Night Ranger

Volume 1 The Nobles Who Lost Their Territories Chapter 81 Intrigue

Mana Wraith Eric is a very unique existence.

As far as Marvin knew, he was the key to the entrance to the secret garden.

After the wizard apprentice named Eric was swallowed by the potion king, a part of the soul remnants condensed a very terrifying resentment.

This is a spiritual force that cannot be ignored. Even the king of potions with the devouring characteristic dared not digest this resentment easily.

Otherwise, he might be assimilated by Eric's resentment.

So he simply forcibly pulled this bit of resentment out of his body, and then injected his majestic magic power, making it an unjust soul living in the form of mana.

Naturally, the mana wraith became an accomplice to the Potions King.

After all, Eric, the real wizard apprentice, is dead, and there is only a little residual anger and resentment of Eric on the Mana Wraith.

Restricted by the particularity of the secret garden, the potion king could not break free from the cage set up by the wizards of Mikensey.

So he needs someone to help him open the gate of the secret garden, and then close it at the right time.

This person is Mana Wraith.


Ma Wen suddenly opened his eyes. Since he caught the existence of this guy, if he didn't chase him now, when would he wait?

In the process of perceiving the land, Marvin determined Eric's direction and directly used night tracking.

His movements were as light as the wind, blending into the night, and even if he didn't deliberately use stealth, few people noticed Marvin.

Ten seconds later. Marvin found him in a dilapidated courtyard.

And the others, basically all gathered near the dead willow tree.

This is just convenient for Ma Wen to do things.

Mana Wraith suddenly became clever, he looked up and glared at Marvin. Immediately there was a low, miserable laugh:


"Fertilizer is coming..."

After all, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Marvin!

A pair of claws purely condensed by chaotic magic power looked extremely sharp, and they grabbed Marvin fiercely!

However, at this moment, Ma Wen, who was leisurely standing still, suddenly took out something and weighed it in his hand.

In an instant, the movement of Mana Wraith froze in mid-air.

Ma Wen weighed the Yangyan Orb in his hand, and said with a smile: "So anxious to do it? Don't you want to talk to me?"

Mana Wraith glared at Marvin.

The power in the Sun Flame Ball terrified him. This thing is born to restrain all dark, undead, and ghost-like creatures.

Even the Dreadclaw family that roamed the Underdark for a while. They were all smashed down by Marvin's Yangyan magic balls, and they were smashed to death.

Not to mention the little mana wraith.

"There's nothing to talk about with fertilizers..."

Mana Wraith suddenly turned around. I'm going to run away!

The order given to him by the potion king is to find a no-man's place, open a secret garden, and then attract others here at once.

If someone finds out, his plan can't be implemented.

His mind had been controlled by the Potions Lord. Can't remember exactly what happened in the first place.

Marvin, however, could do something.

"Really?" There was a little smile on the corner of his mouth: "Eric, are you sure you don't want to talk to me?"

In an instant, the pace of Mana Wraith's departure stopped.

"You, what are you talking about?" He turned around viciously: "You dare to call out the name of the master?"

Marvin looked pitiful: "Poor Eric, haven't you been able to remember who devoured your soul and body, and took away your name? Your so-called master, It's just a potion that is destined to be consumed by people. You used to be his master."

Mana Wraith showed a hint of disbelief, and he pointed at Marvin angrily. Seriously and softly said: "You are talking nonsense."

Yet his expression betrayed him.

He stood motionless at the same spot, and some dusty memories were finally awakened by Marvin's call.

Marvin smiled even more happily.

His own judgment was indeed correct.

When the mana ghost left the secret garden. It was the time when the King of Potions had the least control over it. At this time, shaking out some key terms could easily make the mana wraith recall the past.

This is very helpful for Marvin's next plan.

Mana Wraith's state seemed very unstable, his expression became confused and sometimes angry. Sometimes calm, sometimes hideous.

