Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 498 Professor Cui

"Captain, why did you receive a ghost script again?" After entering the elevator, Beibei looked at him and asked worriedly.

"It should be because I worked too hard." Looking back on the ups and downs along the way, Yang Xiao felt that he was qualified to say such a thing.

Once upon a time, he was a screenwriter who made a living by writing supernatural scripts, but unfortunately the world was so difficult that people couldn't help themselves in the world.

"By the way, check someone out for me. He is a young monk named Wukong. He has a good appearance, peach-blossom eyes, an extraordinary temperament, and a bit of a weird personality. I will send you his portrait later."

"Is this the person you bumped into during the mission?" Beibei asked.

"Yes, there is another one named Tu Jingzhe, but he only has a name and is only known to be related to this monk Wukong." Yang Xiao introduced.

As soon as he finished speaking, the elevator door opened, and several people in the corridor quickly trotted toward the elevator carrying a stretcher, "

Wait, please wait! "

After getting closer, Yang Xiao was surprised to find that the person lying on the stretcher was actually Ximen Xiu. At this time, Ximen Xiu rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and his hands were bent like chicken feet and twitched from time to time. He looked very scary.

"What's going on?" Yang Xiao was shocked.

"team leader?!"

Big Bear came running from the corner with a "bang bang bang", pulled Yang Xiao and started to complain, saying that just now, Director Nalan questioned Professor Cui's test results, and implicitly said that his team members could not be better than Huang Guochao's men at the Chengxin Office. It was so different, but it turned out that Professor Cui was also stubborn and did not know how to adapt. When he heard someone questioning his authority, he got into an argument with Director Nalan on the spot. Neither of them could convince the other, so they decided to randomly select a person and test again. , Ximen Xiu won the prize, and this time he increased the intensity of the test, and he really couldn't resist it.

"This...::..." Since it was Nalan Shuo's decision, Yang Xiao couldn't say anything else. He could only look at Ximen Xiu with pity, "Is he okay?"

"It's nothing serious. Just give him two injections and rest for a few days. Professor Cui acted in a measured manner." Da Xiong watched as the elevator door closed.

Along the corridor, he came to a closed door. Through the door, he could still hear the sounds of arguments inside. Yang Xiao reached out and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, the door suddenly opened, and Na was greeted. Lan Shuo's tense, serious face.

But the moment he saw Yang Xiao, Nalan Shuo's dark eyes suddenly lit up. He stretched out his hand to pull Yang Xiao into the room, turned to the person on the sofa behind him and said loudly: "Come, come, come, this is our Lin'an Department Captain Yang Xiao, he was the one who killed the evil cultivator Grandma Hong on the spot in the last battle in the shopping mall!”

"Yang Xiao, let me introduce to you. This is Professor Cui, whom I often mention to you. Professor Cui is a very rare spiritual detecter." Nalan Shuo raised his eyes and gave Yang Xiao a look that said I was counting on you.

Hearing this, Yang Xiao immediately understood and showed a friendly and respectful expression to Professor Cui, "Hello, Professor Cui, Director often uses your example to teach us juniors. When I saw him today, he turned out to be an immortal."

The old man who was wearing a black old-fashioned cloth and a gray mandarin jacket stood up slowly. He wore thin-framed glasses and looked like an old scholar. He looked at Yang Xiao with a salty expression, "I've long heard that Director Nalan has something to do with me." He is such a capable general. When I see him today, he is truly a talented person. No wonder Mr. Yang is full of praise every time he mentions it.”

"It's Mr. Yang who promoted me. Last time, it was all due to Mr. Yang's timely rescue and Director Nalan's planning. The brothers below are risking their lives. How can I dare to be greedy for credit." This rainbow fart of mine can be regarded as easing the embarrassment between Director Nalan and Professor Cui.

Hearing this, Professor Cui nodded, "Let's chat when we have time. Today, the Provincial Office has arranged to check the combat readiness of the various investigation teams in Rongcheng. Captain Yang, let's start now if it's convenient."


As Director Nalan left, the door was closed, and only Professor Cui and Yang Xiao were left in the room. The room had been temporarily remodeled, and the original desks were separated by several blue medical isolation curtains. Separated into two relatively independent small spaces.

At Professor Cui's signal, Yang Xiao walked into the space on the right. There was a round leather swivel chair without a backrest, and there were some instruments with unknown functions on the table. Professor Cui entered the space on the left. There was a table in front of them, and a curtain hung down to separate the table.

The curtain here was obviously treated with special technology. If you look closely, you can see that there is a faint flowing texture like mercury on it. Through the curtain, he can hardly see the situation on the other side, and the privacy is very good.

