Nightmare Attack

Chapter 1553 Clearance

Hexiang, a little-known border town, is covered with dark clouds at this moment, and a rare heavy rain is about to wash the city. Lan

In the southwest corner of the city, a huge lead-gray building lies there quietly. It used to be a base that served as a transfer station for military supplies. It is now abandoned. The red warning painted on the outside of the watchtower is clearly visible: Military Important Site , no approach.

The huge building is like a rotting corpse of a giant beast, with a smell of staleness everywhere. The rusty barbed wire is surrounded by disorderly grass and bushes. Especially against such a dim background, the atmosphere is so depressing that it makes people breathless. Angry.

This is indeed the case. After all, the place has been surrounded. Soldiers in dark camouflage uniforms have established a huge encirclement about 500 meters away from the building. Several armored vehicles have blocked the only road in and out of the base, leaving a dark hole. The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the base gate.

This is by no means a superficial military exercise. The soldiers here are ordered to kill anyone who dares to resist in the base.

That's right, that's right, that's what it says in the order from above. It's written in black and white. The officer leading the team is also inculcating in the soldiers that their enemy this time is not a human being, or... it's not what they usually think of. people".

Although they don't quite understand it, the soldiers habitually hold the guns in their hands tightly. Only the guns in their hands can give them a sense of security on the battlefield. But this time, they are not fighting alone.

The ground was shaking slightly, and a fully loaded heavy armored regiment was coming from the rear. They were equipped with the latest tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. From time to time, there was a "rumbling" buzzing above their heads. Armed helicopters loaded with ammunition were hovering at low altitude, and searchlights carried under the helicopters were scanning around the buildings. The bright lights tore through the darkness before the approaching storm. Lan

The young officer lay crouched behind the armored vehicle, sticking his head out from time to time to peek in the direction of the building. His hands clenching the pistol were filled with cold sweat. Ever since they got the news that they were surrounding this place, there had been no sound from the huge base. It was as quiet as death. Same.

What puzzled and worried him the most was that, according to intelligence, only a small group of guys had sneaked into the base, with no more than 50 people at most.

But for these 50 people, they almost mobilized a division, flying in the sky, running on the ground, aircraft, tanks, armored vehicles, and new equipment they had never seen before. What are the origins of these 50 people?

The weirdest thing is that on the way here, he even saw brother troops building air defense positions on the roadside. Rows of military green portable anti-aircraft missile ammunition boxes were neatly stacked together, and there were special guards nearby. Temporary rain covers are being laid for these precious missiles.

The people inside probably don't have planes, so what do they need anti-aircraft missiles for? Could it be... could it be that those guys had wings and could fly?

The young officer shook his head violently. He was amused by his sudden thoughts. Soon, he stopped thinking randomly. After all, they are soldiers. It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. They can do whatever the above says. .

In short, no matter who dares to harm their fathers and fellow villagers on this land, they are obliged to completely destroy it. This is the meaning of their existence. Lan

Even if the so-called gods come, they will still hit you!

Thinking of this, the young officer gained confidence and lowered his voice: "Brothers, be smart! If I get the order to attack, I will lead one team to open the way, and the second and third teams will follow. Remember, keep a distance of 50 meters from me. The three teams advanced in complete formation and took turns covering the attack.”


Unlike the tense front line, about 1 kilometer away from the front line, an off-road vehicle parked quietly on the side of the road, with soldiers with live ammunition standing guard nearby.

If you look carefully, you can still see a few people who are not carrying guns and wearing military uniforms that don't fit well. They are hiding in the shadows. Under the brim of their hats, pairs of sharp eyes like eagles are patrolling everywhere. These people have a sense of military style. A completely different gloomy temperament.

A man ran over from a distance, ran to the off-road vehicle, and pulled off the rain hat on his head, revealing the face of a middle-aged man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

At the same time, the rear window of the off-road vehicle was lowered halfway, and there was only one woman on the spacious rear seat. The woman was slender, with an unhealthy paleness on her face, and her other hand resting on the seat was still there. Hanging bottles. Lan

"Miss Li, the arrangements have been made according to your wishes. We sent a total of three surrender messages to the inside, but did not receive any reply."

The middle-aged man's tone is very serious. He is different from the soldiers outside. He carries two bars and four stars on his shoulders. He is the supreme commander of the army here. According to his rank, he is qualified to know some information about the disciples. The most important thing is that he I have seen with my own eyes the methods of the woman in front of me.

No. 7 Li Lu nodded, without any unnecessary expression on her pale face, "How long is there until the deadline given above?"

The middle-aged man looked worried, "There are still 5 minutes left, no, that's not right!" The man quickly opened his sleeves and looked at his watch. The next second, his face froze, "There is less than 1 minute left."

Li Lu looked out the window, looking past the man and towards the dim building in the distance. The middle-aged man was a little surprised for a moment, and he didn't know why. The look in the woman's eyes made him unpredictable.

But a moment later, he saw the woman touching the walkie-talkie at her hand, pressing the call button and putting it to her mouth, "Fire."

As these two words came out, soon, several tongues of flames flickering in the dim sky passed by, and then hit the building heavily, and the fire that broke out in an instant dyed half of the sky red. Lan

"Commander, there will be a second wave of missile strikes in ten minutes. The ground-penetrating warheads will completely destroy any secret passages that may be hidden in the building. After the second wave of strikes is over, you can send ground troops to intervene. "No. 7 told the middle-aged man who was still dazed outside the car.

It took a few seconds for the middle-aged man to come to his senses and look at Li Lu in disbelief, "Why? Why is this different from our original plan?"

In the original plan, if persuasion to surrender failed, the commando force should be used to attack. His troops were all ready, and they were the best among the best.

But Li Lu's expression didn't change much, and she just nodded perfunctorily, "It's not necessary. A strong attack will only lead to a river of blood. The Night Watch has penetrated the entire country far beyond our imagination. The higher-ups have no choice. I hope You can understand."


1 second remember network:

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