Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 329 Open the door

Hu Yanming's words gave them a wake-up call. Cows don't bark for no reason. They bark as soon as it gets dark. They probably sense that something terrible has entered the village. Animals are better at seeking advantages and avoiding harm than humans. Much stronger.

And that scary thing is naturally a ghost.

Before everyone could think about it, suddenly, a strange cry came from the distance, "One by one, one by one'

It barked one after another, and it was a very thick and somewhat hoarse sound. Judging from the strong confidence, it was a larger animal, definitely a cow.

"The cows are lowing, it's night." Cheng Cha reminded in a low voice. The people sitting close to the doors and windows immediately dispersed spontaneously to check whether the doors and windows were closed.

One cow brayed loudly than another. Judging from the braying, there were at least 7 or 8 cows in the village. The braying of the cows was quite rapid, like the sound of bells hitting the hearts of everyone. Indeed, Hu Yanming was not talking nonsense. These cows looked like He was frightened, you could feel it in his voice.

Something has entered the village...

But when Yang Xiao turned to look at Hu Yanming, he found that Hu Yanming's ears were pricked up and his eyebrows were wrinkled with a "Sichuan" pattern, looking in disbelief.

Yang Xiao suddenly had a bad feeling, "Hu Yanming, what's wrong with you?"

The next second, Hu Yanming seemed to have recovered from his doubts, but the first words he spoke shocked everyone, "This... this doesn't seem to be a cow's braying."

Tong Han was stunned for a moment, "What is that?"

"I...I don't know. I have been in the countryside for more than 10 years and have never heard such a cry, but...this thing must be huge."

On the other end, Liu Haiping, who was alone in the boudoir, got up immediately after hearing the cry and lit two candles on the dressing table with the fire stick left by the housekeeper. In an instant, the dark room immediately became bright, and through the Looking at the pear-shaped mirror in front of her, Liu Haiping looked at herself dressed up in the mirror. For a moment, she felt a little strange. At this moment, she looked more like a ghost than a human being.

Taking one last look at the screen in the corner, Liu Haiping no longer hesitated and took out the dirty red hijab.

Cover your head.

With the hijab covering the head, it seemed as if the whole world was quiet for an instant, and at the same time, the line of sight was cut off.

Liu Haiping couldn't look around anymore. Being left alone here, she even felt like being abandoned by the whole world.

I sniffed it with the tip of my nose, and found that the hijab was not only dirty, but also smelled a bit.

The smell is not strong, but it has an indescribable stench. It seems that it has been used by many people, or it has been thrown away somewhere and has been contaminated by the stench.

Time passed by, and Liu Haiping could still persuade herself to be patient at first, but soon, her heart was filled with fear little by little, and she began to imagine countless horrific scenes in her mind.

She is sitting in front of the dressing table, facing the mirror, but is she really herself in the mirror? Keep the same movements as yourself?

Will... . Could it be that two ghost hands have stretched out in the mirror at this moment, slowly grabbing at his neck?

There are also various sounds outside, the rustle of fallen leaves in the wind, or the sound of the wind sweeping through the gaps between doors and windows. Everything makes Liu Haiping afraid.

The more she thought about it, the more she became afraid. The more she became afraid, the more she thought about it. Liu Haiping wanted to pull off the hijab several times. Perhaps it was a psychological effect. She even felt that the hijab was getting tighter and tighter, and her breathing became difficult. She began to worry that she was covered by the hijab. The back of the mouth and nose was covered to death.

But she endured all these, and she remembered what the old housekeeper said. Finally, reason defeated her fear, and she began to count the seconds in her heart, just like she had been lying in bed with insomnia in reality. She must spend this night safely. Pass.

Liu Haiping considered herself not smart, but she was not stupid either. She had analyzed that the villagers were killed after having several strange dreams in a row, but she was different. She had just arrived and had never had any strange dreams. She is not from Dujiacun either.

As long as he doesn't make a big mistake tonight, he probably won't be killed on the spot. The worst consequence is that he will be haunted by the ghost and have the strange dream he had before his disappearance.

Although this is dangerous, at least it buys time. Several people in this mission look very powerful. Maybe they can crack the secret of Dujia Village and get rid of the ghosts before they are killed. of pursuit.

Liu Haiping kept cheering herself up and thinking on the bright side of everything. People must have hope, otherwise they would not be able to persevere.

After thinking about it, Liu Haiping felt much calmer, but suddenly, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and she heard a strange noise.

It was like the rustling of fallen leaves in the wind, but it was slower than that. She couldn't hear it clearly, but the position...: seemed to be very close to her.

Holding her breath, Liu Haiping waited, and she didn't dare to express her anger.

"Click" Half a minute later, the sound sounded again, and this time Liu Haiping heard it clearly. The next second, her whole body began to tremble, because the sound was not outside the window, but in the room.

The sound came from the back of the right side of her body, and she had a deep impression of that place, where the screen was placed.

According to Tong Han, there was a large black wardrobe resembling a coffin hidden behind the screen, and Tong Han specifically reminded her before leaving.

She was a person who took advice, and just to be on the safe side, she didn't even dare to get close.

Her breathing became rapid, and Liu Haiping closed her eyes tightly, trying not to think too much and treating it all as an illusion.

"—Another sound. This time Liu Haiping heard it more clearly. The sound came from behind the screen. It was very slow and had a little verbosity at the end, like something sharp scratching across an old cabinet door. The friction sound produced.

Reminiscent of what Tong Han said that there might be a corpse hidden in the cabinet, the image instantly materialized in her mind. A bloated and rotten body was standing in the cabinet at the moment, and she raised her hand mechanically. He was tapping the wardrobe door with sharp nails.


"Look, this is no longer a question of whether Liu Haiping thinks about it or not. The sound of "Don't rub it" is getting faster and faster, until finally it sounds like "Hey -".

Liu Haiping "glared" in her heart, and the face under the hijab was distorted with fright. She heard it very clearly. It was the sound of an old wooden door being pushed open.

The closet door behind the screen... was opened.


One foot landed.

After a moment, "Ta."

Another foot landed.

The corpse from the closet came out.

Liu Haiping was going crazy. She fisted her hands and her nails were already pierced into her flesh. But even so, she still did not lift her hijab to escape.

"Hallucinations, all hallucinations..." Liu Haiping closed her eyes and kept comforting herself.

Judging from the sound of his feet hitting the ground, he could tell that the other party had bare feet. Liu Haiping could imagine that they must be dead feet covered in mud and glowing black and blue.




Liu Haiping was stunned, and the pair of dead feet behind the screen began to step stiffly.

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