are you kidding me?

Ling Yichuan's first reaction was that the AI lied.

because in her memory, the other experimenters were clearly defenseless against blonde women, even Kosuke Osawa, and they all looked like colleagues.

No, it should be said that the blonde woman is almost like the top boss of the researchers, and the kind of reception expert Kosuke Osawa stands next to her, looking like a deputy at best.

if she is a dangerous containment placed on the 4th floor... This is not possible!

could it be that everyone else was controlled by the blonde's abilities?

but if that's the case... Shouldn't she have been out of custody long ago?

While cranky, enigma has intimately retrieved the electronic file of PLO-063 and displayed it on the screen.

he also thoughtfully reminded: "The PLO-063 file is the lowest level of secrecy in L4's containment, but that is not because her information is unimportant, but because her information is self-confidential." "

The paper man AI once again showed a helpless squinting smile, tilted his head and said:

"10"> "You have to watch carefully, if you lose memory again in the process of watching... I won't show it to you in a moment, lest we get bogged down in infinite repetition here. "

rest assured, it won't... Ling Yichuan silently thought that I can only loop with you for 45 minutes at most.

Oh, it's 44 minutes now.

he sank down and stared intently at the material on the screen.

the first line above is:

"15">[The following records should be watched carefully!] ]

[The relevant information of PLO-063 has the characteristics of 'reverse memetic' and 'mental pollution', and can only be read slowly with the help of an instrument that can stabilize memory and stabilize the san value. ]

Ling Yichuan believes that the so-called 'stable memory' and 'stable san' props will be found here, but she does not think that she can find them in a short time.

so as not to waste time, she said to the AI: "If I lose my short-term memory again later, or if something strange happens, I hope you can wake me up." <

p idx="19"> Enigma smiled gracefully: "Beautiful young lady, it is my honor to serve you." "

Ling Yichuan got goosebumps, forced a smile at the paper man, and then continued to read.


p idx="21">[Item No.: PLO-063][Overall hazard level: B]

[Containment Measures: PLO-063, as a Watson Creek occult consultant, only needs to return to the containment room by 23:00 every night...].

advisor... It can still be like this....

Seeing this, Ling Yichuan had to slow down her reading speed because she wanted to think.

the people who are taken in are actually people, if the blonde does not have any extraordinary abilities in battle, but can make people lose their memory... It is also normal that it is not fortified.

prisoners can also be guilty of meritorious service.

Ling Yichuan thought of the genius fraudster played by Xiao Lizi in the cat-and-mouse game, and after being caught, he also became an FBI consultant.

if it weren't for the ring on his foot, he would normally look like an ordinary agent in Phobole.

it seems that this blonde is in the same situation.

skip some unimportant information and continue reading.

[...... The background check on PLO-063 was very difficult, and her loved ones seemed to have forgotten her existence.

but because she did not deliberately erase her traces, we have found many written proofs of her life.

PLO-063 has a very simple background, she was born in the millennium, her father was a banker, her mother was a full-time wife...]

born in the millennium? Ling Yichuan was stunned.

blonde is actually a post-00?

she looks significantly older than herself... I don't know where the timeline of this copy goes....

Ling Yichuan couldn't help but ask AI: "Enigma, how many years is it now?" <

p idx="39"> the elegant paper man AI replied: "It's March 17, 2035, it's the famous St. Patrick's Day..." "40"> "It's okay."

Ling Yichuan interrupted the elaboration of the AI and continued to look at the file carefully.

so... The blonde woman is 35 years old... The timeline here is ten years faster than my there....

(PS: In case you are influenced by the inverse meme and forget the time of the reality where the protagonist is, here is a reminder... It's the summer vacation of 2025)

Ling Yichuan looked too seriously, even she didn't notice that her SAN value was slowly but firmly rising, like a thermometer about to explode.

now she has reached 160%

"46"> her thinking speed is getting faster and faster, her spirit is getting more and more vigorous, and a hidden attribute called 'spiritual awareness' has also increased significantly.

she heard some faint voices, like many people talking, noisy and chaotic, unrecognizable.

Ling Yichuan frowned.

not only because of the symptoms of "auditory hallucinations" in the game for the first time, but also because of the document in front of her, she seems to be unable to stand it.

I don't know where to start, the handwriting in front of her began to blur, and then as if hallucinating, she saw that the text suddenly moved, out of its original position, rolling around and running around, randomly patching together.

like words in the eyes of dyslexics.

Ling Yichuan tried to resist with mental power, insisted on looking down, tried to smooth the order of the text....

There may be many things in the world that can be forced, but this one does not.

when she finally smoothed the order of a few words, she found that she had forgotten everything she had just read.

so look at it again, look hard!

but the harder you try, the faster you forget!

at the same time, the SAN value and spiritual sense rose at an incredible time, which caused her to hear the whispers of many other beings.

most of which are in ancient languages that have existed on Earth.

such as ancient Greek: "Στον πυθμένα της θάλασσας, ο παλιός θεός περιμένει. "

Classical Arabic:

"61">"في قمة الجبل ، يرقص الجن."

Old Norse: Í djúpin blár, hafmeyjar syngja

ancient Egyptian: (text cannot be displayed)

="" media-idx="1"/>

Sanskrit: "नदी के उस पार, आदिदैत्य गा रहा है। <

p idx="65"> of course, there are Chinese: "66"> "A burning fire can burn all things, but what can exist when things die?" The way of one breath can destroy all things, and where is the way of death? "

this is indeed a dangerous world!

Evil and terrifying existence is really fucking much!

Ling Yichuan knew very little about the side effects of spiritual ascension, but fortunately, Eve was experienced in this.

as a direct descendant of Cthulhu, she has always had a high sense of normality, and often hears things that should not be heard, but those sounds do not seem to affect her.

insisted for another moment, and Ling Yichuan planned to give up.

If you can't do anything, don't drill into the bull's horns, lest you delay time on this information, and lose in vain.

only at this time, among the chaotic voices, a particularly nice woman's voice sounded.

"I can help you."

the sound is extremely clear, as if it is close at hand!

Ling Yichuan was suddenly startled, for some reason, she knew who this voice came from!


because of Eve... She almost shouted mom!

the voice did not admit or deny it, paused for a moment, and said, "Beg me." "

the Queen's speech.

worthy of my family Susu!

but... How to ask for it?

just shout with clip sound? Help me, please? A series of puppy memes with both hands popped up in Ling Yichuan's mind.

That's right! O prayers!

Ling Yichuan suddenly remembered that he knew a prayer to ask for his favor! When he was working on the Ripper copy, he once relied on this prayer to successfully summon Lulu to help and casually shoot Baron Saturday to death.

did not try to communicate again, she directly used practice to verify the conjecture!

"Sleeper of the dark abyss, Lord of the mind from the stars, Dominator of the past, the great god of the deep sea, Cthulhu', I pray for your favor..."

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