Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 102 It's in front of you

"In which direction?"

Big Bear pointed forward and drew a half circle with his hand. He lowered his voice unconsciously and said, "It's probably within this range. The signal source is very stable. The ghost is definitely sleeping."

Then Yang Xiao found Daxiong taking off his headphones, flipping a few switches, and then folding the detector in his hand.

"Why don't you search again?" Yang Xiao thought he would keep searching until he put the detector on the resentful face.

Big Bear hung the detector on the hook outside the box behind him so that it can be accessed at any time, "No, this detection is mutual."

This sentence couldn't help but send chills down Yang Xiao's back, "You mean we are looking for it, and that thing is also looking for us?"

"The basic principle of the detector is to imitate the Resentful Eye and emit electromagnetic wave signals. There is induction between the Resentful Eye and the Resentful Eye. If the distance is too close and crosses the critical distance, unknown interference may occur between them.

It will cause unpredictable consequences. In other words, if we continue to use the detector to approach, we may disturb the sleeping ghost and wake her up. "As expected of a technical expert, Daxiong's explanation is well-founded.

"But without a detector, how can we confirm the specific location of the Eye of Resentment?" This is the top priority at the moment.

"This depends on experience. Generally speaking, some strange things or phenomena will occur in places where the Resentful Eye has existed for a long time, not just the murder and wounding cases we have seen."

Since he didn't dare to get too close, the area that Big Bear just marked was relatively general. Along the corridor, there were about a dozen nearby houses.

It covers several offices, VIP quality control center, private collection room, treasure pavilion, and collection room No. 4.

Collection Room No. 5, Collection Room No. 6, and two bathrooms.

When I walked to the office with the door half open, the messy bloody shoe prints on the ground were enough to prove the chaos of the scene. Looking inside, I saw a desk overturned on the ground. The body was gone, but the scene was not handled very cleanly. , there are still blood stains on the ground.

Several people did not go in, but stood outside the door and looked in. Ximen Xiu complained in a low voice, "This is troublesome. There are also many works of art placed in this office, and the scope is too large."

Yu Shu called up the electronic map and then zoomed in. Three red circles were marked on the map, which were the locations where the three cases occurred.

Magnifying the circles at the same scale, there was a certain range of overlap between them. Yu Shu marked the overlapping parts and enlarged them individually. This time the range was much smaller. There was only one private collection room, No. 4 and 5 collection rooms, and another in the bathroom.

The bathroom was eliminated first, and the group rushed to the nearest collection room No. 4. They pressed the door handle and the door opened as soon as it was pushed. It was not locked. It looked like a small exhibition hall. On the left hand side were porcelains of various sizes. First, there are all kinds of shapes, and there are also some remnants in extremely poor condition, with obvious signs of sticking on them.

On the right hand side is a row of glass display cabinets, inside which are some jade ornaments, arranged very densely and in large quantities.

There are also a small number of elephant bones, rhinoceros bones and other handicrafts.

Deep in the collection room is the strange stone exhibition area, which is divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. There are hundreds of stones in various shapes, including some with human heads and faces. Combined with the dim lighting effect, it looks a bit scary at first glance.

Yang Xiao couldn't help but picture such a scene in his mind. After he turned his back, these heads and faces were looking at him one after another.

"While that thing hasn't woken up yet, let's spread out and look for it, in pairs, with the captain following me." Beibei gave the order without hesitation.

It seemed that Beibei had the same idea as him, and also paid attention to these weird stone carvings. The two of them inspected the stone carvings, Yu Shu and Ximen Xiu inspected the porcelain exhibition area, and Zhuge Zhijie partnered with Da Xiong to take charge of the jade and animal bone area.

"Beibei, what abnormality are you referring to?" Yang Xiao didn't want to continue searching so blindly. Onboarding training was really important.

"It's hard to go into details. It just counts everything that's unreasonable. For example, the stone with a human face on top of your head doesn't look big, but it weighs a thousand kilograms, or maybe human hair suddenly grows on the stone. The Buddha statue shed tears for no apparent reason." Beibei knelt down and looked carefully into the eyes of the stone face in front of him.

Taking advantage of the absence of others, Yang Xiao lowered his voice: "Beibei, I carry a piece of resentment with me, so it won't cause any trouble for this mission."

"Oh?" Beibei raised his head in surprise, "You can get the resentful eye reward for entering the mission for the first time. No wonder the director personally recruited you, you are so awesome."

"But don't worry, it's okay. I also carry one, but don't use it unless you are in a desperate situation, otherwise you will die faster."'

As a former captain, Yang Xiao was not surprised that Beibei had a resentful eye. What surprised him was what Big Bear said before, "But Big Bear said that there is a connection between the resentful eye and the resentful eye, which can wake up ghosts."

"That's for wild resentful eyes, which are things that have no owner. Ours is different. It's much safer if you already recognize the owner."

