Night Of The Genocide: Lead Uchiha Against Konoha!

Chapter 76 Dirty soil Senju Hashirama, Konoha high-level officials took the lead! 【Subscribe!】

"By the way, Danzo, there is one more thing to do."

As he prepares to leave, Feiyun prepares to tell Danzo one last thing.

"There's only one month left, and this month, you will kill the Konoha Shinobi in the most brutal and inhumane way possible, bring them to Orochimaru's laboratory, and finally... record it all! ""

"By the way... These ninjas are best from the Konoha clansmen of the secret arts, so that they will know how Konoha, Third Hokage, and his high-level partners have contributed to this village.

Feiyun said with a chuckle.

Now that it's already the last moment, why not go crazy and make Sarutobi Hiruzen and Konoha's high-level sins more sinful and stinky?

Looking forward to that day more and more.

"Lord Feiyun, I know, I will do my best to accomplish this, those ninjas of the Konoha clan....will all die in my hands.""

There was a flash of excitement in Danzo's eyes.

Although his will was modified by Feiyun, his character was not.

Danzo's character is still murderous, cold-blooded, and selfish!

Even if his will was modified, he would not be willing to do such a thing.

Now that he has Feiyun's approval, Danzo's inner desire has been ignited!

Kill, kill, kill!

It's all about researching the Forbidden Technique! Such a great opportunity, isn't it a waste of not hunting wildly?

"Sir Feiyun, I'll go to carry out your mission."9

Danzo can't wait to leave the room, leaving with the backbone of the root tissue.

"It's really convenient to have dirty gloves to do things."

Feiyun also sighed as he watched Danzo leave.

I have to say that Danzo is indeed the favorite partner of every leader.

Any dirty work is done by him, and he will not be stained with any stains. If he is found out, all the pots are his.

I just need to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

No wonder Sarutobi Hiruzen is so tolerant of Danzo in the original book, even if Danzo sent 23 assassins to assassinate Third Generation, Third Generation can do it.

Third Hokage, is really reluctant to let such a willing partner who is willing to take the blame die.

After explaining all this, Feiyun left the root organization.

"It's almost time, it's time to write a letter to the shadows of the four major Ninja villages, and let them also participate in this grand event and feel the filth of Konoha F4.

Feiyun decides to write a letter to the shadows of the Four Great Ninja Villages in his own name.

I am not afraid that they will not come, and now the news of Feiyun's eternal Mangekyō has spread throughout the ninja world.

The shadows of the major Shinobi villages dare not offend Feiyun.

"Then we just have to wait for the day when Hokage takes over. 995

After doing all this, Feiyun waited with peace of mind, and by the way taught Uchiha Izumi, Yuhi Kung, and Vortex Fragrance.

There are still two days before Hokage's succession ceremony. With the wild laughter from the Orochimaru laboratory, the originally calm Konoha instantly became dark and turbulent!

In the dark laboratory, various large containers are used all around, and the containers are full of hideous-looking human bodies, which look very infiltrating.

This scene was naturally recorded by Danzo.

"Finally...finished, the Forbidden Technique, Impure World Reincarnation invented by Second Hokage-sama!"5

"Using this ninjutsu, I can summon any dead powerhouse!

Orochimaru's face was filled with excitement that was slightly contorted.

This terrifying ninjutsu, I finally succeeded in researching it!

There was an indescribable pleasure in Orochimaru's heart.

This thrill was even stronger than when he learned that he was going to be the Fourth Hokage!

Ninjutsu, immortality, strength, taboo!

This kind of pleasure.... makes Orochimaru extremely obsessed!

"Sarutobi, Impure World Reincarnation research a success!

Orochimaru conveyed the news to Danzo as soon as possible, and Danzo hurried to find Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Really? Orochimaru research was successful?!!"

After getting this news, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also instantly relieved!

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen has a feeling of after a catastrophe, seeing the light behind the clouds!

