Nightmare Card House

Chapter 387 Helper

"Yes, that's what I left behind."

"What about the drawings?"

"What drawing?"

"The drawings your boss left behind, the transformation drawings for the second phase of the teleportation beacon, where is he?"

"What teleportation beacon? I don't know. Is that the expansion drawing of the teleportation gate you mentioned? Yes, yes, that thing took us a long time to modify. If I remember correctly, the boss took him away. You guys The backup can be found on the computer over there in the central control room.”

Just hearing so many places made the bald man feel overwhelmed. He came up and asked, "Where is the central control room?"

"You can enter the central control room through Area A. Damn it, go to Area A quickly. There is a complete map there!" The middle-aged researcher seemed to be unable to withstand such huge pressure and was about to collapse. He trembled. : "I swear, that's all I know, don't come to me again!"

With that said, the middle-aged man has unilaterally cut off the communication.

Fang Tian exchanged glances with several others.

What they just said was to scare the researcher. They really didn't have the time or energy to spend with him here.

I came full of enthusiasm, but unfortunately the results were not very satisfactory.

The news received was mixed.

There are drawings, I just don’t know if they are still there.

Those construction machinery are placed in Area B, and it seems that the situation is not good. I can only pray that they have not been too damaged. In addition, the drawings can only be found in the central control room through Area A, which means , if they want to complete the upgrade of the time and space beacon, they need to fight with the red worms outside, and they also have to pray that those red worms will not destroy the central control room host in Area A.

Mu Zhou looked at Fang Tian, ​​waiting for him to pay attention.

"It seems we have to go to area A, at least to get that drawing." Fang Tian spread his hands and sighed: "It's really difficult to do without money."

"Hey, I'm talking about Director Fang." Recalling the scene not long ago, the bald man swallowed and continued: "Are you really sure you want to go out? With our strength, there is probably still some chance in Area B at Gate 2. But do we really have a way to get rid of the red worms blocking Area A?"

I remember that not long ago, even if Fang Tian relied on the unilateral massacre of the sun beetle, he could not break out of the exit of Area A, not to mention that after such a long time, the red worm should have completed part of its evolution. Parasitism creates powerful resistance.

"That's right."

Fang Tian licked his lips, as if he had expected it, and said, "So, I think it's time to invite those helpers over."


Baldhead was stunned, not quite understanding what Fang Tian was talking about.

"Hehehe, you are the one who is the bad one, Director Fang." Lu Te had already understood. He laughed at the side, as if he was in cahoots with Fang Tian, ​​"I already knew you were going to beat those guys again. Attention, are you going to act with me? Just look at my appearance. I am a graduate of the Drama Academy, and my acting skills are very good."

"What? What about acting?" The bald man looked confused as he listened to the enigmatic conversation between the two.

Mu Yuxin rolled her eyes and immediately understood the conversation between the two. She patted the bald man on the shoulder and said, "Silly, Fang Tian pretended that he was R-898, the discoverer of this realm, and gave instructions to those involved in the commission. Mission, use their strength to clean up Area A and Area B, do you understand? "

After hearing Mu Yuxin's explanation, the bald man looked astonished.

"Will this have an impact on the final commission?" Muzhou was a little worried and reminded: "Speaking of this commission, it has not stated from the beginning what rules will be used to define the release of the final commission reward."

"I don't know. I'll just make up these questions when the time comes."

Now that we have reached this point, the entrusted reward is already a bonus for Fang Tian. It doesn't matter if he can get the best or not. In comparison, this realm is the biggest reward.

Complete the expansion of the beacon and gain control of this realm.


Back in the main control room, according to the original plan, Fang Tian ordered the teleportation magic circle to be reopened.

Fang Tian is still a little confused about the personnel who are coming here to join the war. On the one hand, he hopes that the other party will be stronger and can help him speed up the fight against the red worms outside. On the other hand, he does not want the other party to be too strong, lest things go beyond his control. Take control.

It's really confusing when I think about it.

Fang Tian smiled self-deprecatingly.

After waiting for five minutes, the portal gradually lit up.

The bald man curled his lips and stepped aside. He was really not used to lying to others, while Lute looked excited and was performing very well.

The light on the teleportation array dispersed.

A team of about thirty people appeared in the teleportation array.

The leader had a black beard, a red windbreaker, and a silver ring on his thumb.

This dressing custom does not seem like friends from the same film world.

"Welcome to my realm, friend. I am the R-898 mentioned in the mission. Just call me Fang Tian. These are my companions." Fang Tian took half a step forward and introduced the wooden boat group behind him. Reach out in a friendly way.

"I am Miller, the trainee master who accepted this commission." The middle-aged man looked a little serious. He shook Fang Tian's hand in a friendly manner and glanced around, "Your time and space sign appears. There was a problem, it was more than three hours later than originally."

"Yes, Miller, as you can see, we are in a lot of trouble now. The development of things is beyond my expectation. We also spent a lot of effort to repair the time and space beacon." Fang Tian As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, with a very urgent expression on his face, "Time is of the essence, so I'll keep it short. I wonder if you have heard of red worms?"

"Red worms?" Miller frowned. He had also heard of this kind of thing and said, "This kind of creature is not easy to deal with."

"Let me briefly explain the situation. We were attacked by a swarm of red worms, including king worms and female worms." Fang Tian's expression was solemn. Based on the principle that the more he spoke, the more mistakes he made, he didn't want to say too much. More, I'll just pick out the key points, "We are in an underground shelter now. Most of the shelter has been invaded by the insect swarm, and I have an important document left in Area A. I need you to help me take it back from the control of the insect swarm." Area A.”

Miller nodded, "Is this the content of the commission?"

"It's just part of the commission. In fact, only by retaking Area A can we continue to build the time and space landmark. Of course, if possible, I hope you will act as quickly as possible."

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