The two of them checked around and found no so-called abnormalities. The same was true for the other two groups. Everyone retreated. Beibei stood in the corridor and said, "There are two places left. Let's look for them separately. Captain, me, and Xiao Go to the private collection room, and the rest of you will go to the collection room No. 5. Remember, you must move gently, the stability of this resentful eye is definitely not high."

Originally, they thought the ghost had been disturbed. After all, the policewoman said she had been seen by the ghost, but now it seemed that they were lucky. Daxiong's information showed that the ghost was still sleeping.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through the private collection room, Yu Shu came to find him. It seemed that he had discovered something new.

After the pedestrians rushed over, Daxiong was installing the new device, the tripods were set up, and Ximenxiu was holding a light bulb in his hand with a proud look on his face.

This collection room is not big. It is full of paintings. There are hundreds of paintings hanging on the wall. There are many and miscellaneous types, including oil paintings, ink paintings, watercolors, and prints.

"What's going on?"

"Hey, look." I saw Ximen Xiu very nervously putting the light bulb close to the wall on the west side. The next second, the light bulb lit up with a "pop", but the light bulb didn't even touch the wall, and A full hand's distance away.

Daxiong also set up the equipment at this moment. There was a strange-looking camera placed on the tripod, and the lens was pointed at the west wall. The entire wall was covered with oil paintings.

"It seems that the problem lies in one of these paintings, one of which is the object of resentful eyes." Beibei observed for a moment and decisively sent a message to Captain Xu, asking him to continue to narrow the scope of the investigation and focus on In the oil painting on the west wall of Collection Room 5.

Captain Xu replied instantly and said to check immediately.

There are about thirty or forty paintings on this wall. Although they are all oil paintings, their styles are very different, such as abstraction, fauvism, romanticism, and surrealism. There is a brief introduction below each painting. Yang Xiao was very sensitive to some of the paintings. He unconsciously wanted to take a closer look, but was pulled away. He turned around and saw that it was Yu Shu. Yu Shu shook his head and wrote the word "danger" on the folder.

Then he wrote a few more words. This time, Yang Xiao's scalp went numb after just one glance. He stared back several steps.

I saw the book written in delicate fonts: The ghost is in front of you.

"Sister Xiao Shu, don't scare our captain. Hehe, wait a moment and captain Xu finds out which painting it is. Then we'll take a photo and call it a day!" Ximen Xiu, who won the first prize, was very proud. "I don't think any of you would dare to say that I'm just a logistics idler."'

It could be seen that everyone relaxed a little, and Yang Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief. He found Daxiong. This honest and honest man looked reliable, "Daxiong, what is this camera used for?"

"It can capture ghosts. As long as the ghost's face is photographed, it can be temporarily restrained so that people from the technical department can deal with the evil eyes later." Big Bear happily patted the camera with his hand, as if treating an old man. Like friends.

"It can be restrained by taking pictures, that's awesome!" Yang Xiao thought to himself that joining the Patrol Office was not in vain. Whether it is a ghost detector or this ghost camera, they are definitely good things.

Feeling happy with the victory, Yang Xiao felt the small change in his pocket. He had already thought about where to go to have fun tonight, "Hey, I want some..."


A sound startled several people and interrupted Yang Xiao's fantasy. The sound was not very far away, and it was heard that it was on their floor.

Maybe the captain clearly said that the entire three floors had been emptied, but this sound... .Where did it come from?

An ominous premonition formed in Yang Xiao's heart. Beibei reacted quickly and immediately directed Daxiong to pack up the device. The group of people walked cautiously towards the place where the sound came from.



The sounds became clearer and clearer one after another. Several people stopped and the sound came from an office.

The sounds came one after another, and the movements were mechanical and old-fashioned. The intervals between the two sounds were almost the same. Yang Xiao's first feeling was that someone was chopping meat, but the next second, he was frightened by this feeling.

Yu Shu pulled out his gun, turned around and gestured to Beibei. Beibei nodded, bent down, pulled out a short knife, and surrounded Yu Shu on the left and right.

When Yang Xiao turned around, Ximen Xiu had a look of fear on his face. Zhuge Zhijie was not much better either. He was also scared, but his facial expression was dull and not so obvious, while Da Xiong was carrying a device on his back and was weak and difficult to use.

Yang Xiao decided to defend the man and hid behind to see what was going on. He looked around and very gently pulled out a folding chair from under a table. He grabbed it and waved it in the air a few times. It was quite smooth. , and followed up.

The three of them rushed to the door almost at the same time. Beibei pushed the door open, Yu Shu pointed his gun into the room, and Yang Xiao was at the end holding a folding chair.

The moment the door opened, the strong smell of blood hit her face, and she saw a woman covered in blood holding a blunt knife, lowering her head, and mechanically slashing. On the desk lay a man who had long since expired.

The man’s head was rotten, but his skin color was extremely conspicuous. He was the foreigner from before!

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