Night Ranger

Volume 1 The Noble Who Lost His Territory Chapter 96 The Whisperer

This weird situation startled Marvin

The body of a god who has been lost for an unknown number of years can still move?

He couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

When he looked at the statue again, the latter became silent again.

It was as if Marvin had just hallucinated.

"Is it really a mistake?"

He walked around the statue twice, and the suspicion in his heart became more and more intense, but no matter how he tried, the stone sculpture remained standing.

Her hands still exude a faint glow, as bright as the stars in the sky.

A wicked feeling surged up Marvin's spine.

He always felt that something was wrong.

Could it be that the lich did something to Miss Yinyue's divine body?

In terms of witchcraft, although Marvin can be considered to have extensive knowledge, he is not an orthodox wizard after all, and his knowledge is still very limited.

With his level, he still couldn't see the Lich's intentions.

Through the previous conversation between the Emerald Banshee and the Lich, Marvin also knew that a barrier would be opened here in a short time.

He doesn't want to cause trouble, so it's better to go first.

So before the time came, he carefully strolled around the dungeon a few times.

Especially the heart of the dungeon, Marvin observed it carefully for a while.

He found that the heart of the dungeon was in a state of deep sleep, and there was a sealed magic circle near it. Marvin didn't understand magic circles, so he didn't dare to move rashly.

But the good news is that this dungeon heart is still usable.

If so. This is a treasure of infinite value. If you can get it, it is not much worse than the cornerstone of the refuge.

And through close observation. Marvin also discovered that it was precisely because of the suppression of the sealing circle that the beating sound of the heart of the dungeon was much quieter.

Theoretically, this dungeon heart actually contains much stronger energy than it shows on the surface

If there is a chance, he can find a way to get this dungeon heart away.

"That lich doesn't seem to have much interest in the heart of the dungeon, otherwise he would have been there first."

Ma Wen analyzed this in his heart.

There are obviously more important things in the Regis ruins, and the Lich seems to only care about Miss Silvermoon's body. Even Dungeon Hearts are ignored.

Otherwise, with the Lich's magic knowledge, it shouldn't be a big problem to unlock the seal.

The time was almost at hand. Marvin shrunk down again, activated the witch spell, and left the Regis ruins safely.

Follow the dark tunnel all the way back, out of the bushes. Going deep into the Black Forest and returning to the Torch Trail, everything seems normal.

Marvin was lucky not to meet the emerald banshee.

However, judging from the conversation between her and the lich, she was called by the lich to be a helper. With the strength of the lich, she still needs a helper. I don't know what this guy is planning.

Could it be that all of this has something to do with the Grip of Cold Light?

Marvin had too many doubts in his heart.

And all of this, it seems that the only way to continue to analyze and speculate is to go to the Holy Light City to inquire about the news.

Marvin didn't delay. After returning to the torch trail, he summoned a steed with the gray eagle staff, and left all the way.

an hour later. Holy Light City is not far away.

Marvin dismounted, activated the camouflage technique, and prepared to sneak into the city.

The city of Holy Light is heavily guarded, and non-human beings and creatures from the heavenly kingdom camp cannot enter.

Fortunately, Marvin had a pass opened by Eisengel, and the prosecutor of the Holy Light City didn't make things difficult for Marvin, so he let him in.

Once entering the Holy Light City. Marvin felt uncomfortable all over.

It was an oppressive feeling.

The emblems of the gods flashed before Marvin's eyes.

Those were people wearing the symbols of the gods, and they were all legendary strongmen with faith. These people usually have a much higher status than ordinary believers. They are eligible to wear higher-level church badges, and will also receive more gifts from the gods.

Holy Light City is a country full of gods and forces.

Although on the surface, human powerhouses also have their own place. With a few powerhouses and organizations, they barely have an equal share with the heavenly kingdom of God, but the pressure of the gods is still great.

Marvin wandered around casually, and found that the forces of the temple had basically controlled two-thirds of the Holy Light City.

The mighty holy power of various attributes is constantly spreading, and there is still a vague sense of competition between the temples.

The little magician blood in Marvin's body was suppressed very uncomfortable. In such a ghostly place, it is probably difficult to activate the various forms of the magician. Creatures like devils or evil spirits would have to bear a lot of pressure if they wanted to sneak in.

"I don't know if Griffin has succeeded."

Passing by the entrance of a temple, solemn knights guard the main hall, and everyone who passes by will be subjected to their stern scrutiny.

This feeling made Marvin particularly uncomfortable.

Soon, he left the temple area, ready to go to the place where human beings lived, and inquire about some information.


The areas occupied by humans are all in the northeast corner of the Holy Light City.

Compared with other areas, this place is more like a normal human city.

There are taverns, hotels, weapon shops, downtowns, neighborhoods, and long-term residential areas.

No matter where it is, the tavern is always the place where information flows the fastest.

Marvin observed the passenger flow of several taverns, and finally chose a tavern called The Whisperer, and got in.

The tavern was extremely noisy, so Marvin randomly found a corner, ordered a glass of wine, and sat down quietly.

In the City of Holy Light, there are really as many legends as dogs.

Basically, the guests who patronize this place all have the legendary level and strength. Legendary strength, in a terrifying place like the Scarlet Wasteland, is like an ordinary adventurer, no big deal.

They also need to live, and they also need to fight to improve their strength.

Different from ordinary adventurers, they are not worried about livelihood, but come here for greater ambitions to a higher realm.

It is this kind of ambition that has become the greatest driving force to promote human progress, and it may also become the root cause of human ultimate self-destruction.

Marvin sat in the tavern for about an afternoon. At dusk, the bartender who had been ignoring Marvin before suddenly came over.

"Do you need help?"

He smiled brightly, this is a boy with a pair of very beautiful eyes.

"I didn't call for service." Marvin shook the glass, which was still half full.

The bartender continued with a smile: "It is true, but I think you may need my help."

"You've been sitting here alone for a long time, and you haven't looked around, which means you're not waiting for anyone."

"Your expression is very quiet. A strong man like you doesn't need alcohol to relieve boredom. Then you have only one purpose for coming to the Whisperer."

"Don't you want to know something?"

He smiled confidently.

Pa Mawen pressed the wine glass on the table, with a playful smile on his face. be continued

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