Nightmare Card House

Chapter 515: Mechanical City

If he forcibly withstands this attack, he may not be killed instantly due to the effect of immortality, but in this case he will be at an absolute disadvantage. As a powerful melee attacker, Heather has rich experience, and he will not give He has more opportunities to fight back, and it is only a matter of time before he dies.

But in mid-air, relying on the suspension card as power, he was unable to make effective dodge actions at all.

Fang Tian stared at Heather closely, his eyes extremely cold.

He hadn't calculated that Heather would come so quickly!

However, Fang Tian has always been afraid of death. Before setting this trap, he had already made a complete backup plan, and even had a backup plan for the backup plan! Even the supplementary plan after these two backup plans failed!

Of course, Fang Tian was unwilling to use the supplementary plan unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, the uncertainty of the supplementary plan was too great, and even he could not predict the consequences of using the supplementary plan.

When facing a powerful opponent like Heather, Fang Tian did not dare to be careless in the slightest!

As Heather's reflection in his pupils grew larger and larger, Fang Tian's spirit became extremely tense.

The second phase of the plan is moving forward.

"Ha! Die!"

In Heather's view, Fang Tian in mid-air was a bad move on his part. In that state, Fang Tian's ability to control his body was greatly reduced, and Heather, in fact, was a melee fighter. A strong man, he has always believed that his body is the strongest weapon, so he chose the path of mechanized transformation.

In Heather's eyes, Fang Tian was already a dead person.

Since you are looking for death, come on!

Fang Tian's pupils shrank and he waved a black card forward in his hand.

The moment the card is played, time seems to stand still at this moment!

Dark Card-Abandoned Corpse Land!

This card has followed Fang Tian from the beginning, and it has also helped Fang Tian escape from danger many times!

In fact, in Fang Tian's plan, he has already prepared to use the sealing properties of the wasteland card to seal Heather firmly in the card! Use the power of the seal to get rid of Heather.

But now, the plan has been moved forward.

"Chi! Chi! Chi!"

The thrown card flashed a black light in the air, accompanied by the hissing sound of black electricity.

The surrounding space began to show strange distortions.

The black wasteland condensed at Fang Tian's feet in mid-air.

For a moment, two ground seemed to appear in the world. Fang Tian was affected by the gravity of the wasteland under his feet. The world he stepped on was the world of wasteland, an oblique world.

And Fang Tian could clearly feel the feeling of being down to earth.

At the same time as the abandoned corpse land appeared, the wails of the undead spread out in all directions, mixed with the powerful pressure released by the Bone Golem.

Affected by the pressure of the Bone Golem, Heather's punch was unable to move closer to Fang Tian for a while, and his figure appeared strangely stagnant in mid-air.


Heather's pupils were full of disbelief.

It turned out to be...

Venue card!

And it's not an ordinary venue card. This venue card has obviously been specially modified.

How did he get such a field card? This is impossible!

Fang Tian's face was expressionless, his eyes fixed on Heather. He focused on Heather's face and extended his palm to her.

He couldn't maintain his body's agility in mid-air, and the same was true for Heather who was chasing after him!

Next, we just need to seal him!

There was no way around him!

Be sealed! Heather!

Fang Tian's eyes flashed with excitement! He seemed to have seen the next second that Heather was sealed in the wasteland space!

The moment Fang Tian aimed his palm at her, Heather's heart started beating crazily, and her back was soaked with cold sweat.

This is an instinct. Since joining the card hall, he has been able to survive many crises until now, and even obtained the status of trainee hall owner. It is precisely because of this instinct that Heather is proud of!

Premonition of danger!

Heather never expected that one day she would feel a desperate situation from Fang Tian.

Without any hesitation, in the next moment, a card was thrown forward from Heather's hand.

Still want to struggle! it's useless!

Fang Tian is determined to seal Heather in the card! His palm was aimed at Heather, and he held it hard out of thin air!


However, at this moment, Fang Tian felt that he could not lock his mental power on Heather.

What's going on? ! Is it the effect of the card thrown by Heather? !

"Chi! Chi! Chi!"

In mid-air, the card thrown by Heather emitted a silver light of electricity.

With Heather as the center, the metallic earth also condenses and takes shape under Heather's feet, and a special space condenses around Heather.

The effect of the black wasteland is extended by the special space summoned by Heather!

This...this is...

Behind Heather, the reflection of a giant city that looked like a giant mechanical clock rose up behind Heather.

The click of the pendulum echoed all around.

With Heather as the center, the space slowly condensed into the shape of the interior of the giant city, and countless gears of different sizes appeared densely behind Heather.

“Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!!!”

A shrill alarm sounded.

"Gaga creak creak... creak creak..."

Various elementary mechanical bodies poured out from the stairs of the giant mechanical city.

Card-City of Machines.

Level sequence: Dark.

Star rating: 1~

Type: Field Card.

The central position where the two special field cards interacted constantly rubbed, collided, and flashed silver and black electric currents.

The field of the Mechanical City expanded outward, while Fang Tian's abandoned corpse field gradually shrank. Both sides kept trying to force each other, and finally formed two distinct fields, neither of which gave in.


It was also a field card! ?

This scene was also unexpected by Fang Tian.

This was the second field card Fang Tian saw in the trial, and it seemed that the opponent's field card was not inferior to the abandoned corpse field, and the degree of his wasteland card was obviously smaller than that of the opponent.

Damn! Just a little bit!

Obviously, Heather didn't get this card in the last trial!

Fang Tian was very sure that if Heather had this field card in the trial, he would definitely use this card to turn the tables at that time.

The sense of crisis receded, and Heather stared at Fang Tian.

Unlike the hatred in the past, this time, Heather looked at Fang Tian with not only hatred but also fear!

He watched Fang Tian grow from a rookie to where he is now.

Fang Tian's growth is so fast and so scary! Every time he saw Fang Tian, ​​Heather could feel his progress. Now, he has grown to the point where he can threaten his life!

What's more, he also has a powerful venue card!

If he is given more time, he will soon grow to the point where even he needs to look up to him.

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