Nightmare Attack

Chapter 225 Goodbye (Thanks to Jiao Tailang also eats the little sheep for the big wave of rewards)

Sure enough

This old woman is the hidden player in the mission. She is an NPC, and due to the rules, she can only attack when she is alone with another player.

"Is that so?" Leaning against the wall, Chen Ran smiled weakly.

Jiang Cheng no longer paid attention to him. Compared with Chen Ran's life and death, he obviously cared more about how to survive, and it seemed too quiet outside.

I wonder if the fat man has caused trouble again.

"Wait, wait, cough, cough" Chen Ran's voice suddenly came, Jiang Cheng frowned and turned around, did he have anything else to say.

Even though he knew it was a waste of time here, Jiang Cheng still stopped. He stared at this tricky man, seemingly waiting for his next words.

"Brother Hao," Chen Ran grinned: "Are you just going to leave like this?"

"Don't you worry that this thing won't work that much on me, and then after I recover, I will stab this old woman to death with a knife," he raised his head very reluctantly, and his eyes were still filled with that annoying arrogance.

It was as if the two of them had swapped positions, and it was him who forced Jiang Cheng into a desperate situation.

Jiang Cheng stared at him for a moment, "So"

"I suggest you not to be soft-hearted, and do things decisively and thoroughly," he coughed a few more times, his face flushed, and his breathing was obviously problematic. The strange thing applied on the dagger seemed to have other effects.

"You'd better take my dagger, and then cut off my arm, and it would be best if you cut off my legs," Chen Ran panted and sneered a few seconds later, "If possible, you should also destroy my eyes and cut off my tongue."

"Turn me into a useless person who can't see, can't fight, and can't escape," he suggested, "This is safe."

"Do you have any grudge against this body?"

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, and the danger of Chen Ran in his heart increased greatly. There are many crazy people in nightmares, and the repression and madness here are the paradise of crazy people.

But it was the first time he saw someone as crazy as Chen Ran.

He didn't expect that this person was not only cruel to others, but also to himself. The two eyes crossed, and Jiang Cheng didn't see any fear in his eyes.

For the upcoming result, he was very frank.

In nightmares, whether they are good people, bad people, lunatics, or any other titles, they have little to do with life and death. What really determines whether everyone can survive is an extremely wise and calm brain.

Of course, there is also a part of luck.

This is equally important.

"I'm just reminding you, what will happen if you and the fat brother outside fall into my hands," Chen Ran replied, his weak voice began to become persuasive, "The knife is in your hand, and there is a feast like me for you to enjoy, don't you really want to try it?"

Chen Ran struggled to raise his head, the madness in his eyes almost condensed into substance, "Opportunities are not always there, believe me," he chuckled and said: "While it is still in your hand.

Jiang Cheng stepped forward, the arc of the dagger flashed before his eyes, and the hot blood splashed on the wall. The next second, Chen Ran's world fell into darkness.

"Goodbye. "

After searching for the two daggers under Chen Ran's windbreaker, Jiang Cheng slowly stood up and turned to leave.

The old woman's eyes became more and more anxious. Her snake-like slender tongue greedily licked the blood on Chen Ran's face. He lost a pair of eyes as he wished, but the smile on his mouth became more and more exaggerated.

At the moment when Jiang Cheng flashed out of the door, "Goodbye," Chen Ran said at last.

Jiang Cheng left the room and found the fat man outside the stone door. At this moment, the fat man seemed to be frightened. He shrank into the corner of the wall, and his flesh couldn't stop shaking.

He covered his mouth tightly, as if he was afraid that something would come to him after hearing his voice.

Seeing the fat man like this, Jiang Cheng did not go over immediately, but after observing for a while, he slowly walked over, "Fatty," he lowered his voice.

The fat man was stunned at first when he heard the doctor's voice, and then he seemed to have found a savior, "Doctor," he trembled and said, "You don't know, not long after you went in, there was a sound coming from below, click, click, like something walking on the stairs, trying to come up! "

Looking in the direction of the fat man's finger, the stairs were pitch black, and he had no idea what was on top.

What he didn't know was whether what the fat man said was real or an illusion caused by Chen Ran's manipulation.

He personally preferred the latter.

The mission was nearing its end. If there was something lurking in the darkness, the fat man would have died long ago.

"Don't think about it," Jiang Cheng patted the fat man on the shoulder, "It should be an illusion, otherwise, with your fat body, those things probably couldn't help it."

The fat man was very tactful and chose to believe the doctor's words. He swallowed his saliva and forced his eyes to withdraw from the dark stairs. He had been staring at it for ten minutes.

He didn't dare to breathe.

"Doctor," the fat man finally came back to his senses and saw the wounds on Jiang Cheng's body. Not only on his body, but also on one side of his face, he was cut by a knife and was still bleeding from time to time. "You are injured!"

"You won't die," Jiang Cheng interrupted the fat man, wiped his face with the back of his hand and said, "I took care of Chen Ran. We will go in and see the result later. "

Hearing this, the fat man's face suddenly lit up and he said excitedly: "Doctor, did you succeed in the sneak attack?"

Jiang Cheng was choked and immediately stared with dissatisfaction: "It's obvious that he can't beat me, what does the sneak attack have to do with it? To tell you the truth, I'm not afraid to tell you that I gave him an arm and a leg. "

The fat man didn't care about these details, because the doctor couldn't talk about it for a day or two. His throat rolled up and down a few times, and he lowered his voice and said: "Doctor, what do you mean the old woman will do to him later?"


"Then," the fat man asked, "what should we do?"

Jiang Cheng took the time to explain his understanding of this dungeon to the fat man. Hearing this, the hair on the fat man's back stood up. He swallowed hard. He looked at the former and said weakly: "Doctor, you said that old woman I can understand that she is an NPC, but if you say she is part of the curse, is it too flattering?"

"And" the fat man looked at him doubtfully, "you mentioned the woman in a white dress who appeared on the stone plate."

"Priest." Jiang Cheng added.

"That's right, the priestess in the white dress is also an old woman. What do you mean?" The fat man looked at him and blinked, "I can see the priestess in the white dress very clearly. She is very good-looking. She is quite big there. She doesn’t look like an old woman at all!”

After interacting with Chenran a lot, Jiang Cheng was not used to being replaced by Fatty again, "It has nothing to do with appearance," Jiang Cheng shook his head and his tone suddenly became solemn, "You can understand it as a kind of inheritance. "

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