two-level reversal!

insidious sneaker suddenly becomes a poor victim!

PLO-666 was pressed to the ground, and the entire upper body was covered by an invisibility cloak, and this part of the body disappeared visually.

but as you can see from his crazy kicking feet, PLO-666 is still struggling.

Qiu Qifei tried to hold him back, turned around and shouted: "Help!" "

"coming!" Shi Youcheng rushed over, grabbed the two leg bones of the skeleton with both hands, and shoved him under the cloak.

"No!" No! I'm your friend! You can't do that to me! PLO-666 let out a hollow roar.

"Our friend has quit the game!" You're just a bunch of junk data! "

Qiu Qifei found that he couldn't hold it back, and his face was fierce and punched down! While beating and scolding: "Although Lao Tzu's strength has been cut, Lao Tzu has exoskeleton power armor!" <

p idx="9"> he repeatedly hit the skeleton fragile shoulder blades, breaking both of his arms.

this way, the skeleton cannot struggle with both hands and cannot actively lift the cloak of invisibility.

same goes for the lower body.

Shi Youcheng found that he was struggling too fiercely, so he simply took the high-heat sword that Qiu Qifei had just thrown, and cut the skeleton's leg into several pieces in three or two strokes.

just like that, in a wail, they wrapped the fragments of PLO-666 in a stealth cloak.

turned over, and a few ribs could be seen exposed, which did not disappear, and the two fumbled to fold the invisible cloak.

PLO-666 disappeared completely the moment it was completely covered.

not only can't be seen, but also can't be touched... Of course, the cloak of invisibility is also intangible, it is also temporarily gone.

they are not nervous about this, because it is normal for the cloak to disappear, they have already seen the information introduction of the cloak in the previous battle, and know that after it eats people, they will disappear for a moment, but will return in a while.



"20"> After doing this "big thing", the two finally relaxed, sat on the ground with one butt, and smiled at each other.

a big trouble was solved, and the satisfaction and sense of achievement of this matter made the two brains frantically secrete endorphins, serotonin and endocannabinoids.

just two words to speak human language.


it is clear that Shi Youcheng and Qiu Qifei, the previous predicament was completely disguised, in order to lure PLO-666 into the bait.

A few minutes ago, they discovered that the replica monsters here were not as powerful as they thought, and even without the reminder of security instructions, they could easily defeat these containments.

after easily killing the fitting puppet and the broken arm, they found the invisibility cloak, which was still able to move freely and showed a certain aggressiveness....

Then, according to the restraint method mentioned in the security instructions, Shi Youcheng used the 'Ice Surge Sword Gang' to frostbite the cloak.

this abnormal containment briefly lost its activity, according to the information that pops up in the system... As long as it is frozen, it will remain a dead thing for 20 minutes.

which makes the containment a very useful temporary piece of equipment.

just as they were about to take out the last containment on this level, they saw a sneaky skeleton, which actually had brains and knew how to find the moment.

So, the two had such a plan to invite Jun into the urn.

Fortunately, the quest monster has brains, but not much, and easily reached the plan.

unkillable skeleton, gone forever.

As for the cloak of invisibility that also disappeared....

about a few seconds later, the space beside the two was slightly distorted, and the almost invisible cloak appeared out of thin air, fell to the ground, and made a soft noise.

Shi Youcheng picked up the cloak and patted the non-existent dust: "Is this considered finished?" So fast? <

p idx="37">Cloak has returned, but the vanished skeleton has not.

in Shi Youcheng's understanding, this is being eaten.

he smiled, draped his cloak over his body, and his whole body disappeared completely... Interestingly, when the cloak is alone, there is some spatial distortion in the area where he appears, letting people know that there is something here.

but once covered on the body, those disappeared places seem to disappear perfectly, and there is no trace of something at all.

just a head floating out of thin air, which is also quite scary.

Qiu Qifei laughed: "It's useless for you to use the invisibility cloak like this, the exposed face is too big, and the hunter can't see it and really see the hell." "

Shi Youcheng was a little floating, he covered most of his face with his cloak, only the top of his head, and made a muffled voice, "What about this?" <

p idx="44"> Qiu Qifei was nervous, and quickly pulled off the cloak with a soft glass feel, "Don't mess around!" In case it suddenly moves and covers the top of your head, you're gone! <

p idx="45"> Shi Youcheng smiled and was unimpressed.

"Let's see if the python rope has exploded."

