Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 130 Slogan

"Ghost script?" Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of it, "You mean that box that suddenly appeared in the house?"

Song Yan nodded, "It's that box. Everyone who receives the ghost script will be forcibly dragged into the nightmare world. Only by deciphering the secrets in the script can they go back."

"I...I thought the box was my hallucination. Not long after I opened it, the box disappeared. I told my girlfriend that she still didn't believe it. We searched all over the house and couldn't find it." Yang Xiao acted in acting Complete set, the fear in his eyes becomes more and more real.

"Haha, it's weird that you can find it. Also, let me remind you that people will die in this world, and if you die here, they will disappear in reality." The young man wearing a skull sweatshirt shrugged, looking indifferent.

A few words from the young man made several newcomers more and more nervous. Finally, Song Yan stood up to reassure people, "Don't be afraid, everyone. Although this world is dangerous, it will not last long. It usually ends in about 3 days. As long as Together we have a good chance of survival.


Song Yan's appearance was very good, and coupled with his elegant temperament and extraordinary conversation, it was easy to win people's hearts at this moment. Finally, at his suggestion, everyone began to introduce themselves one by one.

Lu Ji, the young man wearing a skull sweatshirt, is a short video blogger who focuses on the game commentary section. Tang Cui, a girl with a tattoo on her neck, claims to be a tattoo artist.

Xiang Xiaolin, about 25 years old, with light makeup and sharp eyes. Yang Xiao noticed this woman very early. She had never spoken before and she was standing at the edge. She seemed to be wary of everyone around her. She claimed Is a makeup artist.

Next is Song Yan, who claims to be a famous painter and runs a gallery.

These four are veteran players.

Pei Qiuyu is almost the same height as Yang Xiao. She has three-dimensional facial features and dark skin. She seems to be of mixed race. She can still maintain her composure at this moment. She claims to be a model.

Yu Mi, that is, the girl squatting on the ground crying, wearing braids. It wasn't until she raised her head that Yang Xiao realized that this person was younger than he thought. She was probably just an adult. She was a college student. Second, liberal arts students.

Luo Zhaoqing is about the same age as Yang Xiao. He has a thin body but a big head. He is very bald. He claims to be a programmer.

These three people, like Yang Xiao, all call themselves newcomers.

"What do you do?" Song Yan looked at Yang Xiao, seemingly very interested in him. "I...I won't work for the time being. My girlfriend's income is pretty good. She...she loves me very much." Yang Xiao was quite a bit Sorry, he used the fake name Chu Xi.

Lu Ji looked Yang Xiao up and down, whistled, squinted and smiled: "Brother, it's okay. If I have a girlfriend like this in the future, help me introduce a girlfriend. I don't want to work hard anymore. I'm tired of cutting videos every day. "

"My girlfriend and I are in true love, not what you think." Yang Xiao emphasized.

"Okay, these are not important." Song Yan interrupted the boring conversation and reminded: "Everyone, everyone should have read the ghost script this time. We are invited as new actors. Come here. Here to participate in the filming of a movie, I hope that each of us can remember who we are, what we do, and what we say,

It all has to fit in with our personality. "

There was a car approaching in the distance. It was a bus. Looking at the direction, it was heading towards them. As it approached, the vehicle slowed down.

Finally stopped at the platform.

Surprisingly, there was a piece of paper taped under the front windshield with the word "middle school" written on it. This was actually a school bus.

"Newcomers follow the old man, talk less, observe more, think twice before taking any action, and try not to be alone, especially at night." Before the bus door opened, Song Yan took the time to give a few more instructions.

As soon as he finished speaking, the car door opened, and there were no students inside. A man wearing a peaked cap and an unshaven beard walked out. The man looked around at Yang Xiao and others, and frowned slightly, "Are you the actors that Sister Shengnan hired?"

After receiving a positive response, the man in the peaked hat sighed, looking a little disappointed, "Let me introduce myself, my surname is Ding, and I am the director of this scene."

"Director Ding." Everyone greeted.

"Yeah." Director Ding nodded and stepped aside, "Since you're here, let's get in the car. The crew is in the car, so we can get to know each other."

