Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 371: Driving Corpses

Yang Xiao's brain was spinning rapidly. He could not judge that the people of Dujia Village would not kill them all at the last moment. After all, there was a mission tonight. This was the last chance, so the person outside should be sent by Chief Du.

After asking for the opinions of other teammates, Yang Xiao took a deep breath and opened the door. When they saw the true face of this person, everyone in the room couldn't help holding their breath. It was a new face that they had never seen in the village.

"It's the third watch, the chief is urging you to get on the road quickly." It was still the uncomfortable tone, and the tall man's mouth opened and closed.

Yang Xiao, who was closest to the man, didn't dare to breathe, because he noticed that the man's eyes were not focused at all. The other party just looked at them with a dull look, not looking at any of them.

No matter from which point of view, the people in front of him were more like ghosts than people. Suddenly, Yang Xiao had such a judgment in his mind. Could this be the true face of the people of Dujia Village? They were people during the day, and after the third watch at night, they would become ghosts.

After thinking for a while, Yang Xiao felt that it was very likely. This should be the reason why the people of Dujia Village were unwilling to show up after midnight. After all, the ghost villagers of Handan Village wandering in the village would not easily enter the courtyard gate protected by incense ash, which means that they would not threaten the people of Dujia Village in the ancestral house. But even so, the people of Dujia Village would not walk around in the ancestral house at will after midnight.

"What is your name, big brother? What preparations do we need?" Yang Xiao bowed to him, following the basic etiquette and testing the other party's reaction.

But the tall man ignored him and didn't even look at Yang Xiao. He was still repeating the previous few words. Time was not available. Yang Xiao turned around and gestured to everyone to stay calm. Then he walked out of the door alone, with his left hand tucked into his sleeve, rubbing the heart lock in his palm. He was not sure whether this thing would be useful in case of danger, but it was better to have it than not, even if it was just the simplest psychological comfort.

But the other party still ignored Yang Xiao and kept repeating like a repeater until Tong Han, Cheng Cha and the other four came out.

"You go ahead and find the wine cellar in the west of the village. I'll follow you." The tall man said word by word,

The lantern in his hand swayed in the night wind.

"Big brother, we are not familiar with the road, so you should lead the way in front." Tong Han responded very politely, and the reason was very sufficient. In fact, she was worried that this guy would walk at the back and chop off their heads when they were not prepared.

"It's the third watch, the clan leader urged you to get on the road quickly."

Here it comes again...

The crowd had no choice but to line up as required, with Yang Xiao leading the team in the front. The last of the five,

that is, the one standing in front of the tall man, was in the most dangerous position. Surprisingly, Wu Ma Haoming took the initiative to stand up.

It can be seen that he was also very scared, and his calves were trembling, but there is no free lunch in the world. Tonight he needs Yang Xiao, Cheng Cha and Tong Han to keep him alive.

He saw clearly that if all these people died, he would have no chance. If he took the initiative, he could let them appreciate his kindness. In this way, even if he encountered danger, they might be able to help him.




The group walked out. Walking on the empty street, Yang Xiao suddenly had a very strange feeling, as if their team was a corpse-driving team, but the last tall man was the corpse-driving man, and they were the corpses being driven.

The situation here was different from before. After three o'clock in the night, the village was filled with fog and ghosts.

Those ghost villagers of the Handan family wandered everywhere, but tonight the village was unusually quiet, and the doors on both sides of the stone road were closed.

Wu Ma Haoming was so oppressed by the strange atmosphere that he dared not breathe. He shrank his neck unnaturally, as if he would be stabbed in the next second. His ears were erected, and he was always paying attention to the movements behind him. Perhaps because he was distracted by what was behind him, Wu Ma Haoming did not pay attention to his feet. The next second, he stepped on the heel of the person in front of him, and he was caught off guard and leaned forward, suddenly falling to the ground. Fortunately, he changed his action at the last moment and bumped to the left, otherwise he would have fallen one after another, and several people would have been knocked down.

Wu Ma Haoming, who had reacted, immediately got up and turned around. His knees were weak and his mind was blank. He actually knelt down facing the tall man and kept begging: "I'm sorry, I didn't see the road clearly. Please don't misunderstand me. Please...