Qiu Qifei walked over, checked for a moment, suddenly picked up a piece of something, and was pleasantly surprised: "I wipe, there is actually one!" "

"What?!" Shi Youcheng hurriedly ran over.

I saw Qiu Qifei holding a large dark green tadpole in his hand, a thumb-sized head, and dragging a slightly rotten tail.

"What?" Shi Youcheng reached out and took it.


p idx="51"> [Name: high-quality snake gall] [Type: Universal props (can bring out copies)]

[Introduction: PLO-501

has a snake bile in its body, it turns out that it is really a snake....

to put it bluntly, this snake bile is actually both an antidote and a tonic, and if swallowed directly, it can immediately remove all toxins and abnormal states caused by germs.

And within 15 minutes, the poison resistance increases by 300%] IDX="56"> [Note: If you miss the fountain of immortality, I hope you don't miss this snake bile again. 】<

p idx="57"> seeing the remarks, Shi Youcheng was a little puzzled: "Immortal Spring, what Immortal Spring?" Is it also an important prop? idx="58"> Qiu Qifei shook his head: "I don't know... Maybe, maybe it's also a prop carried by a replica monster, maybe in L2? "

Shi Youcheng thought of this at first glance.

L2 containments, aren't there still several who have not died young? Maybe something good can burst out of them!

this so-called fountain of immortality, maybe it is in it, and it will be its own later!

Shi Youcheng is now in such a good state of mind that he explodes, and when he thinks about it, he actually laughs.

no way, in just a few minutes, the two of them were like Ou Huang possessed, drawing cards and winning in succession!

I got the "hair" of the 'fitting doll', the 'invisibility cloak in the corpse', and this highly targeted 'python snake gall'!

the only thing that the Air Force did not explode was that arm... But this explosion rate, he is already very, very, very satisfied!

With the blessing of Ouhuang's good luck, Shi Youcheng swept away the haze and completely forgot how miserable his two teammates died.

at this time, the ground trembled faintly.

Qiu Qifei's face changed: "It's a rotten angel!" She's down! "

Shi Youcheng showed twelve points of calmness and the calmness of a master, "What are you afraid of?" Even if she finds us now, what can she do? "

Qiu Qifei was stunned, and even Xuan also showed a smile, "Yes." "

you know, not only the special items they just got, but also the five weapons they picked up from the security room!

played 1v4 dozens of times and never picked up so many things! Never fought such a rich battle!

whether it's a flying blade launcher or a high-heat sword, it's a sharp weapon that can 'abuse ghosts'!

the balance of advantages has long been unknowingly flipped!

the two waited for a moment and found that the rotten angel did not come to the 3rd floor.

they immediately realized that the other party should have gone down to the 4th floor....

why did she run up and down, but only skimmed the L3 we were in?

both of them had this doubt in their hearts at the same time.

could it be that she knew we were here through some reconnaissance skill, but deliberately avoided it?

Qiu Qifei guessed: "Hey captain, you said... Could she also be doing her own hidden task, obscene development? "

there is such a possibility... Shi Youcheng thought.

but now he is full of confidence, he doesn't care at all, raises his chin, and says proudly:

"83"> "Well, he develops and we develop, see who has a whiter face, see who has developed whom, it's a big deal to touch it later, see if her poison is more disgusting, or my sword is sharper!"

Qiu Qifei was suddenly a little worried.

how to say it....

Shi Youcheng's current words gave him a very strong sense of déjà vu, and naturally thought of the lines Guan Yu said in the New Three Kingdoms.

'Okay! He crossed the river and I crossed the river, he crossed the river to attack my Jingzhou, and I will cross the river and directly pound East Wu Jianye! '

it's all the same heartless speech.

In this mode, the hunter is undead, touch a fart and touch!

"Let's go to L2 first." Shi Youcheng suddenly retracted his smile and said positively.

"Huh? Why? Qiu Qifei didn't react.

Shi Youcheng looked at this graduate student with a little bit of intellectual superiority, full of useless education, high scores and low energy theory,

"93"> "Hehe, have you forgotten, this floor, there is also a containment room that does not belong to this floor."

Qiu Qifei suddenly understood, "Containment Room 4-1!" "


Shi Youcheng looked at the wall on the left, as if he could penetrate the past,

"97"> "Calculate the time, these containment rooms on the 4th floor are about to open... The containment on the 4th floor is definitely stronger than the one on the 3rd floor, at least it is certainly not in the category of 'ordinary monsters', it should be elite monsters. <

p idx="98"> "You don't want to be consumed by them either, do you?"

