Night Ranger

Volume 1 Nobles who lost their territory Chapter 65 Expulsion

It seems that the gods are not in perfect harmony.

That's right, everyone wants to get the slate of fate and possess the powerful power contained in it alone.

From Marvin's point of view, these rifts between the gods seem to be something he can take advantage of.

After all, the current situation is very difficult. If there is a real fight, I will definitely not be able to win. Even escaping is an extravagant hope.

But before he could open his mouth, a gentle voice sounded in the sky:

"This land has not gathered so many people for a long time."

"Grant, Anubis, Vanya, Jasmine... Long time no see."

Hearing this voice, the gods were all taken aback!

who is it?

How dare you call the names of the four main gods directly!

However, what surprised them even more was that the main gods were not angry, but showed a wry smile.

"Lord of the great earth elements, the kingdom of heaven pays the highest respect to you."

Grant covered his chest with one hand, leaned slightly, and saluted the person coming!

Above the sky, a phantom quickly formed.

It was the figure of an ordinary-looking middle-aged uncle.

Everyone can see that this is just a clone.

However, just being a doppelganger has enough majesty.

All the gods are not fools, and there is probably only one who can make the great Lord of Morning Light bow down in this way.

All the gods saluted one after another.

The monarchs of the elemental planes are the pillars of the entire multiverse, and they are the most respectable and powerful existences.

Only Vanya and Jasmine just nodded their heads.

These two ancient gods have been friends with the earth elemental monarch for a long time, so there is no need to be so polite.

Marvin and Tiramisu looked at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

This time it's even more fun.

Not only the people from the kingdom of heaven and the gods gathered in the land of collapse, but even the master of the earth element was attracted!

You know, this guy is the top powerhouse in the universe.

The God of War is very powerful, but there is still a small gap between him and the earth elemental monarch. What's more, this is his home field!

Even if the four main gods join forces, they may only be able to draw with the earth elemental monarch.

Therefore, even the Kingdom of Heaven, which is used to being arrogant, chose to bow down.

Not to mention them mortals.

But at this time, Marvin has no burden.

The more people come, the better.

The messier things get, the better.

That was his only thought.

There are too many enemies, he can only wait for an opportunity to escape by taking advantage of the chaos, and it is possible to delay time and restore the power of Eternal Time Dragon.

Once tiramisu recovers the ability of time, then not many people in this universe can keep them!


After the clone of the earth elemental monarch arrived, the situation seemed to become more complicated.

Marvin was prepared to wait and see.

Who knew that this lord came up and glanced at the crowd, but finally fixed his gaze on Marvin!

His eyes were very gentle: "You are Marvin."

"It looks like you're in a lot of trouble."

Marvin was taken aback for a moment. At first he thought that the earth elemental monarch had also come for the slate of fate, but what was going on with this tone?

On the contrary, the gods of the heavenly kingdom of gods all jumped in their hearts.

Especially the two main gods, Grant and Anubis, suddenly became a little ugly.

The words of the earth elemental monarch made them think of some bad possibilities.

Sure enough, the next second, the earth elemental monarch said politely:

"You did me a great favor."

"So don't worry, no one will dare to hurt you in this land."

Marvin was extremely surprised, when did he help the earth elemental monarch?

On the side of the Heavenly Kingdom, some gods couldn't sit still, and someone said, "Dear Lord of Earth Elements, Marvin has..."


The figure disappeared in the earth elemental plane in an instant.

The sound stopped abruptly.

The earth elemental monarch turned around slowly, and said calmly: "The rest of you, don't I have to personally see off the guests?"

Both Marvin and Tiramisu were stunned!

What is domineering?

This is the real domineering.

With every gesture, he expelled a god, and at the same time turned around to threaten the kingdom of heaven!

Please, the ones standing in front of him are four master god level powerhouses.

However, the earth elemental monarch seemed to turn a blind eye.

He just issued an eviction order lightly.

Anubis clenched his fists, and Grant shook his head and gave him a hand.

"In this case, let's go first." Grant still maintained enough respect, and after saluting, he took the lead to leave without delaying at all.

He is well aware of the horror of the earth elemental monarch, and if he fights him in his home field, even if the kingdom of heaven can win, it will probably be ruined!

The gods looked at each other, but they didn't expect Grant to withdraw so quickly.

The God of War snorted coldly, and finally left.

The rest of the gods left one after another, and finally only Vanya and Jasmine remained.

"What else do you two have to say?" The voice of the earth elemental monarch is always so springlike.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious." Vanya said, "It's not your style to protect a mortal."

The earth elemental monarch said calmly: "Since the birth of this world, my duty has been to protect mortals."

Vanya laughed dumbfounded, shook her head with a chuckle, and left. She originally wanted to ask her to blame because Ma Wen killed the three gods in a row, which caused the foundation of the kingdom of heaven to be almost destroyed.

Now that the earth elemental monarch has come forward, she has no reason to stay any longer.

Only the God of Truth glanced at Marvin, and said softly: "It seems that I don't need to make a move this time."

"Your luck is really good."

In the next second, her figure also disappeared into the earth elemental plane.

In just a few breaths, the originally overcrowded Honkai Land suddenly became empty, and Marvin felt a little uncomfortable!

"It seems that even if I don't show up, Jasmine won't let them hurt you."

The earth elemental monarch looked at Ma Wen gently and said, "Your popularity is actually pretty good."

Marvin was a little embarrassed.

Are you popular? His own enemies are almost all over the entire multiverse.

If it wasn't for the sake of not causing trouble to the White River Valley, there was no need for him to leave the refuge in such a hurry and hand over the White River Valley to Constantine.

The words of the earth elemental monarch are somewhat joking.

"Dear Lord of the Earth. Thank you for your help, but what I'm curious about is that we haven't met before, right?"

Marvin was very curious why the earth elemental monarch would take action to drive away the gods of the heavens for him.

The other party smiled: "Indeed."

"However, you still helped me invisibly."

"The [Beast] page in your hand almost destroyed me once."


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