Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 1 Breathing Technique

Chapter 1: Breathing Technique

The "Guangyu Zhi" states: "Above the clouds, there are five heavenly realms, each with dangerous obstacles that prove the existence of immortals and mortals. Even the air still contains vitality, while the Tai Xu extreme cold is devoid of human presence. Pure energy attracts demonic winds, and the heavenly light fades from the mortal world. The realm of Extreme Eternal is ethereal and vast, embodying the cycle of life and death in chaos."

When Yang Ning first read this article, he thought that someone from the same profession had visited this world and used poetry to describe the atmosphere. But now he understood that it wasn't just a fellow transmigrator, but an actual immortal who had flown up to see it.

In the high altitude of 14,000 meters, a flying boat was speeding by. This flying boat had two layers and three masts, made entirely of wood and not much different from the wooden ships of the Song and Ming dynasties. However, with the blessing of the Immortal Dao formation, it could fly steadily in the air at a considerable speed.

The flying boat was a hundred meters long and forty meters wide, but the interior space was vast, spanning eighty li in length and sixty li in width. It had various buildings such as lecture halls, martial arts halls, libraries, hot springs, talisman-making rooms, and mineral storage rooms, resembling a small city.

However, there weren't many people living on the boat, only a little over a thousand.

"Intelligence is simply a flash of insight. When sitting, lower your gaze behind the curtain and establish a criterion to let go. But once you let go, you fear that you cannot, so you focus on listening to your breath. The inhalation and exhalation of the breath should not be audible to the ears, only listen to its silence."

"This Amber Breathing Technique is the breathing secret technique of our Extreme Eternal Sect's Foundation Building stage, and it is also one of the top breathing secret techniques in the entire Extreme Eternal World. People outside cannot obtain it, but you have just embarked on the path of cultivation and can come into contact with it. Moreover, the sect's flying boat will take you to the Extreme Eternal Heaven, which is most suitable for practicing the Foundation Building technique. Such a great opportunity must not be wasted."

"We will stay here for thirty days. If you still cannot grasp the breathing technique within thirty days, you will be expelled from the Immortal Ascension Academy!"

Wei Chaoyang's voice was not loud, but it had a peculiar rhythm. It didn't disturb their thoughts but guided the young men's minds towards their breathing. With each inhalation and exhalation, they became calm.

When one can maintain tranquility, everything in the world falls into place. Although the Extreme Eternal World does not have the "Clear Tranquility Scripture," the concept of cultivation is interconnected.

In tranquility, spiritual energy naturally comes without invitation. Although those in the Physical Body Realm cannot absorb the Integrated Union spiritual energy, even just passing through their bodies has great benefits.

After Wei Chaoyang finished speaking, his black eyes suddenly turned blue. He glanced down and sighed softly.

The quality of the Immortal Seedlings in North Plains had never been good. It had been eleven days since they boarded the ship, and only forty-seven people had grasped the breathing technique. Considering the number of Immortal Seedlings, there were only two hundred in total!

At this rate, when the one-month Foundation Building Stage was over, some people would definitely be eliminated.


Behind the two hundred Immortal Seedlings, there were six hundred young men who served as their servants, bookboys, and maidservants.

The Extreme Eternal Sect did not prohibit the cultivation of the servants. After all, many powerful individuals in the sect had started as servants. They also had a certain degree of influence.

In the early years, these disciples and servants were truly servants. However, after many years of development, these maidservants and servants were no longer genuine. They could be the sons of wealthy merchants or the descendants of high-ranking officials who obtained their positions through various exchanges of benefits. The Extreme Eternal Sect turned a blind eye to this.

After all, everyone was doing the same.

But they were not the chosen ones, and their treatment was different. For example, their positions were further back. When Wei Chaoyang's Dao voice reached the back, its effect was only about ten to twenty percent. It was reasonable to say that they would progress much slower than the chosen Immortal Seedlings. Even if not a single person grasped the technique in eleven days, it would still be normal for no one to grasp it within thirty days.

However, there was an exception this time. Not only did six people grasp it, but Wei Chaoyang also discovered that one of the young men had reached a profound state, the state of sleeping breath.

Sleeping breath meant being able to maintain the state of the breathing technique even while asleep.

