Night Of The Genocide: Lead Uchiha Against Konoha!

Chapter 187 Im's hole card, Uranus! 【Subscribe, please customize!】

Chapter 187 Im's hole card, Uranus! 【Subscribe, please customize!】

"Uchiha Feiyun, are you the legendary Joey Boy? 35

Im asked in horror.

After all, Im also lived eight hundred years.

In the past eight hundred years, almost no one has been able to match Imam, let alone suppress Im.

Even Rocks, Roger, etc. can't be on par with Im.

But Im is very clear in his heart that there is a prophecy recorded in the historical text 800 years ago that the man named Joyboy will be the one who will change the world.

Im looking at Feiyun, who is almost invincible in front of him, and feels that Feiyun may be the legendary Joey Boy, who is here to change the world!

"Hehe, can something like Joyboy be on par with me?"

Feiyun also said lightly after sneering.

In Feiyun's view, Joey Boy is not a powerful thing either.

Otherwise, why didn't Joyboy just kill Im and wait eight hundred years?

997 shows that this legendary Joey Boy is just as strong, otherwise he wouldn't have let Imam live for eight hundred years.

"So you're not Joey Boy?"

Hearing Feiyun's words, Yimu's eyes lit up and his heart was relieved.

Although Feiyun's current strength can be said to be overwhelming, as long as he is not Joey Boy, then Im also has confidence.

After all, if Feiyun is Joey Boy, it's fate.

Im was innately afraid, after all, no one can escape fate.

But Feiyun himself said that he is not Joey Boy, which proves that Feiyun is not the one who can defeat him.

Im suddenly regained his confidence.

After all, the most powerful thing in Im is not at all the physical skills he has practiced for 800 years, but those of Haki.

The power of Im's true Master is the national treasure in Mariejois - Uranus!

Im invincible with Uranus!

Unless the opponent has the power of the two Ancient Weapons, Pluton and Poseidon.

That's why, Joey Boy is the one who will beat himself.

Because only Joey Boy can control the two ancient weapons, Poseidon and Pluton.

Without Ancient Weapons, stronger than Rocks, Roger couldn't cause too much trouble to Im.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Uchiha Feiyun, your end has come! You are doomed!"

Im suddenly burst out laughing, apparently he now thinks Feiyun is not so invincible!

Although the opponent's mountain-like Susanoo looks amazing, it is nothing compared to the legendary Ancient Weapon Uranus.

After all, Uranus, the power of the sky, has the destructive power to destroy entire worlds!

"Hehe, Im, are you crazy? You alone are worthy of me facing the end?

Feiyun said with a faint smile, raising vigilance in his heart.

Bi (cdfc) is actually confident that Feiyun, with his own strength, can't beat himself even if three imams are added together.

But Yimu has the rumored Ancient Weapon Uranus, which deserves Feiyun's attention.

After all, in Feiyun's memory, the last power of the pirates has not really appeared, and no one knows how terrible the rumored Uranus is.

Maybe, it can burst out with more terrifying power than the Six Paths powerhouse in Hokage.

Of course, these are all Feiyun's guesses. Just how terrifying power Uranus has, it still needs to be displayed by Im to know.

"Uchiha Feiyun, your strength is indeed terrifying, even if I have practiced for eight hundred years, I can't compare to you!

"However, the most terrifying power in this world is simply beyond your reach!

"The legendary Ancient Weapon, the first of the three legendary weapons, Uranus Uranus!

"That is the ultimate power in this world!"9

"The power of human beings cannot be compared with Ancient Weapons at all!

Im raising his hands to the sky and laughing!

His words also changed the color of everyone present!

"Hey, did you hear that? What Imm said just now!"

"Yes, I heard, the name of Ancient Weapon!

"Three Ancient Weapons, Uranus, Pluton, Poseidon! The most powerful of them all is undoubtedly Uranus Uranus!""

"Just kidding, World ZF, do you control Uranus Uranus?"

Whitebeard, redhead and others were stunned!

They also did not expect that the World ZF actually controls the legendary Ancient Weapon, Uranus!

According to rumors, Uranus is an Ancient Weapon that can destroy the world!

Such a weapon is actually in Im's hands?

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