Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 347: Money for the Mouth

Zhengjia Village has disappeared in the long river of history, and these villagers living in Dujia Village today, who are neither human nor ghosts, are the former Bujia Villagers.

"Could it be that the people in Dujia Village who were killed really believed in Buddhism, and it was precisely because of this that they laid the groundwork for being deceived into opening the city gate."

According to this idea, Sui Chengguo continued, "The desperate Hanjia villagers came to the city wall.

The Dujia villagers who were originally guarding the village did not want to open the door, fearing fraud, but at this moment a walking monk stood up and

He couldn't bear the brutal slaughter of old, weak, women and children, so he sat cross-legged at the foot of the city, burned a finger to offer to Buddha, and was willing to protect Hanjia Village. "

"The kind-hearted people of Dujia Village are grateful for their pure Buddha heart. At the same time, the acting skills of the people of Bujia Village are also very real.

Unfortunately, after the city gate was opened, these beasts immediately turned against each other. Bujia Village, which relied on robbery all year round, was far more powerful than Dujia Village, so the entire village was slaughtered in a short period of time, and the well-intentioned monk who did bad things did not escape. But before he died, the sad and angry monk swore a poisonous oath, cursing the treacherous beasts in Hanjia Village to live in fear for the rest of their lives, unable to leave Dujia Village for half a step, and subject to the five precepts. Immortal. "

Judging from the current clues, everyone thinks that what Sui Chengguo said is close to the truth. Quan Doufeng finally gave the clues, "What are the punishments of the Five Precepts?"

"The five precepts refer to the five major precepts of Buddhism, one is to kill, the other is to steal, the third is to commit adultery, the fourth is to lie, and the fifth is to drink alcohol. These five precepts are the basic precepts, and must be observed by both monks and at home." Cheng Cha added, "Actually, these five precepts These precepts are only representatives of the five major precepts. It is said that there are 250 precepts for monks in the Vinaya, and as many as 348 for bhikshunis."

Judging from the current task form, everyone believes that the tasks every night are related to the Five Precepts of Buddhism. To be precise, they have to violate one of the Five Precepts every night. The five days also correspond to the five precepts. If they want to leave alive, they have to At least one of the five precepts must be successfully broken and this unsolvable cycle of reincarnation must be broken.

"Liu Haiping's mission the night before undoubtedly corresponds to the precept of sexual immorality among the five precepts, while what happened to Zye Huyanming corresponds to the precept of killing." Yang Xiao said firmly.

"What does fishing have to do with the precept against killing?" Lu Youcheng couldn't figure it out.

"Ahimsa is a general term that requires believers not to harm any living objects, embodying the kindness and compassion in the teachings." Cheng Cha answered on his behalf.

"That's it." Yang Xiao nodded and looked at everyone, "Now that I have experienced sexual immorality and killing, the next three nights are all about stealing, lying, and drinking."

The context of the mission has almost been sorted out, and the next step is to wait. During this period, everyone takes the time to rest. At least they don't have to worry about being disturbed by nightmares when sleeping during the day.

In the afternoon, Yang Xiao was drinking tea. A young maid whom he had met before hurried over and said that someone had fainted again in the Buddhist hall. This time it was Aunt Du from the village. Now the person had been carried home and was taken care of by the clan leader. Put someone on guard.

As soon as everyone was about to leave, they were stopped by the maid, saying that the patriarch had an order that only three of them could go, and the rest had to wait for orders in the ancestral house.

This is not a pleasant thing to say. I have an order and am waiting to be dispatched... . This was clearly giving them orders in the tone of a superior. Not long ago, Chief Du was talking to them like a benefactor when he saw them, but he didn't expect that he would change his title so quickly.

But Yang Xiao and others had no time to take care of it, and finally selected Yang Xiaotong, Han Chengcha and three others to go. The rest, led by Sui Chengguo, stayed at the ancestral home and watched what happened.

Under the guidance of the maid, the three of them walked out of the gate of the ancestral house, turned left and right along the stone road, and soon came to a yard. The gate of the yard was closed tightly, and there was a piece of yellow paper stuck on the door, which looked like a ghost painting. There are also some messy patterns painted on them.

Yang Xiao stepped forward and knocked on the door with his hand. There were rapid footsteps inside, and as the heavy wooden door was opened,

Du San appeared behind the door. When he saw Yang Xiao coming, he immediately pulled him inside. He was surprisingly strong, "You are here now. Come in quickly. This person... This person is going to die right now!"

As soon as they walked into the room and before they even reached the back room, they smelled the smell of rotten meat. The smell irritated the nasal cavity and cast a haze on the mood of several people.

Opening the curtain in front of the door of the inner room, I saw a bloated human figure lying on the bed, his face covered by an old cloth.

The clothes were open, and the whole body was severely rotten. He could not distinguish between male and female, the skin and flesh were peeling off, and pus flowed across the body. In some places, pale bones were even exposed. If his chest hadn't risen slightly, Yang Xiao would have thought that this person was dead.

"Can people still talk?" Yang Xiao asked Du San aside in a low voice.