It's been a long time. His expression became very weird, and his voice became low and deep:

"I... am Eric."

Ma Wen secretly sighed in his heart: You are actually not Eric, and you are just a grudge of his own.

It's just that he naturally wouldn't say that now, and he still has something to use for Eric.

"Yes, you are Eric."

Marvin said seriously: "The potion king not only devoured your body and soul, stole your name, but also fooled your mind."

"Who are you? Why do you know so much?" The Mana Wraith didn't buy it, and looked at Marvin coldly.

"I'm just a passer-by who reads a lot."

Marvin shrugged: "I know your mission is to open the gate of the secret garden, you will open the door sooner or later, won't you?"

The Mana Wraith was silent for a while, and asked in confusion, "Since you know the existence of the King of Potions, why do you still want to use it as fertilizer?"

Marvin said calmly: "There are many reasons. I have a friend who went in first, and I have to make sure he is safe; besides, how do you know that I will definitely become Eric's food when I go in?"

He also deliberately added the accent to Eric's three words.

Sure enough, the mana wraith said violently: "I'm Eric! He's just a potion! Damn it!"

Marvin smiled slightly: "Really? But you seem to have nothing to do with him. He calls himself Eric, and you are just a nameless mana wraith."

Mana Wraith looked at Marvin with a frenzied expression: "I'm going to kill him!"

"You can't do it." Marvin said coldly: "Once you return to the secret garden, you will fall under his control again. Am I right?"

Mana Wraith said angrily, "You're right."

"I can't fight that guy at all, he is a complete devil."

"You have no idea how powerful he is..."

"How powerful he is is my business. In my opinion, if you are willing to help me, I have a chance to get rid of that potion. Eric." Marvin said slowly: "I am The Potion Lord is coming, but needs some help from you."

The Mana Wraith looked at Marvin up and down, and finally shook his head and said, "You are strong, but you are not his opponent."

"Believe me, my strength is much stronger than you imagined." Marvin said seriously, "Since I know the details of the potion king and dare to come, I must have a way to deal with him."

Mana Wraith was silent, and finally asked: "What do you need me to do?"

"The first thing is to open the gate of the secret garden and let me in; as for the others, you can follow his arrangement as the Potion King arranged." Marvin said:

"The second thing, I need you to tell me the location of the potion king's body, and how to see through his disguise or illusion."

Mana Wraith shook his head and said, "There is no problem opening the door; but I don't know how to see through his disguise, his illusion is too powerful..."

However, he changed the subject and pondered: "As for his location, I can tell you."

"His body is in a hidden garden, passing through the remains of the star beast, in [the original Garden of Eden]."

Marvin nodded slightly.

This information was not much different from what he remembered. He also wanted to verify whether the information in his previous life was reliable through the mana resentful soul.

After all, it is second-hand information.

But at this point, Marvin suddenly asked a question: "What level is the illusion of the Potion King? Is it as strong as the Purgatory Nightmare?"

Mana Wraith hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Roughly the same."

A strange color flashed in Marvin's eyes.

Immediately, he thought for a while, and then said to the Mana Wraith: "Open the door. Let me see how powerful the illusion that is comparable to the purgatory succubus is."

Mana Wraith honestly opened a portal.

Marvin walked in without hesitation.

At that moment, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of the mana resentful soul lurking by the door: "The guy who is overestimated..."


On the other side of the gate is a strange space.

There is a strong fragrance of flowers in the air, coming here from the Deadland Continent, it seems to have entered the spring full of vitality from the cold winter.

Marvin stood in a vast field, with a flat hill in the distance.

There are many buildings on the mountain, which have a strong style of the ancient Mikensi school.

This is the first area of ​​the secret garden, [Lost Villa].

Marvin was about to walk up the mountain, but at this moment, his hands and wrists suddenly became hot!

There was a sudden change in the mystery of the ancestors!

... (to be continued)

ps: The next update will be at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

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