Nightmare Attack

Chapter 408 Red Clothes


Hua Luo's eyes paused, and he immediately figured out that this was also a trap.

Just like the situation faced by Jiang Cheng and others, they also walked into Lin Chen's paintings and entered one of the strange stories.

Now that he was in the urn, Hua Luo actually calmed down after a short adjustment. While comforting Chu Jiu, he immediately searched for clues in the room.

"Don't be afraid." Hua Luo pulled Chu Jiu beside her, "We can definitely get out. There must be clues here."

Looking at Hua Luo's face, Chu Jiu gradually calmed down.

As Hua Luo carefully opened the bookcase door, the two of them took charge of one floor and began to look for the manuscripts sent by Lin Chen.

At this time, there was an unusual sound in the darkness behind him. Chu Jiu turned around and wanted to use the flashlight in his hand to check, but was stopped by Hua Luo.

"Don't worry about it." Hua Luo gasped and said, "Look for clues first."

With his rich experience, he understood that at this moment, they were in the trap and the chance of escaping was slim. And the only chance was the manuscript left by Lin Chen.

"found it!"

Chu Jiu found a paper bag in the last small grid, and the name on it was blurred.

But the moment he touched the paper bag, Chu Jiu felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

With the help of a flashlight, Hua Luo immediately opened the paper bag. What was inside was not some weird story, but fragmentary compositions, like a draft of ideas before starting to write.

Looking at them one by one, some of them were the hands of characters, and some were of clothes, shoes, and even dark blue scarves, black windbreakers, etc.

Hua Luo doesn't know how to draw, but it looks a bit like a dress-up game played by little girls.

He soon understood that this was the original draft of the man in black as conceived by Lin Chen.

Until he turned to the last one.

An unexpected person appeared above.

"It's really him!" Chu Jiu looked at the person in the painting and his eyes paused.

The person in the painting is wearing a long black windbreaker, black leather shoes, and a low-brimmed hat. In the background, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and lightning cracks a gap.

The man in black stood alone on the top of the building, overlooking the entire city.

It rained heavily.

The temples were wet from the pattering rain and stuck close to the eyebrows, leaving only a handsome and elegant side face and a pair of deep red eyes under the brim of the hat.

Nothing really.

He is the most terrifying and top-notch existence in this book, and the origin of all strange stories.

And he was created by Lin Chen out of extreme despair for reality.

In other words, Wu is a monster crawling out of Lin Chen's despair, and his existence is to create endless weird stories, thereby deriving more despair.

Use a black flame of despair to burn this desolate city in Lin Chen's heart.

"Look!" Chu Jiu, who was staring at the painting, suddenly said, "Look at the back of the painting!"

Hua Luo immediately turned the painting over, and there was another painting behind the painting. It was a man wearing a beige windbreaker and a blue scarf.

And his appearance is exactly the same as Wu!

It's just that the man's brows lacked the hearty murderous intent, replaced by a gentle and elegant temperament.

It doesn't look fierce, it's almost cute.

The next second, Hua Luo immediately understood that there was nothingness on both sides of the painting.

This represents the good and evil sides of nothing, just like what Buddhism says about becoming a Buddha in one thought and becoming a demon in one thought. Buddha and demon are just one thought.

Lin Chen indeed created Wu in extreme despair, but flowers of hope can also bloom in despair. This beige windbreaker and shy smile is the last ray of light lost in despair.

Lin Chen, who turned into a ghost, came here to find this painting!

I believe that giving this painting to Lin Chen will dispel the despair in her heart and awaken her former self.

And only she can deal with the man in black she created, who represents the desperate side - Wu.

At this moment, the light and shadow in front of her eyes changed, Hua Luo subconsciously grabbed Chu Jiu's hand, and then, the two appeared in a car.

The car was driving in a long, dark tunnel.

It's a taxi.

"What on earth is going on?" The driver was so frightened that his voice changed. "I've been through this tunnel many times. I came here last week. It's not long. Why can't it open to the end? ah?"

The driver pressed the accelerator almost to the bottom, the engine roared with overwhelming force, and the car's speed had reached its limit.

Driving so fast in the tunnel was no different than risking death, but neither Hua Luo nor Chu Jiu had any objections.

They knew in their hearts that the two of them had entered into a strange story.


A shadow flashed beside him.

"Did you see it?" Through the reversing mirror, Hualuo saw the driver's eyes full of fear, and he said loudly: "There was a man standing by the tunnel just now."

"I didn't see it." Hua Luo tried her best to comfort the driver to prevent him from getting too excited and causing an accident. "You drive carefully." He reminded: "Don't look around, watch the road."

Chu Jiu was so frightened that her eyes changed. She naturally saw the figure flashing by the roadside. It was indeed a person, and she was a woman wearing a bright red dress.

Hua Luo probably knew the strange story about their intrusion.

This is a strange story belonging to Xu Yi.

According to the ghost stories, this tunnel has no end, and they will be consumed to death here.


"Ahhh!" the driver shouted: "It's a woman in red clothes. We have seen her more than once!"

The driver soon discovered that the situation was worse than he thought. The woman he had overtaken countless times was actually following behind the car.

At first the distance was 50 meters, and the shadow could only be seen vaguely, but as time passed, the distance became closer and closer.

40 meters.

30 meters.

Soon we reached 20 meters

At this time, Chu Jiu's tears seemed to burst into tears. Even though the light in the tunnel was dim, she still recognized at a glance that the pale woman following behind was Xu Yi.

What's even more frightening is that Xu Yi's face was facing them, but her body was facing backward, and her neck was twisted at 180 degrees. She was obviously dead.

Sister Xu Yi is dead, and now she has become a new ghost story.

Thoughts quickly fermented in his mind, Hua Luo thought about countermeasures. He had seen this strange tunnel not long ago, and he knew that if he just kept running, he would not be able to get out no matter what.

Unless there is one person left.

Just like the choice Xu Yi once faced.

"We can't leave, we can't leave." The driver finally broke down emotionally as he looked at the female ghost getting closer and closer, then he opened the door and jumped out.

The driver was swallowed by the darkness behind him, and no one knew whether he would survive.

But without the driver, the vehicle did not lose control or slow down, and was still traveling at an extremely fast speed.

Pursing her lips, Hua Luo slowly glanced at Chu Jiu.

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