Night Of The Genocide: Lead Uchiha Against Konoha!

Chapter 183 One person, under ten thousand people, Im recruiting Feiyun! 【Subscribe, please customiz

"Im, is it finally your turn to do it yourself?"

After seeing the person in front of him, Feiyun smiled faintly.

Although Feiyun has never met Yimu, Feiyun can confirm that the person in front of him is Yimu.

The reason is very simple, the aura, Yimu's aura is stronger than anyone present except Feiyun.

Even Whitebeard at his peak was a little underwhelming in front of Im's aura.

After all, Yimu is an old monster who has lived for 800 years, but at this time Yimu still did not show his true colors, but continued to wear a black robe, with the hat that came with the robe, covering his face.

"Imm-sama has appeared!

"Lord Im!

"Lord Yimu, please forgive the incompetence of your subordinates. You failed to stop Uchiha Feiyun, so that Lord Yimu shot himself!"

At the moment Imam appeared, the Five Elders and the leader of the CPO stopped fighting at the same time, came to Imam in unison, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully—even close to piety!

After all, only the Five Elders and CP0 who were present knew Im's true identity and knew that Im was the god of this world, the real ruler of this world.

A strong man who has lived for 800 years, and a person who has mastered [National Treasure]!

Im, has the power to destroy the whole world!

"Lord Im!"

At the same time, Kaido and Bikumam also came to Yimu and knelt down on one knee reverently.

They also only knew of Im's existence, but this didn't affect the respect Kaido and Bikumam had for Im.

After all, they could feel the terrifying power contained in Im, which was definitely above the emperor-level powerhouse.

Even Kong, ignorant of Im's existence, looked bewildered.

Even people all over the world are stunned at this time!

"I...Im? Who is Im?"

"Yes, never heard of that name!

"What the hell is going on, who is this Im, who will answer!

"Even the Five Elders knelt down for him? Aren't the Five Elders the masters of supreme power in the world? Why would they kneel for this Imam?"

"Is it possible that the Five Elders are just puppets?"

"Im is the real one in control? Horrible, I've lived for decades and heard it for the first time today!

The whole world is in an uproar!

No one thought that behind the world ZF, above the world's highest power Five Elders, there is a more terrifying existence!

Imam's appearance instantly refreshed everyone's views!

"Im? That is to say, this Im is the supreme ruler of the World ZF, and also the head of Celestial Dragons.

Sengoku was also shocked, he didn't expect that there were people above the Five Elders!

However, as The Resourceful General, he quickly understood, and from the attitude of the Five Elders, he knew that the Five Elders were just this puppet named Im.

Im told them to go east, they never dared to go west.

"No wonder the world ZF is so corrupt, it turns out that there are experts behind it.

Garp was also a little confused.

The three Admiral, the dragon, and the other masters are also quite restless!

This world has actually decayed to this point!

The Five Elders who are clearly on it are actually just puppets!

"Hahaha, Uchiha Feiyun, you really made me see something interesting!"

At this moment, under the black robe, Yimu also spoke slowly.

His voice was very strange, it sounded neither male nor female, neither old nor tender, like the voice of a robot, mechanical and inhuman.

It makes people wonder if there is a living person under the black robe in front of him.

"Uchiha Feiyun, I recognize your strength, you are a rare strong man!"

Im said to Feiyun, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

"It can be seen that you also have a lot of ambitions for this world, and I admire a powerful guy like you very much.

"How about it, do you want to rule the world with me!"

"If you want, you will be my sworn brother from now on, and your status in the world's ZF is much higher than that of the Five Elders! How about it? This is sincerity! 99

Im said slowly.

Immediately, everyone was shocked!

Is this... scene soliciting Feiyun?

And the conditions given by Im are too tempting!

Above the Five Elders, and only below Im, that is, above one, below ten thousand!

Even Im willing to swoop in with Feiyun as his brother and let Feiyun be his younger brother!

That said, Im even willing Feiyun to be his equal!

Such conditions are not unattractive!

Even Five Elders, Kaido, Bigumam and others were shocked.

If Feiyun agreed, wouldn't Feiyun become their immediate boss in the future?

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