For the past six months, as Hokage, he has been extremely patient with Uchiha Feiyun and the Uchiha clan, even if the other party is going to ride on his own clan's head and shit, Sarutobi Hiruzen has no complaints.

In the past half a year, I have spent every day in fear, I am a Hokage, and I have to look at Uchiha Feiyun's face every time.

Such a taste....too uncomfortable!

In this life, Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want to experience a second time.

But... the emperor pays off!

Finally.... After suffering humiliation for half a year, I finally got hope!

Impure World Reincarnation, this ninjutsu, consumed countless taboo techniques of living experiments, and finally succeeded in research!

In this way, it means that I no longer have to be afraid of Uchiha Feiyun and the Uchiha family!

Sure enough, it was quite wise to choose Orochimaru to become the Fourth Hokage.

Only he can lead himself, lead the high-level Konoha, out of the shadow of Uchiha Feiyun!

Only under the leadership of Orochimaru can Konoha have a future!

"Quick...take me to see the results.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was very excited and immediately asked Danzo to show him the results.

After all, this matter is very important, whether Impure World Reincarnation is so magical, Sarutobi Hiruzen still has to experience it for himself.

"Ms. Sarutobi, you are here."

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen personally come to the laboratory, Orochimaru said respectfully.

Unlike the original book, Orochimaru has a very good relationship with Sarutobi Hiruzen. After all, Orochimaru's research on Forbidden Technique has been strongly supported by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and has also won the fourth Hokage position.

Orochimaru has made Sarutobi Hiruzen his second father.


Sarutobi Hiruzen entered the laboratory, which was his first time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned pale when he saw the huge containers filled with human bodies all around him.

Such a picture, he is still very uncomfortable, especially in those containers, some of them are Konoha Shinobi, or even members of the Konoha Secret Art Clan!

But soon Sarutobi Hiruzen overcame this discomfort, after all, people are in good spirits when they are happy!

"Well, Orochimaru, I've worked hard for you for the past six months... Sure enough, my decision was correct, and you are the best candidate for the Fourth Hokage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen patted Orochimaru on the shoulder and said with great relief.

"Thanks to Mr. Sarutobi's love." Orochimaru said with a smile.

"By the way, Orochimaru, is this Reanimation Jutsu really so magical that it can summon the dead at will?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen changed the subject and asked suddenly.

Orochimaru knew that this was his teacher's temptation, but Orochimaru had no dissatisfaction in his heart.

After all, my teacher has changed from normal to very supportive of my research, and now it is time for me to repay my teacher.

"Teacher, don't worry, I know your heart disease, now I can let you take a look.

Orochimaru smiled evilly, and then started the summoning ceremony that had been prepared.

pop, pop!

Orochimaru casually pulled out the Konoha Shinobi who were still breathing in the two containers, and immediately began to seal.

Yin-si-xu-chen, the last hands clasped together, this is the casting seal of Impure World Reincarnation.

"Impure World Reincarnation, On!"

Orochimaru moved Chakra, and the surrounding dust seemed to wrap consciously around the two Konoha Shinobi.

"Ah!! 35

The two of them let out a piercing scream and were completely enveloped in dust.

The next moment, two coffins floated up from under the ground.

Each coffin is engraved with a big character, one is engraved with the beginning! One is engraved with two.

"This is? 35

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with anticipation, and he knew at once that this was the coffin of First Hokage and Second Hokage!


Orochimaru stretched out his wet tongue and licked his lips greedily, and immediately urged Chakra to lift the boards of the two coffins.

Soon, the contents of the two coffins unfolded before Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"First Hokage-sama! Tobirama-sensei!"

Seeing the two people lying in the coffin, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help crying out. the First Hokage-sama and his teacher Second Hokage-sama who are on my mind!

"However, there is still one shortcoming of this art, and that is the strength of the Impure World Reincarnation."9

Immediately, Orochimaru changed the subject and said with some embarrassment.

"The strength of the people summoned by Impure World Reincarnation is closely related to the sacrifice."

