Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 471 The Seventh Day

Newcomer... .Now everyone's doubts have been cleared up a lot. No wonder Wen Chongxian performed so poorly.

After the first night, Wen Chongxian saw a real dead person, so he made up his mind to escape. Unexpectedly, before he left the city, he was found by a strong man and led by others, who gave him a severe lesson and finally chopped him off. A piece of pinky finger as punishment.

"Meeting is fate. Once you come, you will be at ease." Monk Wukong clasped his hands together and spoke out to comfort him.

While everyone was there, Yang Xiao recounted what he had discovered at Donghui Vocational and Technical School, and at the same time took out the notebook filled with vicious curses as evidence.

"So Fei Rou lied to us. She said that her brother and the two women were good students who were willing to help others." Zhang Man was confused.

"Could it be that as a sister, she has to consider her brother's reputation?" Che Xuexiang put forward her own opinion.

Hearing this, Lian Jinshun nodded silently, "This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, judging from the reaction of the vocational school teachers,

This Fei Rou is still thinking about destroying the evidence that Fei Yong and others bullied other students, but...: Is it true that no students died from their bullying? "

"There probably isn't. If there was, the teacher wouldn't have hidden it for these three little beasts." Yang Xiao analyzed.

"Yes, and I don't think the so-called bullying means hitting someone to death with a car, they are not that stupid.

"Ju Juan was also present at the time and said immediately.

The case once again reached a deadlock. Ning Houfu's painting has clearly shown the existence of a female ghost. Based on various current information, everyone analyzed that this was a female ghost who died in a car accident, had severe limb damage, and was wearing a blue skirt and high heels.

In addition, judging from life experience, this female ghost should not be old when she died, only 30 at best.


According to this, everyone turned out all the newspapers and continued to expand the search scope, but the results were minimal.

Not sure if it was accidental or coincidental, Yang Xiao turned to the one he saw first. The title was straightforward and eye-catching: Ghost Taxi.

The content is very cliche. The driver who was killed turned into a ghost and returned in the first seven days, driving a ghost taxi.

He killed his original murderer.

The first seven....

Yang Xiao remembered that Fei Yong was the earliest of the three to die. He began to look through the newspapers to see if any murders had occurred seven days before Fei Yong's death. Soon, he found a newspaper with the title written in bold font. : Deadly truck in the middle of the night.

Zhang Man, who was sitting next to Yang Xiao, also noticed Yang Xiao's actions. After taking a look, he shook his head slightly disappointedly, "You are thinking about the first seven souls, right? It's useless. We also noticed this at the time. It's a pity. The deceased was a man."

The newspaper contained a vague story. There was no identity, name or location. It only said that the man was a robber. He had killed a truck driver during a robbery not long ago. As a result, he was killed by the ghost of the driver. It was exactly the same as the story of Ghost Taxi. , Yang Xiao knew at a glance that it was an eye-catching work.

"The truck..." After hearing this, Lian Jinshun seemed to be interested and rolled up the newspaper, "There are no clues anyway. I will check it tomorrow."

"Yes." Yang Xiao nodded, "Let's continue to Donghui Vocational and Technical School and try to see if we can find more clues."

Perhaps it was inspiration or some kind of olfactory guidance. Yang Xiao was keenly aware that the deaths of Fei Yong and the others were not that simple. Perhaps the root cause was really related to the evil deeds of the three at Donghui Vocational and Technical School.

It was getting late, and everyone was preparing to return to their respective residences, but before that, they still put forward their own opinions on how to spend the night safely.

"We didn't know before, but now it's clear that some people have survived attacks by female ghosts. This proves that staying in a haunted house is not a certain death situation." Zhang Man was the first to speak.

"This Ning Houfu's name is really not in vain, it is such a profound blessing." Che Xuexiang couldn't help but sigh.

Lian Jinshun glanced at her and said in a calm and cold tone: "There is no need to mention the name. It is too late for us to change the name now. You must know that this Ning Houfu avoided this disaster in the bathroom."

Hearing this, Ju Juan became excited, "Yes, think about it, according to the clues we have received, no one has ever been killed in the bathroom!"

Could it be that...:. this is the way to survive? !

It is impossible to be sure, but under the current situation, this can be regarded as giving everyone a hope. Everyone has agreed that no matter who stays in the haunted house tonight, they will hide in the bathroom. If everyone survives, the way out will be found. Even if If someone is killed, it can also help those who survive to eliminate this wrong answer.

After a brief explanation, everyone left. Only Zhang Man and Wen Chongxian were left in the room. Zhang Man looked at Wen Chongxian with a sneer, but the latter lowered his head and did not dare to say a word nervously.

"What, do you have to tell me?" Zhang Man's face became increasingly unhappy.

Wen Chongxian shrank his neck, but in the end he couldn't withstand the pressure and replied in a low voice: "I...I'll move in tonight." Stop looking so pitiful. It was your turn tonight, and I didn't bully you. you! "Looking at his appearance, Zhang Man became furious. Worried that something might happen again, he threatened fiercely, "I advise you to be smarter. If you dare to run away again tonight, let alone those who beat you last time. No, even we won't let you go. "

"Remember, you will die, and it will be ugly." After Zhang Man said the next cruel words, he left alone.