Du San shook his head, his voice was very hoarse, as if he had just cried: "It's no longer possible. It was fine when I was first brought back, but...: But now.


After swallowing a few words, Du San rubbed his red eyes and cheered up again, "Aunt Du once had a brief flashback. She had a dream, and a voice chanting sutras in the dream told her to let her stay tonight. Go out after midnight, find a person, and take something from that person.”

"Who are you looking for?" Tong Han asked.

Du San took a deep breath and said, "He is the head of Bujia Village."

"Isn't he dead?"

"The patriarch should have told you that every night after midnight, the villagers of Bujia Village who were killed by the rebels will turn into ghosts and wander around the village. The head of Hanjia Village is among them. You need to fight among the many ghosts tonight. Find the village chief of Hanjia Village."

Du San continued to explain with a serious face, "Aunt Du said in a daze that there is an evil thing in the head of the village. The demon monk uses this thing to control the ghosts of the Han villagers. As long as this thing can be removed, If you find the things, you can free the villagers from the control of the demon monks, which is also a merit, Amitabha." After finishing speaking, Du San put his hands together and made a posture of worshiping the Buddha.

"What exactly is this?" Yang Xiao asked.

"I don't know. Aunt Du didn't say anything. She just said that she would recognize it as soon as she saw it." Du San emphasized.

"What does this Hanjia villager look like?" Cheng Cha asked.

"I don't know." Du San shook his head, "But Aunt Du said that the village chief has something wrong with his legs. One of his legs is made of wood."

Apart from these clues, Du San could no longer provide anything. After confirming that Aunt Du had no value, the three of them planned to leave. But surprisingly, Du San, who was the only one accompanying Aunt Du in the room, also picked up his clothes and followed. They walked out of the yard together.

The four of them rushed back all the way. After passing another slightly larger courtyard, Du San stopped and asked Yang Xiao and the others to wait for him outside. Du San opened the door and walked into the courtyard with ease. Yang Xiao and the others saw There are many dry herbs drying behind the courtyard gate. At the same time, a bamboo basket stands upside down next to the millstone in the yard. There is a broad-backed hatchet lying across the millstone. Even in the daytime, this hatchet looks familiar. Still exuding a cold luster,

The sharp blade is terrifying.

This knife was most likely the murder weapon used to kill Liu Haiping and Hu Yanming, and this was probably the home of Du San, the number one killer in the village.

The three of them stood outside the door and waited in a tacit understanding without stepping in. About 5 minutes later, Du San hurried out with a bag of things. When he came out, he stuffed the bag into Yang Xiao's arms. , "These are all given to you by the clan leader. You can use them at night. There are three copper coins, three soul-inducing incense sticks, and three masks. You send three people tonight, each holding a copper coin in his mouth and wearing a mask on his head. Holding a piece of soul-drawing incense, remember not to speak with your mouth open, and don't let the copper coins fall to the ground, otherwise the breath of strangers will be revealed. The soul-drawing incense can temporarily stabilize those lonely ghosts. You must rush back to your ancestral home before the incense burns out. "

Du San said some more words, Yang Xiao and others took them to heart, and then they separated. Du San locked the door, turned around and walked towards Aunt Du's natal home, while Yang Xiao and others walked towards the ancestral home. Before leaving, Yang Xiao did not He looked around at Du San's courtyard gate animatedly and kept the location in mind.

After returning to his ancestral home, Yang Xiao put the package on the table and opened it. At the same time, he explained the situation in detail. Everyone looked bad, and tonight's task sounded very difficult.

Before he finished speaking, Quan Doufeng secretly said, "It's Aunt Du who suffered a disaster tonight. She is a woman, so should we also send women to deal with it?"

Tong Han turned to look at him and suddenly smiled the next second: "What did you say? Please say it again, I didn't hear it clearly.

Being stared at by Tong Han with such a smile, Quan Dou frowned and did not dare to speak for a long time. At Yang Xiao's suggestion, everyone still used drawing lots to solve the problem.

But this time the result was far beyond everyone's expectations. The three people drawn were Cheng Cha, Tong Han, and Yang Xiao.

It completely matched the candidate who went to visit Aunt Du not long ago. Yang Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath. He knew that this was no coincidence.

Time passed very quickly, and it soon became completely dark. Yang Xiao picked up a copper coin and smelled it. The copper coin was very clean, as if it had been scrubbed carefully, but if you smell it carefully, you can still smell it. There was a faint rancid smell.

"It's a dead man's money." Cheng Cha suddenly said from the side.

Yang Xiao knew that money placed in the mouth of a deceased person, also known as "mouth money", represents the beautiful meaning of hoping that the deceased will have money to use in the underworld. This kind of money is said to have the effect of warding off evil spirits.

There are also high and low levels of copper coins. Generally, ordinary families use this kind of copper coins. Most of the money in the mouths of wealthy families after someone dies is jade.

The three of them, Yang Xiao, gathered together, thinking about tonight's mission. It was late at night, and the pot of strong tea had reached the bottom. Suddenly, a dull sound of hammers sounded in the silent ancestral house.

This is the signal.

Midnight...has arrived.

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