Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 393: Running Wild

"You are waiting for us?" Mi Shu was shocked.


"How did you know we were coming?" Yang Xiao looked the fat steward up and down, trying to control his micro-expressions, "Do you know us?"

The fat steward smiled slightly, revealing a mouthful of rotten teeth, "To be honest with you, not only our store knows you, but many shops in this town also know you. Look, the owner of the gambling house, Sun Fangzhu, just sent someone over to say that you gentlemen are lucky and got a bill. We have already exchanged the silver for you gentlemen in advance."

The fat steward clapped his hands twice and stepped aside. Then a young man ran out of the back hall with a wooden box in his hand.

The surface of the box was mottled, obviously it had been used for a long time. When it was opened, it was full of copper coins.

"500 copper coins have been prepared for you gentlemen in advance. Please take a look. Our store is doing its job honestly and honestly. I guarantee that there will be no less money." Squinting his eyes, the fat steward asked the clerk to hand the copper coin box to Yang Xiao, who was in charge.

This was a beautiful speech. Compared with the last time, the fat steward had made great progress and looked more and more like a real person. However, no matter how the young man gestured, Yang Xiao did not move and had no intention of taking the copper coin box.

"Sir, what do you mean?" The fat steward frowned, with a little dissatisfaction in his small eyes.

"We don't want copper coins, we want gold." Yang Xiao requested.

Hearing this, the fat steward laughed and waved his hands, "It seems that the guests are new here and don't know the rules of this town. The cloth shop does not accept copper coins, only copper plates. If you don't believe it, I will send someone to invite the owner of the cloth shop, and you will know once you ask." After saying this, the fat steward waved his hand and called a stupidly standing clerk, but Yang Xiao stopped him, "No need, I know the rules of this town, but I don't want to buy clothes today, and I don't want to go to the cloth shop, I just want gold." "Change it to gold for me, immediately!" Yang Xiao changed his face in an instant, his face was cold, and he didn't give in at all. Now it has come to the last moment, and he must not let the fat steward fish in troubled waters and fool him. "It's not that the store won't let you exchange it, it's just that gold is useless." After a pause, the fat steward persuaded in a negotiating tone: "How about this, we will exchange less gold for you, and use copper coins to replace the rest, after all, copper coins are the hard currency."

In order to make his words more convincing, the fat steward called a few guys to brainwash Yang Xiao in turn,

But Yang Xiao didn't buy it at all, and decided to use wolf medicine. After a while, he sneered, "Don't be so fake, don't you have so much gold in the warehouse? No How could such a big bank not even be able to collect 50,000 gold ingots? "

Being provoked by this, the fat manager of the bank was indeed defeated, and cold sweat ran down his face for a while. He thought that Yang Xiao had guessed it, but he still put on a stern face and said stubbornly: "Nonsense! How could such a big bank not be able to take out this little money? I am doing this for your good, but since you don't appreciate it, I will give it to you.


"Go, move out the gold ingots in our warehouse, move them all out, such a small piece of broken stuff that no one wants, and someone actually wants it. "The fat steward complained to his men, and at the same time, he did not forget to take the bill from Yang Xiao's hand, and came close to carefully examine it, with his face almost touching the bill, but he could not find any fault until the end.

Yang Xiao was not panicked. Judging from the fat steward's previous performance, the gold in the warehouse must not be enough, otherwise there would be no reason to find so many excuses, but he didn't understand what the fat steward was dawdling about. The other party was clearly stalling for time. Could it be that stalling for time could still drag out hundreds of thousands of taels of gold?

Just when Yang Xiao was puzzled, Cheng Cha patted him on the shoulder and lowered his voice: "Be careful, there is fraud, Brother Sui and I are guarding here, you take Tong Han and Mi Shu out to see, no matter what happens, as long as I don't call you, you must not come in. "

Yang Xiao's expression became strange, not entirely in the tone of Cheng Cha's speech. The other party took the opportunity to pat his shoulder and gently pinched him. It was clear that there was something else in his words, but it was not convenient to say it out loud.

A long time ago, Yang Xiao realized that this kid was hiding something from him. Now it seems that it is true, but he did not feel any malice from this person. In order to understand the truth of the matter, Yang Xiao asked Tong Hanmi Shu to go out to check the situation, and specifically told him not to go far. He chose to stay and see what kind of medicine this Cheng Cha was selling in his gourd.

Seeing that Yang Xiao was unwilling to leave, Cheng Cha did not force him. At this moment, waiters began to come out from the back hall, in groups of two, carrying a large wooden box with peeling paint. The first group of people walked up to Yang Xiao, " With a "bang", the wooden box was placed on the ground.

This scene really shocked Yang Xiao, because the number of these wooden boxes far exceeded his expectations, there were more than a dozen, and they were constantly being carried here.

The fat steward walked up leisurely and opened the first wooden box. Inside was a mess of yellow and golden gold ingots, a full box, very dazzling.