"The stronger the sacrifice is, the stronger the summoned person will be. On the contrary, the weaker the sacrifice will be, the weaker the summoned person will be. 99

"I used the two Chūnins of Konoha just now as sacrifices, and the strength of the First Hokage and Second Hokage summoned in this way may be very different from before they were alive."5

Orochimaru explained carefully to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"In other words, does it take a very powerful sacrifice to make First Hokage-sama and Tobirama-sensei close to their former strengths?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned.

If First Hokage and Second Hokage were not resurrected at their peak, it's hard to say that they can beat Uchiha Feiyun with Eternal Mangekyō.

If you can't beat Uchiha Feiyun, then your current efforts will be meaningless.

"I'm going to find a sacrifice for you, and this time I will restore the two Hokages to their former strengths!"5

Now that he's all here, Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't mind going to the dark all at once.

"Then trouble the teacher to find two Elite Jōnin or even quasi-Kage-level powerhouses, and I will try my best to make them suitable for Impure World Reincarnation."

Orochimaru already had a solution in mind.

After all, in addition to Impure World Reincarnation, he is also working on Hashirama cells.

As long as the Hashirama cells can be injected into the sacrifice, the Chakra of the sacrifice will skyrocket in a short period of time, so take advantage of this opportunity to cast Impure World Reincarnation immediately.

In this way, there is a high probability that the strength of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama will be close to that of their lifetime.

"Okay, there are still two days, it's too late, I'll take care of it myself!"

Sarutobi knew that this matter could not be delayed for a moment, after all, who can be sure that Uchiha Feiyun will suddenly attack tomorrow?

What's more, it's so easy to find two quasi-Kage-level powerhouses, you can only come forward yourself.

All this was recorded by Shimura Danzō on the side.

Soon Sarutobi Hiruzen found two suitable sacrifices, one is Akamichi, the current patriarch of the Akamichi clan, who is Sarutobi Hiruzen's former partner, and his strength is also in Elite Jōnin and even quasi-Kage-level.

The other is the current squad leader of the Jōnin class and the current head of the Nara family.

Both of them were tricked by Sarutobi Hiruzen to the Hokage Building, and Anbu captured them instantly.

At this time, Kakashi also secretly recorded all this.

After the work, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent the two to Orochimaru.

"Sarutobi, you're crazy for doing such a thing!"

Akamichi, who was in a coma, was shocked when he saw everything in the laboratory.

I didn't expect my former partner to do such a crazy thing!

This... completely goes against the will of fire that Second Hokage-sama confessed to.

"I can't blame me for taking the wind. For the future of Konoha, I have to sacrifice you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was embarrassed, then turned his head away and couldn't bear to look again.

Soon, Orochimaru injected the two of them with Hashirama cells as he planned.


The tragic cry rang out. Hashirama cells were very powerful and often attacked their masters. Unless they had the strength of a Kage-level powerhouse to survive, they would face endless pain and eventually die.

"It's now."

Orochimaru noticed that the Chakra in the two people suddenly started to skyrocket, and immediately launched Reanimation Jutsu!

Countless pieces of dust flew up around them, and after wrapping the two of them, they gradually transformed into Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama!

"Eh.... this is... what's going on? I'm resurrected?"

Seeing everything around him, Senju Hashirama was a little confused.

"This is... the ninjutsu I invented, Reanimation Jutsu?

Senju Tobirama on the side quickly reacted, this is the Reanimation Jutsu he invented!

"Sarutobi! Did you call us?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Senju Tobirama blurted out instantly.

"Lord First Hokage, Lord Second Hokage, please forgive me!

With a thud, Sarutobi Hiruzen knelt down on one knee after seeing the two of them, looking ashamed!

This scene shocked both Orochimaru and Shimura Danzō on the side.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, what is this for? Why did it suddenly become bitter?

They didn't know that Sarutobi Hiruzen at this time had already figured out how to attack the Uchiha family and started his acting as a movie king!

PS: The second update, the big chapter, please subscribe, please customize!.

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