"Captain Yang, later you can take out a magic weapon, any one, concentrate your mental power, and use your magic weapon as a medium to inject mental power into my magic weapon." Professor Cui said in a serious voice, "Remember , Don’t be too strong, just do your best.”


Yang Xiao now has a lot of good things with him, including a ghost costume, a ghost lantern, a human bone stick, a ghost whisk, and a soul-catching mirror.

There was also a ghost-level kitchen knife, a total of six pieces. Unfortunately, most of them could not see the light. After thinking about it, Yang Xiao took out the ghost lantern.

Among all the magic weapons, this one looks more decent.

Following Professor Cui's instructions, he handed out the ghost lantern and attached it to the blue curtain on his side. Professor Cui on the opposite side also took out his magic weapon. The two magic tools touched each other through the curtain, " Let’s get started.” Professor Cui’s voice was low.

Yang Xiao was already very skilled in controlling his mental power. With a thought, his mental power poured into the ghost lantern like water. In an instant, the flames in the lantern burned rapidly, turning the small space into a dark green for a while.

But the next second, Yang Xiao felt that the light was weakening, and the mental power that maintained the ghost lantern was being drained away by the other side. The extraction speed was neither fast nor slow, just equal to his input. At the same time, Yang Xiao heard a burst of " The sound of water rushing.

Based on his own feeling, the other party's magic weapon should be a water bottle or a teapot. It is this thing that extracts his spiritual power.

"Is this the ability of a spirit detector?" Yang Xiao thought of the director who had introduced that Professor Cui was a very rare spirit detector.

The other party didn't stop, and Yang Xiao didn't reach his limit. The two were in a stalemate. About a minute later, a sound of "" was heard from the other side of the curtain. Yang Xiao frowned, "Professor Cui, is there any problem?"

"No, continue." Professor Cui's tone became different from before.

After about another minute, "Huh?" Professor Cui once again made a voice that puzzled Yang Xiao, as if he had made an unexpected discovery.

"Do you want to continue?" Yang Xiao asked carefully.

"Are you okay?"

"I can still hold on."

In this way, another minute passed. It was not until Yang Xiao felt that sweat began to appear on his forehead and his head became slightly dizzy that he took the initiative to cut off the transmission of mental power. However, at this moment, he was far from reaching the limit, and he could still squeeze it. There is that.

As soon as he put down the ghost lantern, he saw the blurry figure opposite stood up suddenly, "Amazing, amazing!" Professor Cui said in a very excited tone, walking back and forth on the opposite side, "Nalan Shuo really found a treasure, I didn't expect a captain level to actually have such a thing. Such intensity!”

"Bang bang bang!" The door rang. Someone was banging on the door outside. Director Nalan's voice came through the crack in the door.

Asked anxiously: "What are you talking about? Is there any result?"

After opening the curtain, Professor Cui quickly walked behind the door, opened it, and Nalan Shuo strode in. "Professor Cui, are the results out?"

"It's out." Professor Cui adjusted his glasses, still unable to conceal his excitement, "Director Nalan, I apologize for my previous reckless behavior. Your Lin'an Department is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Captain Yang's mental strength has already been Far beyond the level of Li level, close to the level of Li level. "

"Isn't this really... expected?" Nalan Shuo couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, but was forced down immediately. He also changed his words very bluntly, and at the same time put on a calculating expression. Attitude, he glanced at Yang Xiao and said calmly: "Xiao Yang, I am still a little disappointed that you have not reached the Li level. I went back and reflected on it. Originally, in my expectation, you should be close to the You level threshold."

"I am responsible for the cultivation of the director." Yang Xiao stood at attention and admitted his mistake very sincerely.

"Director Nalan, your requirements are too harsh. There are 14 captains and deputy captains in Rongcheng. There are only 3 captains who can reach the Li level of mental strength. One of them has just passed the line and is better than Captain Yang." There is only Captain Qu from the City Center Department." Professor Cui couldn't help but defend Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao thought to himself that this Professor Cui really didn't care about anything. Now the last thing his director Nalan wanted to hear was the word "Chengxin Office", because Captain Qu was here, and his director had been there all these years. I was angry with Director Huang Guochao.

Sure enough, after hearing the words "Qu Muzhi", the director immediately became unhappy. Deaf asked with a straight face: "Why does he have so many Qu Muzhi? How many years has he been in the industry? How long has it been since we, Xiao Yang, joined the Patrol Department? He has so much Qu Muzhi." What Mu Zhi can do, we Xiao Yang can do, and what Qu Muzhi cannot do, we Xiao Yang can also do. In a word,

His City Center Department is just not as capable as our Lin'an Department! If Huang Guochao dares to come and scold me, I will go to our intranet and post an anonymous post to scold him. "

"It's not that it's not that..." Yang Xiao quickly advised his director to put out the fire.

