Nightmare Card House

Chapter 564: Calculation


At this time, Heather had only this one thought. The mechanized overload operation had ended, his strength was greatly reduced, and the remaining mental imprints were not enough for him to continue to support. Moreover, this place was not his home field, and the conditions on all sides were extremely unfavorable to him!

Heather had made a thorough plan in advance, including what to do after using Fang Tian to escape from the venue card!

Four-star level cards, these were the last four mental imprints he had kept, just to escape!

However, to Heather's great surprise, he found that his mental power could not be integrated into that card.

The card had been taken out of his palm, thrown out, and fell to the ground with a "slap" sound, and then turned into white light and was sucked into the palm card imprint.

What happened? !

At this moment, Heather was shocked to find that not only this card, but all the cards in his palm imprint were in an unusable state.


Heather landed, and with the strong uneasiness in his heart, he looked around.

This place is...

Heather found that he was actually in a circular ancient altar.

The altar had obviously been renovated, with a diameter of about 20 meters in the center. Now, he and Fang Tian were in the altar, at two positions on the edge of the altar.

The dim light flickered frequently on the altar.

Countless evil spirits covered by blood-colored auras were flying around.

Heather could clearly feel that there was a barrier blocking his way behind him.

Everything in front of him told Heather that this was a trap!

He was locked in this barrier, and the reason why his own cards could not be used must be because of this barrier!


Fang Tian was not as comfortable as Heather after being hurt by the explosion of the card. He supported himself on the floor with his right hand, raised his head and looked at Heather, raised a finger, "Heather, what a pity, you were fooled again."

At that moment, Heather's pupils enlarged countless times. He stared at Fang Tian with an expression of disbelief, "This place... is all arranged by you?!"

"How is it? Are you satisfied? But it took me a lot of effort. To be honest, this world knows the believers of Stani very well. I am really surprised that they can design this kind of magic circle." Fang Tian covered the deep sunken place on his chest with his hand and said, "Looking at your expression, you are also surprised, right?"

"Fang Tian!"

Heather gritted his teeth, his body shaking involuntarily because of anger. He thought that he had calculated everything and finally caught the enemy's flaw and successfully escaped from the field card environment, but now he found that he was still in the enemy's calculation!


Accompanied by rage, Heather laughed wildly.

"What? What are you laughing at again? Are you ready to give up? I can give you a quick death, but you must die here today. There is no other way. I hate trouble. Things that can be solved should be solved quickly." Fang Tian said, clenching his fist lightly.

"Want to kill me? Come on! Have you forgotten the oath you made before! Kill me, and your soul will fall into hell forever!" Heather stared at Fang Tian intently, and his mechanized body began to repair itself. He cursed viciously: "I will wait for you in hell! Fang Tian!"

"Hehe, I thought you wanted to say something, tell you a secret, my soul has already belonged to that place." Fang Tian said, waving his hand, "The last words are over, you can go and die, and the next is up to you, Shouwu."

Heather's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't have time to figure out the meaning of Fang Tian's first half of the sentence, and instantly felt a powerful force gathering above him.

He raised his head and looked in the direction where the huge force above his head came from.

A piece of red!

The red slash made up of countless evil spirits slowly fell from the air.

It carried a force that mortals could not resist.

Not to mention that Heather is now exhausted, even in his prime, he could not compete with it!

In the face of absolute power, Heather felt that his shoulders were held down tightly, and he could not make any counterattacks.

He could only watch the slash fall.

This was the case with Heather, and so was Fang Tian. Under the pressure of huge power, Fang Tian supported his hands and half-knelt on the ground, and he couldn't even move his fingers.


The red slash fell and wiped Heather's body cleanly.

Countless red evil spirits rushed over and ate her body clean.

In just half a second, Heather disappeared from the spot without leaving any trace.

As the last bit of evil spirit dissipated in front of Fang Tian's eyes, the huge pressure on Fang Tian's shoulders disappeared, and he regained control of his body.

Fang Tian gasped heavily, his body was extremely uncomfortable.

The red aura emerged from nowhere, condensing into a giant blood-red skeleton in the air, floating in front of Fang Tian.

Fang Tian was also prepared, and took out an ancient parchment scroll from his chest pocket and threw it to Shou Wu.

"What I promised you, this is the location of the last five bottles of sealed blood."

The blood-red aura rolled up the parchment in it, as if it was verifying the authenticity of the parchment.

After a moment, the blood-red aura and the ancient parchment scroll slowly dissipated in the air.

Outside the altar, watching everything end, the shivering mouse hiding in the corner hurried over to shut down the running altar, then ran over and helped Fang Tian up from the ground, "Boss? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Fang Tian gritted his teeth, stood up from the ground, and then stretched out his hand to the place where Heather died.

A card was pulled and fell into Fang Tian's palm.

Card-Proof of Qualification of Apprentice Master.

Level Sequence: Gold.

Star: 0

Description: Proof of identity of the apprentice master. Obtaining this card can obtain the authority to establish a card hall (this card can be exchanged for 500,000 points in the card hall, and will naturally drop after death).

In order to kill Heather, Fang Tian spent a lot of effort to find this relic in this shadow world, and then exchanged various materials from the shadow world guardian 'Mu' to complete the construction of the altar. Finally, he used Shouwu to completely eliminate Heather.

Fang Tian has calculated the whole process thousands of times. The most difficult and problematic part of the plan is not dealing with Heather, but Shouwu.

Fang Tian cannot guarantee that Shouwu will cooperate 100%, which is the most unstable factor in the plan.

Fortunately, his luck is very good, and Shouwu is very trustworthy in this regard.

Mouse's heart was beating fast, and he was shocked and scared. Before entering this trial, he could never have imagined that a card hall owner like Heather would die in Fang Tian's hands.

Now that he has witnessed Heather's death with his own eyes, he can finally put down his hanging heart.

"Boss, Heather is dead, should I..."

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