Night Ranger

Volume 1 The Noble Who Lost His Territory Chapter 67 The Familiar

After passing through the portal that Louise deliberately opened, Marvin returned to Feinan's world. + ◆,

At the other end of the portal is the cave in the logging forest.

Not surprisingly, the professor, Conn and the rest of the metal dragons all appeared here.

When Marvin appeared, the professor was visibly relieved.

He received a message from Louise, saying that he brought Marvin back to the world of water elements. At that time, he still had some concerns.

Not to mention mortals, even a mighty dragon is just a tiny reptile in front of a mighty elemental lord.

Although Louise is Conn's friend, but this woman has always been moody, God knows what will happen.

Now that Marvin has returned safely, he is relieved.

Because they arrived at the third floor of the Dark Temple late, when Conn and the professor tried to enter the nightmare, they found that the teleportation point had been transferred.

They did not enter the nightmare realm, but were transferred to other places.

Fortunately, these two are peerless powerhouses. Although it is not easy to travel between planes, they are still under control.

After they returned to Feinan, they received some news from Louise.

Combined with the information they know, this time the five-color giant dragons gather in the logging forest, and the entire army may be wiped out in the end.

The only one who didn't show up was the ancient red dragon Earl.

Of the remaining four giant dragons, except for Ikarina who was killed by Ma Wen, the other three all degenerated into evil dragons and became members of the tomb of evil dragons.

This is actually not good news for the metal dragons.

They discussed for a while, and in order to completely prevent Hutson from using the Nightmare Realm as a springboard to enter Feinan, they decided to destroy the portal at the bottom of the Dark Temple.

Destroying a portal made by a god is not so easy. Fortunately, the ancient metal dragons have a long history, and what they need most is various artifacts. Ancient secret treasure.

All in all, the metallic dragons were quick to act.

They split into two groups. The professor is the leader and is responsible for destroying the teleportation array; while Conn is going to the water elemental plane. He has a good personal relationship with Louise and has some friendship with the elemental king, so he can freely enter and exit the water elemental world.

When Marvin proposed to save the soul of the loyal Tidomas, he was told that it was unnecessary.

It turned out that after Marvin left, the professor and Conn met the Dragon Soul.

Unlike others, the professor himself knew Tidomas!

He was deeply impressed by this strange dragon, and then after some communication. They not only freed Tidomus's soul, but revived its memory.

It was from Tithomas that they learned all the plots about the Dragon God Hartson.

Then Marvin's book of forgiveness would be useless. For the soul of Tithomas has rested.

It is worth mentioning that it is said that after Tidomas's memory came back to life, he still did not have any feelings of hatred.

He just left this world peacefully, and his soul went to the world of the dead.

This situation is very rare, after all, the dragon god Hartson deprived him of his soul and imprisoned him. He was tortured day and night, and finally replaced his name, allowing him to bear the infamy of the world.

Tithomas, however, does not have any negativity, which is very rare.

The only explanation is. Even after his death, this loyal dragon has a single mind, that is, he is loyal to the dragon god Hartson who once benevolent to him.

This made everyone very emotional.

In particular, Marvin knew the function of those dragon teeth from the professor, which is a very terrible forbidden dragon technique. Enhance your own strength by absorbing the abomination of the dragon soul.

After the professor pulled out the dragon tooth by his own method, he suddenly discovered that the other end of the power was the tomb of the evil dragon.

Hutson did not let Tidomus go until his death. Has been using his soul to draw power.

It's just that the only thing that made him miscalculate was that Tidomas himself didn't have much hatred. The power he can draw is very little.

He killed the person who was most loyal to him, and wanted to squeeze him, but that person couldn't provide him with more power because of his loyalty to him. I have to say, this is really an ironic thing.


In any case, the logging incident was over for Marvin.

He shared what he knew with the professor and others.

Of course, he skipped the elf part, and I believe Louise will not easily reveal that she is carrying a crystal statue.

The less people know about this, the better.

After the matter was over, Marvin naturally had to cross the Millennium Mountains and go to the highest jungle immediately.

It just so happened that the silver dragon among the metal dragons was going to the three towns in the north, barely passing through the high jungle, so he took Marvin along the way.

The flying speed of these ancient dragons is beyond the reach of normal people. Starting from the logging forest and reaching the southern part of the highest forest, it only took the silver dragon two hours!

After Marvin thanked Stein, he parted ways with him and entered the slightly dark supreme jungle alone.


The High Forest is established in the northwest of the Northland Kingdoms.

A part of the jungle relies on the Millennium Mountains, further north is the Arctic Ice Field, and in the east are the three towns of the Northland.

There is also a certain distance from the Principality of Lavis and the highest jungle. Not too far, but not too close to interfere with each other.

Marvin has no definite news about Lavis.

On the day of the cataclysm, Daniela turned into an ice angel and ignited the fire of order, which was the only news he knew.

But soon the warlock's country was invaded by demons.

This is very simple, because so many warlock powers come from demonic contracts. Although the blood of the Lavis royal family comes from devils, many of them belong to the devil faction. Among these people, some were bought by the demon lord, and they seemed to have done some tricks secretly.

All in all, it is said that an abyss gate opened directly above the capital of Lavis.

The fighting situation should be very tragic.

Marvin was not very clear about the specific situation, and Daniela didn't ask him for help, so she should still be under control.

The Ice Queen is by no means a person who deserves her name, and some demon legions should not be able to do anything to her.

While thinking this way, Marvin has gradually entered the region of the highest jungle.

He walked very carefully.

The reason why he didn't openly use long-distance teleportation was that he didn't want to be directly found by the old tree man and other archdruids.

No matter how Marvin looked at the matter of Endless Ocean this time, it seemed weird.

It's better to sneak in secretly, first figure out what's going on.

Who knew that at this moment, a familiar aura suddenly came from the front.

Marvin frowned:

"Hell familiar?"

...(to be continued...)

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