At this moment, the team stopped. Yang Xiao and the others were stiff. They didn't dare to look back at all. Their hearts were in their throats.

The more you fear something, the more it will happen. The most important thing is that they don't know whether Wu Ma Haoming fell down by himself or was tripped by something.

But the next second, a scene that no one expected happened. The man who escorted them, who was neither human nor ghost, was even more nervous than them. He kept looking around, his face was ashen, and he kept repeating: "There are only 4 people left, one is missing, where did that person go?"

"There are only 4 people left, one is missing, where did that person go? "

Hearing this, Wu Ma Haoming was stunned and confused, but Yang Xiao and his group reacted. In order to verify his guess, Yang Xiao was the first to turn around and face the man. Sure enough, the escorting man became more nervous, and the words he said changed again. He twisted his neck and looked around, "There are only three people left, two are missing, where did the two go?"

Now Yang Xiao and his group understood everything. This guy couldn't see them at night, or to be more precise, he couldn't see them from the front.

They can only be identified from the back of the person. No wonder they have to stand at the end of the team. It turns out that this is the case. It seems that this is also one of the restrictions imposed on them by the curse.

At the same time, Yang Xiao recalled that every time the Du family killed someone at night, they always approached from behind and emphasized not to look back.

Tong Han pulled up Wuma Haoming, who was kneeling on the ground in a daze, and threw him back to his original position. Yang Xiao also turned around. Now the escorting man finally returned to his previous expression, and his face became numb, " There are 5 people again, everyone is here, the clan leader urges you to get on the road quickly. "

Then, as if nothing happened, the group of people continued to walk forward. After a while, they stopped outside a courtyard. Everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on this courtyard door, because this place was too special. A yellow talisman was pasted on the gate of the courtyard, with several extremely complex characters written on it with a brush. The characters were very narrow, but very long up and down. The brush was strong and strong, and the horizontal strokes and vertical strokes were extraordinary.

"This is it, you go in, I'll wait outside." The man behind him said solemnly, then took out two incense sticks from his sleeves, lit them stiffly with a fire stick, handed one to Yang Xiao, and the other with a weird gesture Hold it between two fingers.

Without unnecessary nonsense, Yang Xiao naturally understood what the other party meant, asking them to find the wine cellar within a short period of time and bring out the jar of requested wine.

Everyone started to take action immediately. Yang Xiao stepped forward and pushed the door, but the door could not be pushed open. The door was obviously unlocked, but this charm seemed to have welded the left and right door panels together.

The next second, the charm burned suddenly, and in just the blink of an eye, it was burned to ashes, and then the door opened with a "squeak".

The courtyard was pitch dark. Yang Xiao and the others walked in cautiously, but did not dare to go deep. They just stood a few meters near the courtyard door until their eyes got used to the darkness around them and could see the outlines of some things. Then they headed towards the courtyard. Go in.

After confirming that they were out of the surveillance of the escorting man, Yang Xiao and others gathered together. Mi Shu was the first to speak, her voice obviously a little nervous, "Did you just see it? The talisman paper was burned. It wasn't... it wasn't burned out of thin air. ,

I saw that man move his fingers. "

"It's not moving, it's just a fingerprint." Cheng Cha lowered his voice and corrected, "That man is a Taoist priest. I discovered it on the way here. Didn't you notice that he walked silently? He was stepping on Yu steps, and "Bu Gang Step Fighting" is a Taoist footwork. Although it is very obscure, the skill of this body cannot be deceived. This is a very good way of humanity. "

Yang Xiao recalled that the head of the Du family mentioned many times that the village had received guidance from a Taoist master. Now that he thought about it, it was this person, but he didn't expect that this person would actually get mixed up with the scum of the Du family village. .

"I guess this Taoist priest was just like us in the beginning. He was tricked into the village inexplicably. After learning the truth, he colluded with these villagers in order to survive. Of course, as a reward, these villagers did not steal his body." Mi Analyze in a low voice.

At this moment, the Taoist priest was obviously no longer a human being, but had become an existence as inhuman and ghostly as the beasts in Dujiacun, and he had changed several bodies in the process.

"Maybe this Taoist priest came up with the idea of ​​stealing the body to extend his life." Tong Han looked at the courtyard door warily.

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