Night sand

Chapter 175

Wu Wanfang stretched out her hand to wrap her arms around his neck and said, "Minghao, I'm hungry!"

Zhang Minghao nodded and smiled: "Okay, I'll go out and buy something to eat, don't run around." "


Wu Wanfang nodded gratefully, after two days of escaping, she already trusted the man in front of her with all her heart.

Zhang Minghao put on his clothes, walked to the door and opened the door, there was no one in the corridor, he turned back to Wu Wanfang and said, "Except for me, don't open the door if anyone knocks." "


He closed the door after going out, and when he walked downstairs, he glanced at the front desk, where the waiter had left work in the morning, and the front desk had changed to a waiter, who was looking down and playing with his mobile phone.

In the morning, the police tossed around in the inn, she was so annoyed that she finally sent the police away, and she was busy promoting it in her circle of friends.

Zhang Minghao walked out of the gate of the inn and looked around, there should be a restaurant in the village next to this national highway, but he needed to find out where it was.

After thinking about it, he turned around and went back to the front desk, and asked cautiously, "Where is there a place to eat?"

The waiter was frightened by the sudden voice, and raised his head to look at Zhang Minghao dissatisfied.

"Where is there a place to eat?"

Zhang Minghao asked again.

The waiter replied angrily, "Turn right a hundred meters!"

Zhang Minghao nodded, thanked the waiter and walked out of the inn.

The waiter said that the place was the breakfast shop where the tall boy had breakfast in the morning.

Soon after, Zhang Minghao arrived, and Thaksin stepped into the restaurant and said to the owner, who was worried about business, "Hello, do you have anything to eat?"

As soon as the shopkeeper saw the business, he immediately got up and said, "Of course, what do you want to eat?"

"Is there a menu?".

"Whatever you eat, you can go to the kitchen freezer and have a look!"

The shopkeeper didn't want to let go of the hard-won business, so he warmly invited Zhang Minghao to follow him into the kitchen to have a look.

Zhang Minghao agreed, and entered the kitchen with the owner, there was a large freezer at the door of the kitchen, all the meat was placed in the freezer, and vegetables and the like were placed on the vegetable rack behind the freezer.

"How much does it cost to have a sauerkraut fat sausage, a boiled pork slice, a fried lettuce, and a tomato egg drop soup?"

Zhang Minghao looked at the ingredients and asked casually.

The shopkeeper wrote the list, calculated it and said, "A total of one hundred and two, it's not expensive, right?"

Zhang Minghao nodded and said, "It's really not expensive, give me a bag after you fry it." "

"Okay, you wait outside for a while. "

The shopkeeper agreed, and went to the stove to stir-fry in person.

Zhang Minghao walked out of the kitchen and chose a stool to sit down.

Soon after, a car came outside, and three men with gloomy faces came down from above, and entered the store without a sound, and the leading man saw Zhang Minghao who was looking down at his mobile phone at a glance, and glanced at the two men behind, and the two men immediately understood, and sat down at the table next to Zhang Minghao, their eyes glancing at him from time to time.

Zhang Minghao was swiping his mobile phone, Leng Buding felt a chill in his back, and suddenly looked behind him vigilantly, and when he saw the person clearly, he couldn't help but shiver.

Get up and walk outside the restaurant, where is the leading man willing to let go of the hard-won opportunity, just about to stand up, a police car at the door slowly stopped, four policemen in police uniforms got out of the car, they and Zhang Minghao, who hurriedly walked out of the restaurant, passed by, and shouted at the back kitchen: "Boss, come and have something to eat." "

The shopkeeper heard the voice and came out of the back kitchen with a promise, and saw a group of people sitting in the store, and his heart suddenly became hot, it seems that today's business is getting better.

"What are you eating, go to the kitchen and watch the order!".

The owner happily gets out of the way and invites the diners into the back kitchen to order.

A policeman with the rank of third-class police inspector on his shoulder walked into the back kitchen to order, while the three people who came in first sat and did not move, thieves are naturally afraid of the police, and they are no exception, they are all thinking about how to get out of this place of right and wrong.

However, it was too late, and one of the three policemen waiting in the hall accidentally glanced at their table, immediately became alert, and pouted to his colleague next to him, asking him to come forward and check it.

This morning's case is really bad, so far they haven't even touched the suspect's side, and any suspicious person has to find out the identity.

The two policemen immediately got up, walked up to the three fidgeting men, and said businessmanly, "Please show your ID card!"

The leading man hesitated, he was a fugitive wanted by the police before entering the industry, smuggled to northern Myanmar, if the police found out his true identity, today's small village is his Waterloo.

His eyes rolled rapidly, thinking of a way to get out, but the two younger brothers ignored the police's request when they saw that the boss was not moving.

"Tell me about you, ID card!".

When one of the policemen saw that they were motionless, he reached out vigilantly and grabbed the holster of the gun at his waist.


leading man was heartbroken, pointed to the car outside and said, "The ID card is in the bag in the car." "

The policeman nodded and pointed to one of the younger brothers and said, "You go to the car and get it." "

The younger brother was stunned for a moment, and set his eyes on the leading man, who glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Okay, the ID card and driver's license are placed in the driver's seat." "

The younger brother immediately realized that their fake ID cards were actually on their bodies, but those ID cards were only used to register in hotels, and they would definitely be seen through in front of the police, and there was only a short shotgun in the car, because it was too long for the leading man to put it on his body.

He regretted a little that he didn't bring the gun with him in order to save trouble.

The younger brother didn't hesitate, got up and was about to leave.

The policeman, who had been sitting at the table without squeaking, said to him, "Wait a minute!"

The younger brother's body immediately froze in place, since ancient times, the police have always been the natural enemies of bad people, they are in awe of the police from the bottom of their bones, he looked back at the leading man, the corners of the man's eyes jumped slightly, it seems that today is definitely going to be planted here.

At this moment, a call suddenly came from the intercom on the policeman's body, and it turned out that the suspect's traces were found ten kilometers away from the village, and the searching police immediately asked for support.

The policeman who was ordering food in the kitchen immediately rushed out of the kitchen and said to the policeman sitting at the table: "Team Wang, there is a situation over there!"

Team Wang didn't bother to verify the identities of the people in front of him, and waved his hand to the two policemen and said, "Hurry up!"

The four policemen hurried out of the restaurant, got into the car and roared away.

The leading man breathed a sigh of relief, and said to his two younger brothers: "The land of right and wrong can't stay for a long time, let's leave quickly!".

The two younger brothers looked unwilling, but they didn't dare to disobey the boss's words, so they reluctantly got up and followed the leader out of the restaurant, and drove in the opposite direction of the police.

The shopkeeper prepared a few dishes and happily brought them out, but to his dismay, there were no customers left.

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