Night Of The Genocide: Lead Uchiha Against Konoha!

Chapter 192 Im, Fusion Devil Fruit Tree!

Under Im's feet, a towering tree suddenly grows!

As if the tree world of Senju Hashirama descended!

However, unlike Senju Hashirama's tree world, Im's "tree world", every branch, every leaf has the same pattern as Devil Fruit!

That symbolizes the sea's aversion to power - the spiral pattern!

"Then...what the hell is that!

"The giant tree, the giant tree has appeared!"

"A giant tree covered with patterns! Such terrifying energy! 35

At the moment when the giant tree came, some of the grandmasters who were present at the scene immediately changed their colors!

This tree contains extremely... extremely terrifying energy!

It's as deep and wide as the ocean, and people can't feel the whole picture at all!

Even Admiral-level combat power seems to be so insignificant in front of this giant tree.

"That's it, Devil Fruit!

At this moment, the leader of the revolutionary army, Monkey·D·Dragon, opened his mouth to remind everyone.

"Devil Fruit Tree?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the name!

This kind of thing, I have never heard 997 say it before!

"That's right, the Devil Fruit we saw all came from the same giant tree!""

"This tree was run hundreds of years ago by a man named Joy Boy.

"But one day, a group of people suddenly appeared, they used a plot to kill Joey Boy, submerged the divine tree into the ocean, and seized the rights of this world!

"This is the truth about the so-called 20 kings who created this world 800 years ago!"

"This world is not under their control at all, they are just despicable thieves!

The dragon opened his mouth and said, the voice resounded all over the world through the live phone bug!

This is also what Long has been in the revolutionary army for so many years and has collected a lot of information to sort it out.

At first, Long also thought it was all too outrageous.

Devil Fruit tree, is there really such a thing?

But now, after seeing the Devil Fruit tree, Long (cdfc) is sure that all the information he collected before is true!

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the huge tree with such profound energy in front of you!

Hearing this, the whole world burst into flames!

"What? Are world nobles kleptocrats?"

"This... how is this possible!"

"It's like the Arabian Nights!

The whole world, including everyone in Marineford, was stunned at the moment.

This kind of thing is so outrageous!

But looking at the giant tree in front of me, everything doesn't seem so outrageous!

"Hahaha, Long, your revolutionary army for so many years is not in vain.""

"But so what? There's Uranus, there's the Devil Fruit tree, what are you fighting me for!

"Kill you, erase you from the [lights] of history, and everything will be as peaceful as ever"

Immediately came the mad laughter.

In his opinion, as long as he controls the absolute power of this world, then no one can shake his rule!

Strength is king, always the unchanging truth of the world!

"Fusion, Devil Fruit tree, give me your power!"

Immediately after that, Im directly started to merge with Devil Fruit!

I saw Im's body submerged in the giant tree.

Immediately afterwards, Im's face appeared on the giant tree, and the branches were like Im's limbs!

Im, completely integrated with the Devil Fruit tree!

"Hmph, I don't believe that if we unite together, can this broken tree stop us?"

The first to attack is the most violent Akainu!

"Meteor Volcano!


Akainu pointed to the sky, his fists turned into a giant mountain of lava and flew into the sky, and then fell fiercely!

The target was the Devil Fruit tree that had merged with Im.

"Yes, there are so many of us, there is no reason to lose to one person!""

Soon, at the call of Akainu, the powerhouses present began to act one after another!

"Ice Age!"

"Eight Feet Joan Tomoe! 99

"Big Buddha, Shockwave!

"Zhen Zhen, Cong Cloud Slash!

"Aeolus, Hurricane! 99


For a time, more than a dozen Admiral-level powerhouses present attacked Yimu one after another!

The full blows of more than a dozen Admiral powerhouses fused together to form a colorful energy cannon!

Like a Saiyan cannon, the power of this energy blast is by no means weaker than Pluton, which can sink an island with one blow!


The mighty cannon slammed into Im, and after a terrifying explosion—

Everyone was stunned!

The combined attack of more than a dozen Admiral-level powerhouses had no effect!

Not even a branch was broken!

This... what a terrible defense this is!

"Everyone, don't bother, the Devil Fruit ability is ineffective against the Devil Fruit tree! 99

At this moment, an old man dressed like a researcher suddenly appeared in the crowd and shouted to everyone.

"Dr. Vegapunk!"

When they saw the person coming, the Marines recognized it immediately!

This is Dr. Vegapunk, who has led the world in science and technology for 500 years.

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