"Let's go to the 2nd floor, firstly, considering that we have not yet searched the 2nd floor, we may have missed some props or clues, and secondly, those weak chicken containments, you can kill and see, what if something also explodes?"

Qiu Qifei felt that the captain's eyes were a little uncomfortable, but at least he was relieved in his heart... Phew, fortunately, it hasn't swelled to the point of dementia.

he followed Shi Youcheng and began to run up the elevator.


the middle of L3, the outer wall is painted with three orange bars Containment Rooms 4-1, which is extremely quiet.

only the display screen next to the hatch is flashing a dangerous countdown.

2min left.



Ling Yichuan returned to where she had just walked out, to the dangerous laser corridor.

she stopped until the voice of the hacker's brain came to her head: 'The laser network device is turned off.' '

Ling Yichuan then pushed open the door and walked into the narrow passage of four sides of glass again.

the air inside is not circulating, leaving a lot of the pale green miasma she left behind... As she walked with the wind, the miasma was broken through a pathway and went straight to the end.

walk towards the elevator to L5.

about the PLO-125's ability to control laser systems... Ling Yichuan was not surprised.

drank the fountain of immortality, the brain's ability is stronger, as far as he said, except for the main elevator leaving the base can not be controlled, everything in the other base, the brain can be remotely controlled.

including other elevators that fugitives must use to get up and down.

including containment rooms.

Before PLO-125 told Ling Yichuan that he could make the two "intruders" go anywhere if he needed to, and that he could complete the countdown to Containment Room 4-1 in advance and release the dangerous existence inside.

but Ling Yichuan refused.

not her wave, but....

she doesn't want the fugitives to be killed early.

If the fugitive dies, the game ends, and the hunter will soon be forced out of the game... But she still has many doubts, waiting for the archive to answer her questions.

footsteps stopped, Ling Yichuan stood in front of the elevator and pressed the door opening button.

elevator opens, as she saw before.


she didn't move, and after a while, the elevator doors closed automatically.

Oh, to add here.

In addition to the main elevator, there is an elevator in the base, which is also out of the control of PLO-125.

this is the one in front of you.

Ling Yichuan hesitated and stepped forward and made a very strange move... She gently stroked the metal door of the elevator, her movements were unusually gentle, as if she was caressing a sensitive child.

recalling the "opening code" that PLO-125 had just taught him, Ling Yichuan, like a loving mother who killed Matt in appearance and gave birth to ten in his heart, began to softly hum a ballad with strange lyrics.

"In the ticking of clocks, I see the hidden secrets of time;

Under the starry sky, I saw the secret hidden in the night;

In the glow cast by the dawn, I saw the secret hidden by the shadows;

the secret is like a shadow, like a shadow.

Open, peep into the path, open, eternal shadow. "

song fell, slowed down for a moment, and the open button next to the elevator automatically lit up... It seems that just now it is feeling the afterglow of intimacy.

the elevator doors open.

Ling Yichuan's small mouth opened slightly, slightly surprised.

the brains of the broken mouth really did not fool her ... This elevator is an unusual project in itself, as long as you caress him and sing him this song, he will open the secret door to the 'archive room'.

a secret passage as narrow as the inside of the elevator car, but at least ten meters deep, appeared in front of her eyes.

Ling Yichuan fixed his mind and walked in.

elevator door closes.


inside is dark, but not completely lightless.

narrow corridor, consisting of two rows of ceiling-topped filing cabinets, above which hang old-fashioned light bulbs every five meters, illuminating the densely packed dusty files on the filing cabinets with a faint yellowing light.

there is also the brightest light source at the front.

is a monitor.

a very old, big-ass monitor.

If you are an ordinary person, you can probably only see a blurry light source at this distance, but the rotten angel can see all the details there after a little concentration.

it may be an all-in-one, because I didn't see the host... The monitor is placed on a clean white computer desk with a basic white keyboard and mouse.

there is also a chair.

this hidden space is as simple as Steve Jobs's handwriting.

Ling Yichuan scanned the file cabinets on both sides while walking forward... The upper areas are divided by time.

first started in December 1918... Well...... The month just after World War I.

As she walked, she scraped through the file with her white fingers and pitch-black nails, then picked a random copy and pulled it out.

"George. Harris's research journal..."<

p idx="157"> In the secret corridor, in the dim light, a female monster with wings on her back and long hair wriggling softly recited the experimental log.

has a different kind of laid-back laziness.

which is probably the quiet years of the gram system.

Ling Yichuan seemed to forget that he was still in the game.

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