This was actually very difficult because the breathing technique had four realms: meditation breath, still breath, active breath, and sleeping breath. Ordinary people would take a month just to grasp the basics, and it would take three to five years of cultivation to achieve still breath and active breath. As for sleeping breath, many people couldn't even reach that state after graduating from the Immortal Ascension Academy.

Yet this young man had achieved it in just eleven days!

"What is the name and background of the young man in the position of Jia 6 and Ren 4?" Wei Chaoyang couldn't help but ask.

The white-robed disciple next to him glanced down, then took out some documents and flipped through a few pages before responding, "Yang Ning, from Anxi in the Yue Kingdom, the Minister of Works in the Yue Kingdom. He is 12 years old this year and came with the Eighth Prince of the Yue Kingdom, Xun Hu."

"A 12-year-old Minister of Works?" Wei Chaoyang was taken aback. "Is it that prodigy from the Yue Kingdom?"

"That's him!" The disciple nodded. "It is said that Yang Ning not only excels in literature, but also in craftsmanship. The plow he invented greatly improved the efficiency of farming, and he also invented the waterwheel, which can transport water from low to high places. After these two inventions, not only did the Yue Kingdom solve its famine, but it could also sell food to other countries."

"Indeed, it is him!" Wei Chaoyang stroked his beard and pondered. "So, someone who demonstrates wisdom in ordinary times will also have good aptitude for cultivation, right?"

The disciple next to him nodded. "It should be. At least, smart children have better comprehension."

Wei Chaoyang sighed. "It's a pity that our Extreme Eternal Sect has its own considerations. The smartest disciples may not necessarily receive the best treatment."

"Elder, please be cautious with your words!"

"What caution? There are no important figures here!"

"But you never know who might be listening behind the walls. Besides, Extreme Eternal has undergone some changes. If it were before, someone like Yang Ning with such a background wouldn't have had the opportunity to embark on the path of cultivation."

"Is that so!" Wei Chaoyang shook his head. Unfortunately, he was just a minor elder, insignificant and powerless in his words.

Yang Ning naturally had no idea that he had become the topic of discussion among the immortals on stage. After all, he had his eyes closed, and immortals could communicate without opening their mouths. There was no need to read lips.

He was still studying this breathing technique.

"You have been cultivating for 35 minutes. The current activity of your liver cells has increased by 4%, red blood cells by 6%, white blood cells by 7%, and lung cells have reached today's limit."

If Wei Chaoyang heard this, he would surely be shocked. He had no idea that there was a limit to the cultivation of the breathing technique.

Because ordinary people couldn't even touch this limit. Their progress in the breathing technique followed the improvement of their physical fitness. As for cultivation, well, apart from other factors, the enhancement of physical fitness was extremely fast. Therefore, this limit was constantly increasing, and the realm of the breathing technique generally lagged behind the improvement of physical fitness.

Especially when they reached the Late Stage and obtained more powerful techniques, everyone simply abandoned the breathing technique.

But Yang Ning had reached this limit.


"This is only the limit of the breathing technique, not my limit. Look, the enhancement of lung cells is 7%, while liver cells are only 4%, and brain cells are the least, only 0.6%. It is clear that this breathing technique is somewhat biased. It focuses more on the lungs, blood, and immune cell training, and doesn't pay much attention to other parts of the body!"

"But it's also normal. After all, this is a breathing technique used for Foundation Building. Children, let alone heart and lungs, can't even control their muscles properly. There may be more advanced breathing techniques, but they are not suitable for them."

Unfortunately, Yang Ning came from a humble background. Although he became a famous prodigy with his personal abilities and a little help from external sources, even the emperor showed him great respect, these abilities were not enough to attract the attention of immortals.

On the third day, he learned the breathing technique, on the fifth day, he rested, on the seventh day, he moved, and yesterday, he slept. The Taoist priests on stage didn't even spare him a second glance, let alone give him a higher-level breathing technique.

Well, whether there are more high-level breathing techniques or not is uncertain.

But it doesn't matter. If they don't give it to me, I'll create my own. After all, the principle is not complicated.

A new book is starting, I hope everyone will follow along.

This is really important to me.

This time it's an original story, immortal cultivation mixed with science.

(End of this chapter)

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