Nightmare Card House

Chapter 492 Planning

"Perhaps you don't know that from that time on, the Holy Lady has begun to secretly control the organization." Cheng Sui said: "In order not to worry you, all this is done secretly with you hidden."

Yeah, it turns out that everything started from that time...

Fang Tian smiled self-deprecatingly, secretly talking about his ignorance. He said expressionlessly: "Keep talking."

"The day of the fire was the beginning of everything. After taking control of most of the internal organizational forces, the Holy Lady decided to liquidate the entire Blood Spirit Society. At that time, the Holy Lady believed that the entire organization was too large and bloated, so she planned the fire in the nursing home. Completely expose the Blood Spirit Society to everyone, wipe it out of everyone’s eyes, and then establish it again.”

Cheng Sui explained: "After the fire, on the surface the Blood Spirit Society was completely destroyed by the police as an evil organization, but in fact all the people captured by the police were forces beyond the control of the Holy Lady, that is, a group belonging to the dean's faction. People, members of the Blood Spirit Society who are loyal to the Holy Lady have already evacuated in advance.”

"You mean..."

"Yes, the Holy Lady used the help of the police to eradicate the hostile personnel within the Blood Spirit Society. After that incident, the Blood Spirit Society completely disappeared into darkness."

"The Holy Lady has been controlling various matters within the organization during these years in bed. After the incident that year, your aunt's family was also controlled through my skills. The Holy Lady hopes that you can return to the hospital again. Go into the lives of ordinary people.”

Saying that, Cheng Sui shook his head, "Unfortunately, everything did not go as expected by the Holy Lady. Some people continued to trace us through various clues. They wanted to do us harm, such as those who came after the devil's scent before. Bloodsworn Witcher Corps."

Fang Tian was silent. Everything was very different from what he had originally imagined. He had previously thought that the Blood Spirit Society had not been completely wiped out. They had killed his sister and even tried every means to capture her soul.

Unexpectedly, the truth is not that simple. The Blood Spirit Society has been secretly completely controlled by my sister after the fire, and my sister is not really dead. Her soul is just temporarily sucked into the Book of the Dead.

"You should already know what happened next. The Holy Lady's soul just left her body, and she did not die. I did notice that the body left behind by the Holy Lady was secretly stolen by you. I did not stop you. I have some cover for you secretly.”

Cheng Sui continued to control the steering wheel and added, "We have always believed in the Holy Lady. She will definitely get the method to control the Book of the Dead and return safely."

Fang Tian digested everything he said, then raised his head and asked, "So what's going on with the Crimson Gem? What's going on with the Water of Life project?"

"The Water of Life project is a special experiment conducted by the dean in the early stage of the integration of the Eye of Hell before the Holy Lady. Through some special formulas and improvements, it was made by mixing the blood extracted from the Holy Lady's body with various life elements. Potions, after taking such potions, human vitality can be increased. Simply put, life span can be increased. "

"At the beginning, the Blood Spirit Society relied on selling the water of life to major financial groups, thereby obtaining a large amount of funds to support more internal research."

Cheng Sui paused and continued, "The Crimson Ruby is the result of the Saintess completely transplanting the Eye of Hell, mixing her blood with some special materials and solidifying it. Because of the fire in the sanatorium, the original research was not done. Halfway through, we haven't found a way to use the Crimson Gem, and the Saint didn't ask for follow-up experiments. But judging from the situation just now, I guess your semi-demon transformation was affected by the Crimson Gem."

Fang Tian thought to himself that it was no wonder. No wonder he could feel the blood-melting feeling from the crimson gem after coming into contact with the Crimson Eye.

That's my sister's blood.

It was my sister's blood that caused the demon inside me to stir.

Unfortunately, I have lost all the memories of that time after becoming semi-demon.

After driving for five or six hours, the car stopped in front of a church.

This church outside the city looks a little dilapidated, and it is far away from the city, so few people usually come to this church to pray.

As if anticipating the difference tonight, the church was brightly lit at midnight.

After getting out of the car, Fang Tian looked up at the church in front of him, and the memories of the past gradually emerged before his eyes.

His sister's body was buried in the back garden here. One night, he took his sister's body and stored it in the basement.

I remember it took a lot of effort on his part at that time.

"St. Michael's Church, Holy Lord, you should remember this."

Cheng Sui's words interrupted Fang Tian's thinking, and Fang Tian looked away from the church, "I have an impression, let's go."

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Fang Tian. I am the administrator of the church. You can call me Bode."

Standing at the entrance of the church was a middle-aged foreigner wearing black thick woolen clothes. It could be seen that he must have been handsome when he was young. There was respect on his face. He stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation and said : "Please come with me."

In the back hall of the church, Bode carefully opened a wooden cabinet in front of the statue. He took out a small wooden box from the cabinet and handed it to Fang Tian with both hands.

"The saint has commanded that this box can only be delivered to you personally."

Fang Tian took the wooden box.

The box was not heavy to begin with. When I opened the lid, there was a letter lying quietly in the box.

"I think the Holy Lord needs some private time." Bode and Cheng Sui went out together, "Holy Lord, we'll wait for you at the door."

Fang Tian ignored the two people who left, and waited until the door of the back hall closed, then he carefully opened the envelope.

A familiar font came into view, with a scent of ink.

It was my sister's handwriting.

Fang Tian was rarely as nervous as he was now. He looked up and glanced at the statue of the saint on high.

A long time ago, my sister often prayed in the sanatorium. The statue of the saint here was exactly the same as the one I had seen in the sanatorium.


Fang Tian muttered to himself and lowered his head to read the letter.

After reading the contents of the envelope word by word, Fang Tian took a deep breath.

Great, she is not dead.

Fang Tian originally thought that his sister's soul was taken away by the remnants of the Blood Spirit Society. They did not even let go of the dead, and wanted to plunder his sister's soul for some kind of experiment.

But at least what Fang Tian saw in the letter was much better than he expected!

The content of the letter was very rich, and the first half was mostly memories. The letter described what happened during the time in the sanatorium. Its content verified what Cheng Sui said before, that the entire Blood Spirit Society had been secretly controlled by Fang Yujing, and that the fire and the destruction of the Blood Spirit Society were also planned by her.

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