Professor Cui was not interested in the grudge between Nalan Shuo and Huang Guochao. He was interested in Yang Xiao himself, so he held Yang Xiao by the hand and was about to test again. At the same time, he also issued an expulsion order to Nalan Shuo.

"Still taking the test?" Yang Xiao asked doubtfully.

"The last test was about mental strength. This time I want to test your ability to accept and control mental power." Professor Cui grabbed Yang Xiao's wrist, as if he was worried that he would run away.

Hearing this, Yang Xiao became more and more confused. He had heard Beibei mention it before. He only said that it was a test of mental strength, but he did not say that it also tested acceptance and control.

In this regard, Professor Cui patiently explained that only those whose mental strength has reached level 1 or above are eligible for the next step of the test. He also gave an example. Mental strength represents a person’s foundation. Only those with a solid foundation can consider skills. thing.

Sitting back in his original seat, Yang Xiao asked curiously: "How do you need my cooperation this time?"

"You are the passive recipient of this offensive and defensive change. I will do my best to use my mental power to influence the operation of your magic weapon, and you need to maintain the use of your magic weapon as much as possible." After a pause, Professor Cui said seriously Said: "This test will have certain risks. You must be cautious and don't show off. Stop immediately when you reach the limit."


As the two magic weapons came into contact again through the curtain, Yang Xiao suddenly felt a strange force interfering with the ghost lantern. He couldn't describe this feeling. It was like a bottle constantly pouring water on the flames in the lantern. water.

What Yang Xiao needs to do is to try his best to maintain the flames, but the direction and intensity of watering are changing all the time. Sometimes they even come from directions that Yang Xiao cannot understand. This is not a mere confrontation of strength, but relies on a subtle skill. .

Yang Xiao tried his best to maintain this balance. The process was very painful. This was one minute more painful than the previous test.

Two minutes.

Yang Xiao gritted his teeth and persisted. He learned through experience and even found some skills bit by bit. In the end, he even felt that there was a problem with the fluctuation of the opponent's mental power. The ups and downs became irregular, and it was almost impossible to reach the limit. A feeling of connection.

But Yang Xiao did not relax at all. He suspected that this was a cover-up trick by the other party. He had fought against powerful enemies several times and experienced life and death situations, which made his character more cautious.

Just when Yang Xiao was concentrating and waiting for Professor Cui's fatal blow to arrive, suddenly, the mental fluctuations behind the curtain disappeared, and then the blurry figure opposite swayed left and right a few times and fell to the ground with a "pop".

The sudden change made Yang Xiao a little overwhelmed. He first thought about whether this was Professor Cui's routine, but this idea was quickly dismissed. After all, the other party was also a senior sent by the Provincial Office, and he wanted to save face anyway.

Yang Xiao called several times in succession, but there was no response. Now Yang Xiao couldn't sit still anymore. He immediately stood up and opened the curtain. The scene in front of him shocked him. He saw Professor Cui falling to the ground, rolling his eyes and twitching his limbs. Foaming at the mouth.

"Professor Cui! What's wrong with you?!" Yang Xiao discovered that the professor's symptoms were exactly the same as those of Ximen Xiu who was carried away before.

A few seconds later, Nalanshuo and others rushed in after hearing his shout. Nalanshuo rolled up Professor Cui's eyelids and said,

He made a judgment immediately, "Professor Cui is mentally exhausted, go and call someone!"

Soon, a team of medical staff arrived, carrying Professor Cui away just like Ximen Xiu, and rushed to the elevator in a hurry.

After the others left, Nalan Shuo and others looked at Yang Xiao. Yang Xiao was stared at by several eyes, and Yang Xiao felt hairy all over.

He was really worried that something was wrong with Professor Cui. After all, there were only two of them in the room at the time, and there was no surveillance. If something happened, he wouldn't be able to tell.

After listening to Yang Xiao tell the whole story, Nalan Shuo sat on the sofa, took out a cigarette and lit it, "Don't worry, he should be fine. I think Professor Cui made a mistake while controlling his mental power. ,

This has nothing to do with you. "

"That's good." Yang Xiao slowly breathed a sigh of relief, relieved a lot.

Two hours later, Yang Xiao met Professor Cui again in a ward in the medical center of the Patrol Department Building.

At this moment, Professor Cui has woken up, his eyes are clear, and his condition has recovered a lot.

Seeing Yang Xiao, Professor Cui not only did not blame him, but instead had a smile of surprise on his face, and his forehead was full of wrinkles, "You are to be feared, you are to be feared! Captain Yang, your ability to control and accept mental power is amazing, it is beyond my ability." The limits of evaluation.”