As the night got darker, Ju Juan hid alone in the dark bathroom. She sat cross-legged in an old-fashioned white porcelain bathtub in a relatively comfortable posture, so that she did not have to squat for a long time to prevent her legs from becoming numb and affecting her escape.

There were two shower curtains hanging in front of her, one on the left and one on the right, which looked brand new.

Of course it's new. She bought it not long ago just to restore the scene of that night when Ning Houfu was alive. The shower curtain originally installed in the bathroom was removed, leaving only a bare stainless steel pipe.

In addition, she also adjusted the angle of the shower curtain as shown in the painting, with one piece on each side and a small gap in the middle. Theoretically speaking, if the ghost really came tonight, She, then she will see the true appearance of the ghost through this gap. If she is lucky enough, the ghost will let her go.

No, no, bah, bah, bah... Ju Juan, who was huddled in the bathtub, was startled by her own thoughts and hugged herself tightly. She didn't want to see a ghost. It would be best not to see him for the rest of her life. She had no grudge against this female ghost. No complaints, just hoping that the female ghost will find someone else tonight.

She had called Fei Rou twice as agreed to report that she was safe. The other party asked her to pay attention to her own safety, and kindly "consoled" her, saying that she had friends near the villa and asking her not to think of committing the same crime as Wen Chongxian. error.

Time passed by, and Ju Juan's heart was in her throat. At this moment, the time was close to midnight.


Ju Juan has never been like this now, looking forward to rushing to the next day and getting dawn soon.

In the dark and humid bathroom, the loneliness, darkness, and dead silence were all depressing and tormenting her. What was even more terrifying was that she began to think over and over about the horrific scene that Ning Houfu had faced. This feeling came from her heart, and she was completely Can't stop it.

In order to overcome her fear, she took out her phone and glanced at the time secretly. It was 11:58, which was almost the next day.

This is like a belief that as long as she passes 12 midnight, she will be safe, even if no one or anything has promised it.


Ju Juan raised her head suddenly. Under the weak light of her mobile phone, her originally beautiful face suddenly became distorted.




She heard a dull sound of high heels, as if someone was stepping back and kicking their shoes. The sound came from downstairs.

Like Yang Xiao, she chose to stay in the bedroom on the second floor of the villa. The bedroom came with a small bathroom. Soon, she stepped on the stairs with high heels and was walking towards her bedroom step by step. At this time, the sound of high heels could be heard in her ears. The middle is the clarion call to death.

But...why? Ju Juan's eyes widened and she hugged herself helplessly. Her whole body was shaking violently. The door to the bedroom downstairs where the massacre had occurred was blocked by a sofa and a bookshelf, and a fragile glass was placed on the door handle, but she Why didn't you hear the door open?

Is it possible...:: The ghost didn't come out of the room?

So where did it come from?

But now Ju Juan had no time to care about this, because the sound of high heels had already reached the bedroom, and she walked straight past the bathroom door and walked inside.

At this moment, a thought suddenly arose in Ju Juan's mind, escape! She had to run away before the ghost found her.

The route was planned in an instant. She ran out of the bathroom and rushed downstairs.

But just when her muscles tensed up and she was about to execute it, she restrained herself. As an experienced veteran player, she knew very well how cunning and vicious these ghosts were. This was probably a trap, because ghosts couldn't be killed in the bathroom. To get rid of her, he deliberately bought a loophole for her.

It is luring him out. As long as he leaves the bathroom door, he will die!

At the same time, she thought of Aqiang last night, who was probably bewitched by the female ghost and died tragically.

After thinking about this, Ju Juan gritted her teeth and hid in the bathtub, insisting not to make any sound.

Soon, the sound of high heels walking through the bedroom finally stopped outside the bathroom door. At this moment, Ju Juan's heart was in her throat.

She didn't know where the dim light came from, and through the gap in the middle of the shower curtain, she saw the door handle on the inside of the bathroom slowly pressing down.


The door opened, and a twisted figure, reflected in the dim light, entered the bathroom first and spread out on the floor.

At the same time, a pungent smell of blood filled the air, and Ju Juan didn't dare to breathe. She...she was so nervous that she was almost asphyxiating!



The next second, a twisted and terrifying figure jumped into the bathroom. Ju Juan's eyes widened at this moment. She could see the ghost clearly.

Sure enough, it was a female ghost. Her head hung unnaturally, her body was covered in blood, her long hair was disheveled and her face could not be seen clearly. She was wearing a long blue dress and a red high-heeled shoe on her only left leg. Her body looked like A broken doll.

She didn't come here step by step, she found it step by step.

The female ghost was very thin, with a slender figure and pale skin. She stood sideways and silently in front of the toilet just a curtain away from Ju Juan. Ju Juan was sure that the other party had noticed her.

Time passed minute by minute, and just when Ju Juan was about to collapse, suddenly, the standing female ghost grabbed the skirt in front of her with her twisted arms and lifted it up. Then, in Ju Juan's disbelieving eyes, a stinking and bloody Scented liquid is injected into the toilet bowl.


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