Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 128 The Erased Middle School

After staring at the script for a few seconds, Yang Xiao suddenly closed his eyes, shook his head, and patted his face with his hands.

When he was sure he was awake, he opened his eyes again, and the script was still there.

"Fuck you...


Although it was not the first time he received a ghost script, Yang Xiao couldn't help but feel dazed when he saw the candles on the cake.

He had heard before that ghost scripts appeared in various ways, but it was too much to open a ghost script in a cake. He made a wish that he would receive the ghost script later and didn't have time to blow out the candles.

At this moment, several candles were burning faintly, which seemed to Yang Xiao more like a silent mockery.

The name of the script was Fulin Middle School. It seemed that the story in it was related to a middle school. After cleaning the cream on the box, he also saw the picture on the cover clearly.

The picture was gloomy and gray, and it seemed to be a ghost script. In the evening, a sign of Fulin Middle School was hung on a tightly closed old iron gate. In the background not far away stood a three-story building with lights on behind a few windows. This was the only light in the painting.

There were some low-rise bungalows near the middle school, which were hidden in the gray background with exquisite painting skills, leaving only some outlines.

The whole painting revealed a sense of backwardness and desolation. This middle school has a history of at least 20 or 30 years and is located in a relatively remote town.

After looking at it for a long time, Yang Xiao was infected by the atmosphere in the painting and felt depressed.

He opened the script box, a large one and a small one. The two small leather bags lay quietly inside.

He opened the larger bag and found a letter inside. The content of the letter surprised Yang Xiao. The writer claimed to be a friend of his teacher. Because he received a recommendation letter from his teacher, he wrote to Yang Xiao and invited him to star in a movie he participated in.

He also reminded him not to underestimate this movie. Although it had a small investment, low pay, and no stars, this movie had a considerable social influence. If everything went well, it might be the dark horse of this year. As a newcomer who had just entered the entertainment industry, this was a great opportunity. The other party reminded him to cherish and be grateful.

But Yang Xiao flipped through the script. box, nor did he find the pay, but he learned his identity for this mission from the letter.

He is a student of the acting department of the film academy, and just graduated this year. His teacher at school recommended him to the letter writer, and only then did he get the opportunity to be on camera.

Finally, he shook his pocket, and a card the size of a bookmark fell out, with a human figure drawn on it with rough strokes.

The card looked more and more familiar to Yang Xiao. He turned over the card, and sure enough, there was a strange triangle-shaped pattern on the upper right corner of the back of the card.

It was the identity card in the last ghost script, the ghost play!

"Is it the same identity card every time I receive a ghost script? Is it the same for everyone, or is there only a problem with my one? "

With doubt, Yang Xiao turned to the back of the letter. There were 7 figures drawn in the blank space. The figures were as rough as the character cards, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women.

It seems that the models of each ghost script are similar. This time, in addition to himself, there are 7 other teammates. It is an 8-person copy.

Reaching out the last small pocket, Yang Xiao roughly judged what was inside by touch.

It was a few photos.

As expected, there were three photos in total. Unfortunately, like before, each photo was not very clear, as if it was intentionally hiding something. .

The first photo is of a small room, full of the texture of black and white photos. The room is simple, with an old desk from school days, a wooden bed, an enamel washbasin and a tooth mug under the bed, and a towel on the edge of the basin.

A light bulb is hung on the top of the head with wires, and the light bulb emits a half-dead light.

The light is yellow, giving this room, which looks like an old dormitory, an inexplicable meaning.

On the old desk is a delicate red square tape recorder, full of retro punk style, and this tape recorder has become the only touch in the photo. Bright colors.

When seeing the second photo, Yang Xiao couldn't help but be stunned. This photo was taken of a piece of paper.

The paper was covered with bloody fingerprints of various sizes, which was shocking. There was a signature under each fingerprint. At the top of the paper,

the three words "petition" were written.

Soon it was the last photo. This photo was taken on a rainy night. A woman with disheveled hair knelt in the middle of the road, holding a piece of white cloth in her arms. On the white cloth was a big word "injustice". The blood-red word "injustice" contrasted sharply with the darkness behind the woman, and there was heavy rain above her head.

