloody mouths rushed towards Karin.

Kimimaro and Chojuro’s faces changed,”Karin! Go! Go!”

However, Karin seemed not to hear and did not move.

Countless chakras began to emerge from her body, forming a layer of red chakra coat, wrapping Karin’s whole body.

A red tail appeared!

Countless snakes arrived in an instant.

Just now, under these countless snakes, Kimimaro and Chojuro could only defend themselves together, and had no power to fight back.

But now Karin didn’t have to do anything at all, just standing there.

Countless snakes hit the red chakra coat one after another, and then died.

Karin slowly raised her head.

There was a bit of indifference and madness on her beautiful and peaceful face. With a light wave of her hand, a red chakra energy slashed Kimimaro and Chojuro.

The snakes wrapped around them were immediately wiped out.

Kimimaro and Chojuro were also saved.

They all looked at Karin with surprise on their faces.

They didn’t know why Karin entered this state, nor did they know why Karin suddenly became so powerful!

“I won’t allow you to hurt my companions!”

Karin said this in a hoarse voice, almost like a roar.

At the same time, the red chakara on her body became more and more intense, and the tail behind her also turned into two

“It turned out to be… Jinchūriki?!”

The Kusagakure ninja was also a little surprised.

But it was just a surprise, and he did not retreat at all because he found out that Karin was Jinchūriki.

“I really didn’t expect that I would meet another nine-tailed kid here. Is the Jinchūriki so worthless now?”

The grass ninja muttered to himself, with a long and sharp tongue, like a poisonous tongue spitting out a letter.

“Then let’s try it out and see how you, the six-tailed brat from the Hidden Mist Village, compare to that nine-tailed brat!”

With a body-flash technique, he disappeared from the spot.

When he reappeared, he had completely transformed into a huge green snake with sinister eyes. He flicked his tongue gently and rushed towards Karin.

Faced with such an opponent, Kimimaro and Chojuro no longer had the idea of ​​fighting any further.

After all, if the two sides were of equal level, or slightly worse, they could have a chance to fight.

But now the opponent was incredibly strong.

Fighting at this time would be foolish and would be like sending oneself to death.

The best way was to escape, the farther the better.

Such an opponent was simply not something they could handle.

However, it was true that Karin’s strength had greatly increased in this state. She had also lost her mind.


How to retreat.

They were not even sure that Karin could still understand what they were saying.

Abandoning their companions was something they would never do, so they had to stay where they were and stand with Karin.

When the snake rushed over, Kimimaro and Chojuro hit the snake hard with a bone sword and a broadsword.

The snake was immediately knocked to the ground and could not move.

However, before they could They breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, something came out of the giant snake that was originally dead. It was the Kusanagi ninja from before.

He crawled out of the snake’s belly as if he was reborn.

Then the whole person turned into a monster with a human head and a snake body. He spit out a Kusanagi sword from his mouth and rushed towards Kimimaro and the other two. Kimimaro and Chojuro were not timid people, and they had seen many terrifying existences.

But when they faced this Kusanagi ninja, they couldn’t help but feel horror and fear.

How could it be… How could there be such a person… could such a person really be considered a human being?!

They didn’t know, nor did they have time to think, but they had to face such a terrible opponent.

There was a crackling sound of iron clashing.

Accompanied by sparks that were still clearly visible even in the daytime.

It didn’t take long, even with two against one, Kimimaro and Chojuro were still defeated, with no chance of winning at all.

The Kusagakure ninja sneered and looked at the last person left.

Karin has entered the half-tailed beast state! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)


Kimimaro shouted at the Kusagakure ninja.

“Don’t you just want the Book of Earth? We’ll give it to you!”

All the ninjas who came to the Forest of Death were participating in the Chunin Exam.

They killed each other in order to obtain the Book of Heaven and Earth.��

Therefore, Kimimaro wanted to try this method to see if he could make the other party let them go.

However, even he knew that the other party was so strange that his purpose might not be to get the so-called Book of Heaven and Earth.

But he still wanted to give it a try, what if it worked?

As he spoke, he took out the Book of Heaven and Earth.


Chojuro hurriedly stopped him.

He had the same concerns.

He didn’t think that handing over the Book of Heaven and Earth would be of any use.

With the opponent’s strength, they couldn’t get what they wanted, so why did they have to tangle with them here?

There was only one reason, that is, the opponent was not after the so-called Book of Heaven and Earth, but them!

But after seeing Kimimaro’s eyes, he instantly understood Kimimaro’s idea.

Anyway, there was no way, so why not give it a try!

Kimimaro threw the Book of Heaven and Earth in his hand towards the Kusanagi ninja.

The Kusanagi ninja received the Book of Heaven and Earth, sneered, and then the Book of Heaven and Earth shattered in his hand, completely turned into debris, and fell in the air.

Obviously, it was the same as Kimimaro and others expected.

The other party didn’t take the so-called Book of Heaven and Earth seriously at all.

When he was in a dignified mood, he suddenly saw two long snakes coming towards them.

Kimimaro and Chojuro were absolutely first-class strong men among the younger generation in the entire ninja world.

But under the hands of the Kusanagi ninja, they didn’t even have the power to resist.

Because the speed was too fast, and the strength was beyond their ability to contend with.

Kimimaro and Chojuro suddenly realized something very scary.

Just now, the Kusagakure ninja, who seemed to them to be extremely strong, had actually been teasing them and had not used his true ability at all, otherwise they would not have waited until now.

The reason was that they could not contend with the attack just now!

This… This is definitely not a ninja who participated in the Chunin Exam…

Ninjas who participated in the Chunin Exam would never reach this level!


Karin roared.

Now she has almost lost her mind, but she still remembers one thing, which is to protect her friends.

Now seeing her friends trapped by the Kusanagi again, the anger in Karin’s heart was ignited again. She roared like a wild beast and rushed towards the Kusanagi ninja.

However, this time facing Uzumaki Karin, whose tail had been exposed for two days, the Kusanagi ninja did not move at all.

It seemed that he did not take Karin, who had entered the half-tailed beast state, seriously at all. It was not until Karin rushed in front of him that he used a fire escape ninjutsu.

Then, the half-tailed beast Karin was knocked unconscious and fell straight to the ground.

Kimimaro and Chojuro looked solemn.

Sure enough, their inner guess was correct.

The other party really concealed his strength, and was just teasing them at the beginning.

In fact, they would not even have the strength to fight back under the opponent’s hands!

A sense of powerlessness rose from the heart.……

“The six-tailed kid from the Hidden Mist Village… not bad, but too young, haha.”

The Kusagakure ninja murmured to himself with a sneer on his face.

He walked towards Karin who was knocked unconscious on the ground.

“Red hair, he is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, no wonder he became a Jinchūriki, it’s really an enviable physique!”

The Kusanagi ninja stretched out his long and pointed tongue to lick his lips, bent down, and planned to take a close look at this legendary physique.

When Kimimaro and Chojuro saw that the Kusanagi ninja was going to attack Karin, their faces changed drastically and they shouted,”Stop! What do you want to do!”

“Karin! Karin!”


But the Kusanagi ninja ignored him and continued his previous actions.

However, just when he was really close to Karin. Karin

, who had fainted and closed her eyes, suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were blood red, and three magatama in her pupils were connected to each other, forming a blade shape!

Mangekyō Sharingan!

The first time he saw this terrifying eye, the Kusanagi ninja jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on!

His impression of a pair of eyes was really too deep. He was so scared that he wanted to avoid it!

He dodged at the first moment he saw it, but he was still a step too late!.

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