After getting on the bus, Yang Xiao discovered that the crew was very shabby. The bus was large, enough for dozens of people to ride. But now, including 8 of them, only a small part of them were seated. He counted carefully, including the driver, and there were only a few people in the bus. 17 people in total.

Yang Xiao looked at the two women on the right seat of the car. The two women were a little strange. They were sitting together. They were both wearing thick masks and caps. They were not carrying any equipment or prop boxes. Something like that, not like a crew member.

Everyone was sitting near the front, and there were some sundries and things packed in sacks behind the car.

"Director Ding, are there anyone else in our crew?" Xiang Xiaolin's voice was very sweet, which was completely different from the cold attitude not long ago.

Unexpectedly, Director Ding frowned when he heard this, and said with unabashed ridicule, "What, do you think the crew is too small and not decent enough? Let me tell you in advance, for these people, you should not think about professional service. You are not that cool." Bit."

"Director Ding, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean it that way." When she first entered the nightmare world, Xiang Xiaolin didn't want to be targeted by the NPCs inside.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not. What we are going to shoot this time is a small-budget movie that won't be released on the stars. If the Internet has a chance, we can give it a try. It focuses on short videos, and the shooting period is very short. It is tentatively scheduled to be completed in 4 days. Now It's still early, I'll take you to the shooting location to get familiar with it," Director Ding said bluntly.

As the car drove forward and looked out through the car window, Yang Xiao noticed that this place should be a relatively remote town with relatively few high-rise buildings, and it was obviously not well developed.

In addition, something else caught Yang Xiao's attention. Slogans appeared on the walls on both sides of the road from time to time.

"Boys and girls are equally strong and can become pillars when they grow up.'

“Female society holds half of the sky, and men and women hold up the blue sky together.”

"Let birth take its own course, and a daughter will be more filial to her father and mother."

"Both boys and girls are born the same. Girls should be cared for. Discrimination, abandonment, abuse, and harm are prohibited. Violators will be severely punished!

These big slogans really shocked Yang Xiao. In his memory, he could only see these in past film and television works, which means that these pictures were only seen at least 30 years ago. Looking at the clothes of the crew,

Obviously inconsistent with the era.

Soon after, the vehicle began to slow down. After turning a corner, Yang Xiao saw a school with a relatively new gate.

There are two teaching buildings inside, and Yang Xiao can recognize at a glance which one is further away on the right. It is the three-story building on the script box.

What surprised Yang Xiao even more was that the name of this school was not Fulin Middle School, but Rulin Middle School.

"The name was changed?"

The school bus driver pressed the horn twice, the retractable door of the school gate opened, and the school bus drove in. After stopping,

The group of people got out of the car one after another.

There were some people waiting outside the car door. The leader was an old man with gray hair and a smile on his face. "Director Ding, hello. I am the principal here. My surname is Wu. I have been waiting for you since I received the news." You are here."

The principal was very enthusiastic and took Director Ding's hand to greet him. This made everyone feel strange, especially Yang Xiao. He noticed the expressions of the principal and the accompanying teachers, and felt that the smiles of these people were somewhat hypocritical.

"Principal Wu, Sister Shengnan arranged for us to come to shoot this time. If I bother you, I have to trouble you." Director Ding was also polite.

"No trouble, no trouble, it should be done."

"By the way, Principal Wu, we communicated in advance about the shooting location and costumes. Look...

"Everything is ready, and the classroom has been vacated."

"Okay." Director Ding turned around and said in a commanding tone: "Today's audition, the actors in the group will come with me.

Others stayed to rest. "

Yang Xiao looked back and realized that the two women wearing masks had not gotten out of the car at all. Before, Yang Xiao was still guessing whether these two people were "actors" like them.

But now it seems that they are not. The reason why they dress up like that feels like they are deliberately concealing their identity.

Under the personal leadership of Principal Wu, the group went to the shooting location. As expected, it was the three-story building.

Standing downstairs in this lead-gray building, Yang Xiao felt an inexplicable gust of cold wind blowing against his face. This was not a good sign.

This building is very old, at least several decades old. It looks mottled from the outside, with the cement cracked in some places, exposing the bricks inside.

"This building is an old building. It was built with assistance from the town shortly after the school was founded. New buildings were built a few years ago, and this building was transferred to the junior high school."