Just through the photo, you can Feeling the woman's strong resentment, Yang Xiao couldn't help but wonder, could this woman be the evil ghost in this mission?

The Chunjie in the last copy left him with a strong psychological shadow. He didn't want to face the female ghost again. If possible, he would change a brother.

Inadvertently, Yang Xiao was surprised by his rich imagination. He picked up the fork, forked a piece of cake, wrapped it with cream, and then stuffed it into his mouth.

When you are undecided, eat something sweet to calm your nerves. After all, the ghost script has come. You can't refuse it if you want to, so just face it.



The two knocks on the door scared Yang Xiao so much that he almost jumped up. He looked at the door suddenly, and the surroundings became quiet unconsciously.

There are many residents in this apartment. It is far from time to go to bed, so it should not be so quiet. The most important thing is that he didn't hear footsteps coming from the corridor, as if the guy knocking on the door outside suddenly appeared outside the door.

Any normal person would not open the door at this moment. Yang Xiao held his breath and backed away little by little. His instinct drove him away from the door.

The door only rang twice and then stopped. Yang Xiao could not tell whether the other party had left or not. The next second, Yang Xiao could not help but shudder, and a chill appeared from behind.

He turned his head suddenly, but there was nothing behind him, only a bed. Behind the bed was a small balcony with a glass sliding door that could be opened. The balcony was separated by thick blackout curtains.

His sight swept around inch by inch, and Yang Xiao obviously felt that something was wrong. After a moment, when his sight swept to a position, Yang Xiao was stunned, and his eyes twitched violently.

In the gap between the thick blackout curtains and the floor, a pair of shoe tips appeared.

This was a pair of old-fashioned black leather shoes, the kind worn by men, and the toes of the shoes were facing Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao couldn't help but feel scared. If he had continued to retreat and stay away from the door, he would have fallen into a trap. When he retreated to the curtain, he would have bumped into that thing.

Yang Xiao didn't know what would happen next, and he didn't want to know.

Now there were two choices in front of him, either to stay put and wait and see, or to open the door, rush out, and stay away from the trouble.

In fact, Yang Xiao was more inclined to stay put, but the next scene was beyond his imagination. The tip of the shoe began to move, stepping forward little by little, the curtain was pulled, and a human figure emerged.

Gradually, the pair of black leather shoes were exposed, and then the calves. This thing was actually wearing a pair of off-white plaid trousers. What shocked Yang Xiao even more was that there was a military green sandbag tied to each of its ankles. The sandbags were heavy and dragged on the ground, making a rustling sound.

Yang Xiao rushed to the door. He didn't open the door immediately, but looked out through the cat's eye. There was no one in the corridor outside.

After opening the door a crack and confirming that there was no ambush outside, Yang Xiao immediately opened the door and rushed out. He didn't dare to take the elevator, and ran all the way along the fire escape until he came to the first floor lobby. He saw the staff on duty in the apartment and the people coming and going, and then he stopped.

His strange behavior immediately attracted the attention of the staff on duty in the apartment. A man who looked like a security guard came over and looked at the panting Yang Xiao, "Are you... okay?"

"No." Yang Xiao exhaled a long breath, "I'm exercising."

The security guard looked at him with a puzzled look, "Are you a resident here?"

"Yes, room 619, just moved in today." Yang Xiao didn't say much to the security guard. He walked outside the apartment building,

stood across the street, and looked up at his room.

A strange scene appeared. The curtains in the room that were originally closed were opened a crack,

and light came out.

With this little light, Yang Xiao suddenly noticed that there was a person standing in the corner of the balcony. Due to the angle and light, he could only see a silhouette.

The man was wearing a white suit, but his neck was terrifying. His neck was disproportionate to his entire body, almost as long as half a head. Standing in the shadow, Yang Xiao couldn't see the man's face, but he was sure that the other party was also staring at him.

After a moment, the figure slowly retreated and finally disappeared into the darkness.

