Nightmare Card House

Chapter 172 Canyon

"No, I have no idea what Liu Wenjun is doing behind his back. I understand the risks of this trial. Liu Wenjun's plan does not do me any good." Fang Tian looked up at Amanda, shook his head and said, "I do have Responsibility, my responsibility lies in not discovering Liu Wenjun's actions in time. If Liu Wenjun and I planned this incident, I would just leave the trial and there is no need to stay here. "

The owner of the museum was still angry and said angrily: "You can't do such a small thing well! What a waste!"

"The museum owner is right, waste has no value, why not..." Amanda stepped forward with a smile, but there was a hint of murderous intent in her smiling eyes.

"Forget it, I'll give you another chance." Amanda's reaction made the gym owner vaguely feel that something was wrong. He glanced at Fang Tian and continued: "If the card gym can still be ranked first after this evaluation, I will spare your life for the first three, otherwise, even ten thousand deaths will not be enough for you!"

"Thank you, host, I will definitely try my best!"

The owner of the museum waved his hand, then turned his attention to another foreigner, and asked: "Kohler, how is the situation over there?"

Kohler is the leader of a team in the card hall. He is of mixed race, and his square face makes people feel a bit old-fashioned. This team is relatively low-key compared to Liu Wenjun and Amanda's team. There are newcomers and veterans in the team, and their strength is as strong as Amanda's. It's two levels worse than that.

At this time, Kohler stood up and said: "Master, I just asked the people below to check. Liu Wenjun has wiped out most of the effective forces in the two card halls before, and the remaining three small towns have also been destroyed. Now there are still There is only one abandoned town in the world."

The owner nodded slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

The points situation in the card hall is now extremely bad. Liu Wenjun has consumed more than 90 million points this time and earned more than 1.5 million, leaving a points gap of less than 7.5 million that needs to be filled. .

The points of the other card halls are all positive, but they are the only ones with negative numbers.

The ordinary trialists didn't notice anything, but the senior trialists all felt an invisible pressure.

No one wants to participate in the second round of the elimination trial, which has a very high fatality rate. Even if they are senior, there is a risk of dying there.

Just as Fang Tian thought, Heather is not the kind of person who gives up easily. After a brief thought, he immediately nodded and said: "Very good, it's just eight million. We still have enough time to make up for this gap." Chase back."

The newcomers nodded in unison, and the gym owner's confidence infected some of the testers.

The seniors were not so easy to be deceived. They all knew that Liu Wenjun's team had destroyed three small towns before and could be considered a perfect completion of the trial, but only received 1.5 million points.

It's just that if you don't do anything now, you will still be in last place. If you do something, you may be able to come back.

Things are already as bad as this, how much worse can it get? It's better to give it a try.

The owner of the hall has already made a decision and said in a deep voice: "Hurry up, we have to act rashly after other card halls formulate their next plans. Each group will disperse and explore the surroundings first to make a decision. Let’s find the one with the highest success rate tonight and give it a try. Amanda, come here, I have something for you to do.”

Due to Liu Wenjun's team leaving the venue early, nearly one-third of the combat capability of the entire card hall was lost, and the number of people was reduced by more than half.

The only good news for the gym owner is that Liu Wenjun also wiped out three card gyms before leaving, and the strength of these three card gyms was also greatly weakened.

Under the command of the museum owner, the remaining trialists searched nearby in batches, hoping to find some special trial mission and obtain points rewards.

Fang Tian didn't know what the owner of the museum called Amanda to do. He didn't follow the others, but left and wandered alone in the nearby jungle.

Coming to a creek, Fang Tian lifted the bangs from his forehead with the help of its reflection, and reached out to touch his forehead.

There doesn't seem to be anything on the forehead.

Vaguely, Fang Tian always felt that there was a strange feeling in that place.

Is it my own illusion?

Fang Tian is now very worried about the situation inside the black wasteland card. He hopes to wait until the cooling time of the next time he enters the wasteland card is over to see what happens inside.

At this moment, footsteps sounded behind him.

Fang Tian turned around and looked behind him.

"What's up?"

The black man who had been following Amanda appeared from behind a big tree. He looked around to make sure no one was nearby before speaking.

"Fang Tian, ​​Amanda asked me to tell you that we got some special preserved information during the exploration of the mine. We learned that the advance team of the barbarian orcs has arrived outside the canyon. We will propose a plan to cross the canyon at night. We will need your help to persuade Heather to cross the canyon and kill the orc advance team."


Fang Tian frowned slightly.

"We learned that in addition to taking time to cross the mountains, there are several canyons that can quickly cross the mountains, and one of the mission locations points to a certain location within the canyon."

"Well, I understand." Fang Tian didn't ask too much about this aspect. He left it to Amanda to deal with, and he would just adapt accordingly when the time comes.

"If it's convenient, Amanda hopes you can go explore the canyon."

Fang Tian glanced at the black people, as if wondering why you didn't go in person.

The black man shook his head and said: "The owner of the museum is too wary of us. It is more suitable for you to go over. Follow the third trail to the east and you will see the entrance to the mountains."

Seeing that Fang Tian stopped talking, the black man left quickly.

Fang Tian thought about it, and it seemed that Amanda had already made a preliminary plan. Fang Tian guessed that they might want to persuade the owner of the museum to attack the advance team of the barbarian orcs, and take advantage of the chaos during the war with the barbarian orcs to attack the museum.

This is indeed a bold plan, or it is also a helpless choice.

Even if the last player town can be completely destroyed, Heather has no way to replenish the large amount of points she owes in the game. If she really wants to fight, she can only start with the special tasks of the trial.

Since Amanda wanted to go to the canyon herself, Fang Tian decided to go to the canyon entrance to check it out.

Fang Tian turned over the card and saw the rough map given on the card. Following the route given by the black man, Fang Tian slowly walked towards the canyon.

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