Principal Wu led a group of people inside and introduced as he walked, "Even though we are called a middle school, we are actually mainly primary schools. There are only three classes in junior high schools. The town is experiencing a large population loss. Young people have gone to the cities to work hard. Many primary schools Students who want to continue studying after graduation are often asked by their parents to work in big cities.”

"The first floor here is for classrooms, and the second floor is for the activity room and music classroom. Don't go to the third floor. No one is using it. There are usually piles of debris and so on. It's very messy."

"If you want to take pictures, just go to the second floor. It's quiet there. We've specially set aside a room for you, and it's arranged like a classroom."

Entering the building, Yang Xiao found many slogans on the surrounding walls, on the walls, on the stairs, and in the glass display windows. The density was very high.

The content was similar to what he saw along the way. Yang Xiao couldn't help but wonder, is it necessary to post so many slogans in an ordinary teaching building?

Yang Xiao stopped in front of a slogan. This slogan was written on white paper and then posted on the wall. He reached out and touched it and found that the paper was very new. It must have been posted just two days ago.

Not only this one, but other slogans were also similar. Yang Xiao checked 4 or 5 copies in a row, and they were all the same.

It feels like it was temporarily attached to cope with the leadership inspection.

But their identity is just a crew who used the classroom to make a short movie. It is already good that the school is willing to provide the venue. To say the least, what is the point of showing these slogans to them? Yang Xiao's mind was a little confused and he had no clue for the time being.

Principal Wu walked up to the second floor and pushed open the door of a classroom with a podium, a blackboard, and more than twenty tables and chairs. These tables and chairs were not new, and there were signs of repair on them. It seemed that they were all pulled from an old warehouse. Making up the numbers.

Before I could say a few polite words, a teacher from outside hurried over and said, "Principal Wu, Teacher Xu said she is sick. She will not come to class starting tomorrow."

"Sick?" Principal Wu looked ugly, "Why did you suddenly become sick? Wasn't he fine yesterday?

After a while, Principal Wu realized that there were outsiders present, so he asked Director Ding and the others to get busy first, saying that he had nothing to do today and was in the classroom downstairs. If anything happened, he could come to him at any time.

However, Principal Wu emphasized that the filming could not take place after 6 o'clock at the latest, which meant that they had to leave before dark.

Lock the door here.

Then Principal Wu and his party left. Yang Xiao noticed that Principal Wu's face turned ugly after he walked out.

The accompanying teachers also had strange expressions.

But Director Ding didn't care about this. He began to direct the audition. At this time, Song Yan smiled and asked: "Director Ding, can you read the script for us? With the script, we will have a score in our hearts."

"The script is for real actors. Now is the audition. Just do whatever I say. I didn't come to you to say that all of you can be on camera. I have to select. Only qualified actors can get this opportunity. "

As if he felt that what he said was not enough, Director Ding revealed, "Sister Shengnan is very attractive personally. Although our crew is small and the cost is low, as long as we have the brand name of Sister Shengnan, the topic will definitely be enough. As long as you If you shoot carefully, it may become a hit, and you will soar into the sky!”

This kind of low-level chicken blood has no effect on Yang Xiao and the others. They are not here to soar into the sky, what they want is to survive.

Opening several packages on the desk in the classroom, there was a complete set of school uniforms inside. They were very new. "You guys, put on your school uniforms, and the actresses." Director Ding directed back and forth, "The actors don't need to, you play the teacher in the play." ”

"Which subject does the teacher teach?" Lu Ji asked.

"Anything, Chinese, mathematics, nature, geography, it's all fine. You need to prepare your emotions first and do it one by one."

"Let me tell you about the background of the character you are about to play. He is a male teacher. He is thin and fair. He is 24 years old. He just graduated from college. The time is... 20 years ago."

"College students at that time were not like today. They were all top students, and their role was to come to the countryside to teach as soon as they graduated."

"All in all, the character is a promising young man with ideals and ambitions. He has a comparative personality but a warm heart. Both teachers and students like him very much. He has literary talent and can write poetry."

"By the way, he is also very talented in music. He can play music for the students on a tape recorder and likes girls to dance around him."

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