Then came the second box, the third box, each one was filled to the brim, and the gold ingots were almost overflowing.

The rest of the boxes that were carried up were neatly arranged in the back. When the boxes were opened one by one, they were all filled with gold ingots. This scene made Yang Xiao and the other two feel cold. They didn't expect that the bank in this town was so rich.




The last three boxes were also brought up and landed on the ground one after another. At this time, almost half of the bank's hall was occupied by boxes. Each box was filled with gold. This scene had to be said to be extremely shocking.

Cheng Cha's heart dropped. He didn't expect that the plan was so rigorous, but he still lost in the end. However, he refused to give up the last chance. When the fat manager was about to collect the receipts and the deal was about to come to fruition, he immediately stopped him. The fat steward got off the bus and said, "We don't want gold anymore. Sorry, please help us change it to copper plates. Copper plates are easier to carry."

Hearing this, the fat steward frowned and spoke sarcastically in a high-pitched voice like a eunuch, "Hey, you refused no matter how I tried to persuade you before, but now you know that you need to exchange copper coins?"

"I'm sorry, we were the ones who lost our minds before. Please don't get along with us juniors." People had to bow their heads under the eaves, but Cheng Cha still had some awareness.

"Well, I think you're pretty good at talking, so I'll leave it up to you. Someone, please move these boxes of gold ingots back to the warehouse and exchange them for 500 copper plates." The fat steward waved his hand, as if he was going to The bill was stuffed into the cuff, but the next second, a figure rushed up and snatched the bill from the fat steward's hand. It was Yang Xiao who made a move.

When the bills were robbed, the manager of the bank immediately became angry, "You...what are you doing? Open your eyes and take a look. Where is this place? How dare you act so wildly?"

The next second, a dozen guys rushed forward and surrounded Yang Xiao and the three of them. The two sides were at war with each other and the war was about to break out.

"What are you going to do?" Cheng Cha returned to Yang Xiao and asked urgently.

Slowly raising the note in his hand, Yang Xiao sneered, "The previous rules remain unchanged, I want gold."

"But this friend of yours said he wants to exchange copper coins. Who has the final say between you two?" The fat steward sneered.

His eyes lingered on the two of them, and finally he looked at Cheng Cha, "Young man, I think you are more pleasing to the eye. Give me the bill and I will exchange it for you in copper coins. I will forget about what happened before, otherwise, you will lose a copper. Don’t even think about getting it!”

"I have the final say here! Everything needs gold, I will check it myself!" Yang Xiao yelled without even looking at Cheng Cha.

Putting the receipt close to his body as quickly as possible, Yang Xiao walked to the first box and tried to push the box down, but the box was much heavier than he thought. He was very weak now and could not do it alone. not enough.

Soon, Cheng Cha and Sui Chengguo all came to help and pushed the box down. The gold ingots inside rolled to the ground. This box was indeed full of gold.

After pushing three boxes in a row, the three of them were panting from exhaustion. Seeing this, the fat steward couldn't help but sarcastically said, "If you want to check you, you have to be faster. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Have you seen the incense stick? It’s burned before entering. You must leave before the incense burns out, otherwise you will look good!”

"Yes, I want you to look good!" All the waiters stared angrily and almost said in unison: "It's so disrespectful to come here and act wild!"

There were more than 30 boxes containing gold, and less than a third of the incense was left. It was definitely too late to check them one by one. Yang Xiao came up with a plan. He deliberately showed weakness, waved his hand, and asked the guys to carry the gold boxes back to the warehouse. , I saw the guys happily picking out a few boxes and lifting them up with all their strength. At this time, Yang Xiao suddenly stopped, "Wait, put them down first!"




At this time, Cheng Cha and Sui Chengguo frowned, realizing there was a problem. The boxes were the same size and filled with gold, so the weights should be about the same. However, the sound of the boxes falling to the ground was completely different. The first box was obviously heavier, and the The last two bites are much lighter.

"Just check these two mouths, hurry up!" Yang Xiao was the first to rush up, push the waiter away, and together with Cheng Cha and Sui Chengguo, the three of them knocked over a mouthful, but unfortunately, what rolled out was also golden. gold ingot,

A box full of them.

"Are you trying to ruin my business?" The fat steward of Qianzhuang's face was contorted with anger. He rolled up his sleeves, apparently wanting to teach Yang Xiao and his party a lesson.

But Yang Xiao squatted down, picked out a gold ingot from the box, weighed it with his hands, and suddenly smiled,

The next second, he slammed the gold ingot to the ground, and the gold on it was scratched, revealing a trace of silver.

Seeing this scene, the face of the fat steward of Qianzhuang turned green, and his original arrogance suddenly disappeared. Yang Xiao picked up the gold ingot on the ground, smiled and showed it in his hand, "Oh, I brushed a layer of gold on the silver ingot." Qi, the shopkeeper, you really have it."

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