Nightmare Attack

Chapter 787 Can’t

[Recite the URL silently three times. Do you remember it? If you don’t remember, I’ll ask again in the next chapter. It’s best to share it on Facebook for me]

"There's one more thing that I just thought of." Wang Qi paused, his eyes confused, and it seemed that he didn't even think about what he was going to say next.

Jiang Cheng looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"The painting you showed me is the last one," Wang Qi said hesitantly.

With a raised eyebrow, Jiang Cheng immediately realized that Wang Qi was talking about Lin Waner. "What's wrong with her?" According to Wang Qi, Lin Waner is the founder of Crimson, and they all call her sir.

"Sir, she is not a bad person. She is very good to us, but she is a bit strict." It seems that recalling these will give Wang Qi a headache and affect his spirit. It seems that some kind of restriction is at work, "You, you Don't blame her."

Jiang Cheng asked: "How did you know that I would blame her? What did you remember?"

Wang Qi covered his forehead and kept shaking his head, "I don't know, my head hurts. It seems like there are countless needles pricking inside. I remember that sir has her plan, and we all listen to her. The plan is very... It’s secret, even those murderers who want us to disappear don’t know. Zero, you are the core of the plan, and so is No. 10.”

"What plan, what are you planning?" Jiang Cheng stepped forward, excited, "What exactly is Lin Wan'er going to do?"

Blue blood vessels appeared on Wang Qi's forehead, and his entire face became distorted. He suddenly raised his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Jiang Cheng as if he was staring at prey.

Before Jiang Cheng could prepare, Wang Qi seemed to be hit by a huge force, hit the wall and fainted.

What's even more strange is that the body hit the wall but didn't make much sound.

Jiang Cheng looked at the wall. There was a black shadow on the mottled wall. There were strange black ripples on the shadow. After looking at it for a long time, he seemed to be lost.

A line of bright red words appeared on the wall, "There is something wrong with his memory. If he wakes it up forcibly, he will suffer backlash."

Jiang Cheng breathed heavily. He had a feeling that the final truth was not far away.

He wants to know what happened to Lin Wan'er

The shadow on the wall trembled. In Jiang Cheng's eyes, it was a silent mockery. As a part of him, he couldn't feel his emotions or even what he was thinking.

"Can you shut up?" Jiang Cheng was in a bad mood.

Soon, another bloody word appeared on the wall, "No."

The shadow shook even more violently, and opened its mouth so big that it could tie his and Huaiyi's heads together and stuff them inside.

Wu's stance on Lin Wan'er was very clear, and he believed that the woman was here to harm him.

Because the woman who created nothing is like that.

It has said more than once that it is the same as itself.

No matter how much you pay at the beginning, you will end up with the same end in the end. It will be abandoned, and you will be no exception.

"Although I know you have no good intentions, I still want to thank you for the sculpture hall.˜"*°•.˜˜.•°*"˜" Jiang Cheng helped Wang Qi up and said to the shadow on the wall.

He helped Wang Qi back to bed to rest, and Jiang Cheng kept vigil alone.

Huaiyi woke up in the middle of the night and happened to be working in Jiangcheng's class. He rubbed his eyes and saw Wang Qi and Fatty sleeping on the same bed.

Jiang Cheng shook his head slightly, signaling Huaiyi not to be nervous and reminding him to pay attention.

"The door is not closed." Huaiyi suddenly noticed that the door was opened about a third of the way.

He walked over and was about to close the door, but as soon as he closed the door and turned around, it was like a gust of wind blew the door open again.

After going back and forth three times, Huaiyi was shocked. Could it be that the heart-eating demon came to visit?

No, it's not what it should be

When the door was fully opened, Huaiyi blinked, and then a gust of cold air rushed from his feet to the top of his head, and he was completely awake in an instant.

There was a black shadow on the wall outside the door. The shadow stretched out a hand, as if it was still waiting for Huaiyi to close the door, and then pushed it open.

A pair of bloody eyes were hidden in the dark shadow, looming.

"I'm sorry!" Huaiyi immediately stepped aside and opened the door.

He and Wu were old acquaintances. They had met before during the hospital mission, but the atmosphere was not very friendly at first.

The shadow floated in slowly, then came to Jiang Cheng's side, and then stopped moving.

Huaiyi gasped. Before this guy came in, there was no shadow around Jiang Cheng. He could see clearly.

Who has no shadow?

No, what is it that has no shadow?

Brother Jiang and Huaiyi swallowed secretly. How many secrets does he still have hidden in him?

11 o'clock.

Huaiyi woke everyone up on time. In fact, Jiang Cheng was not the one who woke him up, because as soon as he walked towards Jiang Cheng, the latter opened his eyes.

He didn't sleep.

I don’t know what I’m thinking.

After discovering that Wang Qi was sleeping next to him, Fatty was just stunned for a moment without any other special expression.

On the other hand, Wang Qi opened his eyes and saw Fatty, with a somewhat excited expression.

There was nothing to deal with. In an hour, they would face the final task. After a few minutes of sobriety, they left the dormitory.

Follow the stairs to the first floor corridor.

The door to the doorman's room was ajar, just like before. The difference was that this time, there was a sound coming from inside.

The fat man was closest to the door and took a few steps towards the door curiously. Suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm. Wang Qi shook his head at him and whispered: "It's important to send you away, don't cause any complications."

When the fat man heard this, his eyes turned red and his lips trembled, as if he was about to say something. Wang Qi patted him to indicate that he understood.

Just when a few people turned around and prepared to ignore it and leave directly, there was a special sound coming from the door.

Jiang Cheng paused.



The sound was not loud, but it came one after another, like someone swimming in a swimming pool and constantly stirring the water with their hands.

There will be a pause in the middle of the sound of water, giving everyone the impression that this person has swam to the end of the pool, then turned around and continued swimming back.

This may be a clue, of course, it may also be a trap.

But Jiang Cheng couldn't ignore it.

He held the door handle with his hand. It felt cool to the touch. He took a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

There was water all over the floor in the room. It had accumulated on a layer, about 2 or 3 centimeters deep. It was so dark that it gave people an ominous premonition.

The sound of water came from inside, which was considered the watchman's duty room. There was no bed in sight, but there was a door at an angle inside, which should be the bedroom.

Jiang Cheng thought about going in with Wang Qi to take a look, but he was worried that it would be unsafe for Fatty and Huaiyi to stay outside. In the end, Fatty Huaiyi took the initiative to walk in.

With the water on the ground dripping, several people slowly walked to the bedroom door.

It was a dilapidated wooden door with wood stubble exposed. It must have been there 20 years ago, and it was even painted with a layer of white paint.

The door was ajar, and light came through the crack.

[At the beginning of the chapter, I asked you to read it silently three times. Do you remember? Share on Facebook and there may be surprises]

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