After calming down for a moment, Yang Xiao returned to the lobby of the apartment, sat on the sofa, and called Beibei. Beibei, who received the call, was confused. It was obvious that he had drunk a lot of wine and his mind was not clear. He should have gone to bed. But after hearing that Yang Xiao received the ghost script, there was a rustling sound on the other end of the phone, and something was knocked over, followed by a sound of rummaging, "Wait for me in a crowded place, I'll pick you up!"

In less than 20 minutes, Beibei came by taxi, followed by Daxiong. After the two asked Yang Xiao about the situation in detail, Beibei received a call, and then the group returned to the patrol office. Not long after entering the office, the phone in the office rang.

Beibei picked up the phone first, and after a few words, he gave the phone to Yang Xiao, saying that it was from the technical department, and they were ready to help Yang Xiao restore the ghost script information.

The man on the other end of the phone was an older man, and his voice was a little hoarse. Yang Xiao introduced the contents of the ghost script to him, especially the name of Fulin Middle School, and the characteristics of the ghost he met. It was a man,

black leather shoes, an off-white plaid suit, and two sandbags tied to his ankles. The most important point was that his neck was surprisingly long.

After the person on the other end recorded everything, he hung up the phone without any extra courtesy.

After hanging up the phone, Beibei comforted Yang Xiao, saying that his situation this time was not bad. After all, he saw the place name in the ghost script, that is, the school called Fulin Middle School. Generally speaking, as long as there is a name, it will be easy to deal with.

The next morning, all the members of the investigation team who received the news came. Everyone couldn't believe that Yang Xiao received the ghost script so quickly. After all, according to common sense, there should be at least 2 months between the first time a newcomer receives a script and the second time, but Yang Xiao only had 2 weeks, which was obviously wrong.

Daxiong thought about it and analyzed that this might be related to Yang Xiao's frequent use of the ability of the resentful eye. As we all know, frequent use of the resentful eye can greatly speed up the time of receiving the ghost script next time.

However, this guess was denied by the dull Zhuge Zhijie, who said that theoretically it should not be so fast, and some other changes must have happened in the meantime.

Everyone discussed it for an hour, but no one could come up with a reason. Instead, Yu Shu looked at Yang Xiao with an apologetic look.

It took Yang Xiao a moment to realize that she should have suspected it because of herself. After all, in order to save her, Yang Xiao used the ability of the Resentment Eye to sneak into the dream and rescue Yu Shu. After thinking for a moment, Yang Xiao thought that this was the most likely thing to speed up the ghost. The script arrives.

However, he didn't want Yu Shu to feel guilty because of this, so he gave her a look that said she was fine. After all, it was better not to publicize this kind of thing. This was what Director Nalan meant,

Besides, even if Yang Xiao knew the consequences, he couldn't just watch Yu Shu die in his dream.

At noon, it was time to get off work, but everyone was still waiting anxiously. Ximenxiu tried to call the technical department several times to urge him, but Daxiong stopped him every time.

Finally, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the phone in the office rang. Yang Xiao took a deep breath and picked up the phone. The man on the other side was still the same old man, but his tone was full of apologies, "Sorry, Captain Yang, we didn't find any relevant information." clue."

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment. Beibei grabbed the phone and couldn't help but raise her tone, "What do you mean?"

"Sorry, literally, we have been looking until now, but there are no relevant clues at all. I am afraid we have to rely on Captain Yang himself this time." The other person answered.

Beibei was stunned, and it took a moment to react, "How could this happen? Doesn't it have a name? What...what middle school is that?"

"Fu Lin Middle School!" Ximen Xiu reminded.

"That's right, Fulin Middle School is probably located in a remote town. There are low-rise bungalows near the middle school. Isn't that enough?"

"We searched for information on all Fulin Middle Schools. In the official database, there are 36 schools that used to be named Fulin Middle Schools. We checked the detailed information of each school, including the specific location and school buildings.

There was also the surrounding environment, but none of them matched the information provided by Captain Yang, or even similar. "

"Impossible! Our captain has clearly seen this school. The things in the script are all real history. There is no reason why we can't find it!" The development of the matter was far beyond everyone's expectations.

"Sorry, we don't have a clue about this matter yet, but we will continue to investigate, and Captain Yang is asked to be prepared to deal with it alone."

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