"Professor, where is your limit?" Yang Xiao asked curiously.

"In the middle of You level." Professor Cui sat up with his back on two pillows and said frankly, "Captain Yang, even Captain Qu is not as good as you in accepting and controlling mental power."

When he heard the three words "You Level", Yang Xiao couldn't help but be shocked. He thought that he had good control over his mental power. Maybe reaching this rating was beyond his expectation. You know, this is just Professor Cui's limit. , not his.

Knowing that Yang Xiao was unfamiliar with these things, Professor Cui taught him patiently, "I told you before that mental strength determines the foundation. Acceptance and control are skills. In fact, it is not accurate. In layman's terms, mental strength determines the battle. The lower limit of spiritual power, while the acceptance and control of spiritual power depends more on talent, which determines the upper limit of an apostle's future growth."

"The upper limit I'm talking about includes many things, such as the number of Resentful Eyes that can be controlled, and the type and ability of the Resentful Eyes. Even the same Resentful Eye has different strengths and weaknesses in the hands of different holders, and the control ability is strong. Which one can exert stronger combat power, which is crucial in a life-and-death fight. "

"Then how many resentful eyes do you think I can control at most in the future?" Yang Xiao pretended to be a good student and asked Professor Cui without thinking. He held out three fingers and said boldly: "If nothing else, at least three. If there is a chance, I can’t tell if I’ve found one that fits well, but in short, Captain Yang, your talent is top-notch.”

"Why only 4 pieces?" Yang Xiao frowned subconsciously.

Professor Cui: "??!"

"Four pieces are not enough for you?" Professor Cui was shocked and couldn't help but open his eyes wide. "Captain Yang, no one in Rongcheng has heard of anyone with four pieces of resentful eyes. I need to educate you about it. , The more resentful eyes, the better. It not only depends on the ability of the resentful eyes, but more importantly, the compatibility with the holder. "

"For example, if a person is blindly greedy, he may be able to control 6 or 7 resentful eyes, or even more, but it is useless. Blind devouring will only make him die faster. Guido, just like the top expert in our provincial office, Captain Wu of the law enforcement team, he only has two resentful eyes, but even if he can control three,

Even the evil cultivator with four resentful eyes is no match for him. "

"Then how to choose the resentful eye?" Yang Xiao thought for a moment and asked the key question.

"It's complicated here. First of all, let's be clear. The higher the level, the stronger the ability of the Resentful Eye. This is easy to understand, but the most important thing is to see whether the person you match can control it. Generally speaking, it is lower than what you can control. "The limit of power." Professor Cui introduced, "For Captain Yang, your current mental power control is above the middle level of You, so the limit of what you can control is also the same, so if you want to choose the next piece of resentment, , I recommend that the level should not exceed the level of You level.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Professor Cui suddenly laughed at himself and waved his hand, "Sorry, I said too much, I said too much."

Yang Xiao knew what Professor Cui meant. Those treasures that could reach the ghost level were not something that a small captain of the patrol department could handle.

But through this exchange, Yang Xiao solved many of his previous doubts. No wonder he couldn't use the magic of the ghost whisk no matter how hard he tried. Now it seems that it is not entirely because of his lack of mental strength, but also partly because the level of this thing is too high, beyond the limit of his control.

"Captain Yang, you are so talented at such a young age, which is really enviable. With time, your achievements will be limitless." Professor Cui sighed.

Hearing this, Yang Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly. He always said "with time", but he needed time to count. Now he said that he was worried about external and internal troubles, which was not an exaggeration. There were evil cultivators from the Yuyuan Sect outside who wanted to mess with him, and there was a ghost tiger in the soul-catching mirror inside. In addition, his good sister was not a good person. She would come out to show her presence at any time, and she would beat him up when she was in a bad mood.

However, we should look at things from two sides. After all, the good sister also helped him a lot. Not only did she save his life several times, but she was also a personal bodyguard, able to resist damage and heal. Most importantly, she was also a reliable treasure appraiser. Whether something was good or not depended on whether the good sister wanted it. Once the good sister got it, it must be a good treasure.

Human bone sticks and butchers' kitchen knives all came from this way. Facts have proved that these are also rare and good magic weapons.

"Captain Yang, how is your relationship with Captain Qu?" Professor Cui suddenly asked, not knowing what he was thinking of.

"I have met him a few times, but I am not familiar with him." Yang Xiao told the truth.

"Captain Qu seems to be very interested in you. When I left the City Center Office not long ago, he asked me to find out about you. Maybe... this is a hero cherishing a hero." Professor Cui smiled, his eyes full of emotion.

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