Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 219: Spiritual Blogger

11:45 at night... Yang Xiao couldn't understand. Since the door-to-door service was urgently needed, why not go earlier? Must it wait until late at night?

Also, this time point was quite strange. After all, it was only 15 minutes before midnight, which made people feel uncomfortable.

The other tasks were similar, almost all of which were concentrated after 11 o'clock at night. This was not a good sign.

"This mission is different from the past. It is very dangerous. The old players will go first to set an example for the new brothers and also take a trip." Fu Changxue was very much like a leader. He didn't play tricks and directly tore off a commission, "I'll go first."

Fu Changxue chose to go to Mr. Lu's house in Room 3001 at 11 o'clock at night to repair the toilet.

Fu Changxue's actions instantly attracted a lot of goodwill. Newcomers like Xu Xinyi and Cheng Ya couldn't help but cast admiring eyes. But Li Qingxuan seemed stunned and almost didn't react.

However, Fu Changxue's tricks are useless to old players like Yang Xiao. This Fu Changxue is very cunning. He knows that someone has died today. In addition, it is the first day, so the safety factor of the task is relatively much higher.

"Brothers, let me be frank. Everyone is equal here. I went today, but I won't go next time. Let's set a rule and take turns." Fu Changxue said, "That is to say, two people will take the task today, and two more people will be on duty for patrol. Tomorrow, the four of us will not go up. We will choose from the remaining five people. Everyone will follow the order. Do you have any objections?"

"No." This sounds fair at first glance.

Then Yang Xiao also took action. He took off the door-to-door task of Ms. Wu in Room 6037, the task of needing a doctor because of inconvenience in movement.

Not for anything else, but because of one person, Li Qingxuan's room is on the 6th floor. He was thinking about whether he could find an opportunity to test it, otherwise this kid always peeks at him.

If there is a problem with the test, he will use him as a bullet in the future.

Just now, this guy was still peeking, which made Yang Xiao panic. He thought that this guy would not have other intentions towards him.

No way.

"Okay, Chu Xi and I will explore the way for everyone tonight. There will also be night security. Who will come?" Fu Changxue acted like a leader.

"I will." Tong Han was the first to stand up.

"And me." Wang Longhui also stepped forward.

"Very good, then it's settled. There are four of us tonight, and the rest of you should rest in your own rooms. Remember,

Don't go out and wander around at night. If you encounter someone knocking on the door, you must confirm the identity of the person knocking on the door. Even if it is the sound of a few of us, don't open the door easily."

After listening to Fu Changxue's words, the frail Xu Xinyi couldn't help but whispered: "Fu... Brother Fu, why don't you open the door?"

"Because there may be ghosts outside." I don't know when Yang Xiao came to Xu Xinyi and whispered to her ear.

Xu Xinyi was scared to death.

Since their respective tasks had been determined, everyone left the security room. It was still early, and the wall clock showed that it was only 7 o'clock in the evening.

"What should we do with this shoe?" Mo Daidai held the high-heeled shoe that the woman had left behind. It was black and the sole was severely worn.

In the end, everyone decided to leave the shoe outside the security room, and Yang Xiao wrote a lost and found notice and posted it on the wall where the commission was posted.

After doing all this, relying on the large number of people, everyone squeezed into the elevator, which was the one that the woman took with the child.

Because the apartment is very large and has many rooms, there are a total of four elevators in the entire apartment. Two are in the corner of the lobby on the first floor, not far from the security room, and the other two are on the other side of the corridor.

Yang Xiao's room is 4004. Because the floor is low, he got off the elevator relatively early, which also avoided the bad luck of taking the elevator alone in the end.

After getting off the elevator, he looked around. The corridor was relatively clean and full of the breath of life. There were bags of garbage outside some doors.

He sniffed and smelled the aroma of food.

"Tomato scrambled eggs, um... there seems to be stir-fried potato shreds." Yang Xiao sniffed again, "There is also a smell of vinegar, who is making dumplings?"

No matter what, the familiar atmosphere of life always gives people a long-lost sense of security. Yang Xiao thought of his childhood.

Oh, it's useless to think about it. He is an orphan. There is a row of lights on the ceiling of the corridor. The light shines on him. He quickly found his room on the side of the corridor. Outside his door, there is an old-fashioned red clay flower pot.

There is a plant in the flower pot that has long been dried up, and it is even impossible to tell what kind it is.

Yang Xiao looked around and found that there was no one, so he squatted down and moved the flower pot. Sure enough, he found a copper key underneath.

This is what the letter in the script box revealed. It seems that this is where he lives during this period.

Getting the key, Yang Xiao unlocked the door neatly and stepped back while pushing the door open.

Fortunately, there was no door-opening killer. Facing the inside was a living room. The living room was not big, but the old decoration revealed a rare warmth.

There were old-fashioned cloth sofas, wooden tables and chairs, and an old-fashioned red telephone on a glass coffee table covered with cloth. The telephone was also covered with a white dustproof cloth.

Going further in, behind the dark blue curtains was a small square window, through which you could see the night outside.

To Yang Xiao's surprise, there was a red-shelled TV in the corner of the living room against the wall.

According to Yang Xiao's understanding of this era, not many people could use a TV. This thing could not be bought with money back then, and you had to find someone to use a receipt.

As an experienced supernatural script writer, Yang Xiao was very sensitive to TVs, especially those with red shells. He immediately removed the tablecloth covering the coffee table to cover the TV screen, and then checked the entire room, especially the bathroom.

The bathroom was pitifully small, the black cement floor looked dirty, and a rough, sharp-edged simple large mirror was hung in front of the sink.

Yang Xiao first tried to remove the mirror, but it didn't work. The back of the mirror was glued on. There was no choice but to go to the bedroom to remove the sheets and cover the mirror tightly.

Then he checked the faucet, the drainage pipes in the bathroom, the wardrobe, under the bed, whether there was a layer in the ceiling, and whether the electrical switches were easy to use...

After doing all this, leaning on the sofa, Yang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief and felt much safer.

He couldn't sleep, so he waited quietly. The adjacent rooms were relatively quiet, probably because no one lived there, and there was no garbage outside the door.



There was a copper pendulum clock hanging on the wall of the living room. This object was obviously older, older than most of the decorations in the room. It was probably hung in the room decades ago.

Originally, according to Yang Xiao's character, this ticking thing must be stopped, not to mention that it was an old pendulum clock with a long history, but this time it couldn't be done, he needed to calculate the time.

During the waiting time, Yang Xiao closed his eyes, and the previous scenes flashed by one by one, including the clues in the script box and the performance of his teammates, but in the end, it was still that face that stayed in his mind.

Who is this Li Qingxuan, and why is he staring at him? There is definitely something wrong with this person. Even if he is not an evil cultivator, he is not a newcomer.

Yang Xiao is not afraid of pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, he is afraid of meeting those weird guys.

If there is a chance tonight, I will definitely try him. If soft tactics don't work, I will use hard tactics. This person gives Yang Xiao a very strange feeling. He doesn't look like an enemy, but if he is a friend, Yang Xiao doesn't know him.

Before he came, he checked the list of personnel of the Qingfeng Patrol Office and memorized every face. This Li Qingxuan was not among them. There was no one from the Qingfeng Patrol Office among the people who came.

This mission is more difficult. There is at least one evil cultivator hidden inside, but we can't kill them all. The most troublesome thing is that we met such a weird person.

"Spirit Exploration Blogger...

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