Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 24 Wallfacer Yang Ning

Chapter 24: The One Facing the Wall, Yang Ning

As soon as Yang Ning returned to his dormitory, he headed straight to the study, spread out a piece of paper, and began contemplating with his chin resting on his hand.

Hobbies should not hinder cultivation, but for Yang Ning, it was no longer a matter of hindrance. He had completely abandoned cultivation for the sake of his hobby.

No matter how you look at it, this is slacking off, pure and simple.

However, Yang Ning's "Black Tortoise Meditation Method" that he constantly practiced was strengthening his spirit, vibrating his blood and qi with breathing techniques, generating a qi and blood field, and continuously tempering his body.

So, although he appeared motionless, both his body and spirit were growing stronger.

This can be seen from his appetite; he hasn't eaten any less.

This is the charm of methodology.

Just like inventing the light bulb, if you don't know the principle of electricity generation, you have to experiment with different materials one by one.

But if you know the principle of electricity generation, you can directly choose the most suitable material from those that can withstand high temperatures, greatly improving efficiency.

Methodology is not about taking shortcuts, but about breaking through the fog and reaching the essence.

Of course, the activation of cells by electric current and the cellular control power of the Spirit Realm also provide a little help.

"The Fourth Layer of the Demonic Beast's blood and qi flow through the five viscera and six bowels of the physical body, greatly enhancing digestive ability and starting a rapid increase in strength. At this point, even a dog's strength can rival that of an elephant. The Fifth Layer of the Demonic Beast's blood and qi flow through the arms, and speed begins to soar. At this level, even a turtle can sprint."

"So, to confront beasts of this level, we need to focus on discharging force and limiting speed."

"For discharging force, we can use shields and weapons, preferably with long spears. To limit speed, cement piles and wire mesh fences are good choices, as well as iron caltrops and animal traps."

"In the face of a power gap, we also need a weapon that can fully leverage our strength advantage. A magic sword is obviously not suitable; it is not conducive to slashing. Three Tang swords can be made instead."

"Furthermore, let's equip Ning Rong with a bow. The arrows should be poisoned, allowing her to weaken the enemy from a distance before engaging in close combat!"

Four people may be a bit lacking, but with a shield, two long spears, and an archer, it is still a complete tactical team.

The reason why humans are humans is because they are good at using tools. A few ordinary people armed with spears can hunt down beasts several times their size. With four cultivators working together perfectly, it is naturally not a problem to take down a beast ten times stronger.

Of course, the most reliable method would be to bring out a Gatling Bodhisattva or break through to the Fifth Layer of the physical body within two months. Even if there are coordination errors, there won't be any problems.

Yang Ning has stronger control over his body. While others need to clearly perceive the blood and qi in their bodies before guiding them to the five viscera and six bowels, as well as their limbs and bones, Yang Ning can sense it as soon as the qi and blood field begins to form and actively strengthen it.

In short, while others' cultivation progresses from 1 to 10, Yang Ning's cultivation progresses from 0 to 10. Achieving the Fifth Layer of the physical body within two months is not impossible.

For the materials of the two long spears, in order to prevent damage, two spearheads should also be prepared.

Hmm, let's also prepare two more spear shafts.

Forget it, let's not go for four shafts. Let's just give each person five long spears. Look at those oil vendors who carry a bunch of red-tasseled spears when they fight. It's not like they can't carry them; if there are extras during a fight, they can just be put on the ground.

Su Bai is 1.54 meters tall. Let's make a shield that is 1.40 meters tall, with a bracket and a place to hold a sword on the shield. In case someone gets lost, it's not enough to just have a shield; we also need a weapon for survival.

For the material, let's use meteorite iron essence, make it 2 centimeters thick. Regardless of whether it can withstand impact or not, let's focus on its defensive power!

Hmm, but the shield can only defend one side. What if ferocious beasts come from all directions?

So we should make an iron shell, with a person hiding inside and stabbing spears outward!

But the iron shell is too heavy to carry, so we need to add four wheels underneath.

What about propulsion? We can't expect someone to walk inside using their legs, right?

Hmm, we can add a gear, a chain, and a transmission, and use foot pedals to move.

They are all cultivators, so they shouldn't have trouble pedaling.

Yang Ning looked at the final blueprint and twitched his mouth. Very good, I have created a tank from the era of cold weapons.

"Yang Ge?" Ning Rong knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Yang Ning said.

Ning Rong cautiously opened the door and curiously looked around.

Hmm, the living room is clean and tidy, with no signs of anyone living here.

Oh, he did spend a month in the library, so it's fine.

"Where are you, Yang Ge?"

"In the study!" Yang Ning said softly.

"Oh, oh!" Ning Rong hurriedly ran over and, after opening the door, saw Yang Ning sitting upright in a chair, dipping a brush in ink and writing.

His handwriting was neat, tidy, and square.

This is the Ning-style font invented by Yang Ning. It was mainly used in woodblock printing and was also known as the printing style.

At first, many literati didn't pay much attention to a newcomer inventing a new font, even if he was a genius.

It wasn't until the printing style became popular with the printing of books, and some scholars who couldn't afford calligraphy copybooks began to imitate it, that the literati realized something was wrong. But by then, those who considered themselves high-minded had become the minority, and they didn't even know when they had been eliminated.

Ning Rong looked at Yang Ning, who was writing earnestly by candlelight, and her eyes became infatuated for a moment.

"Do you know archery?" Yang Ning suddenly asked.

"Ah, ah! Oh, yes, I do!" Ning Rong quickly collected her dazed gaze and replied, "My father is a brave cavalry general, and I have been practicing martial arts and archery with him since I was young. I can draw a strong bow of 2 stones, and while I can't say I hit the bullseye every time, my marksmanship can be considered outstanding!"

"That's good!" Yang Ning said, "I will designate you as an archer and make a special crossbow for you. In the future, you should pick up archery again. Additionally, you can self-study some techniques related to poison. If your strength is not enough, applying poison to arrows is also a way to increase attack power!"

"Okay!" Ning Rong nodded heavily. She had never had a clear direction for her future, so if you tell me to use a bow, then I will use a bow.

"That's it!" Yang Ning handed over the paper with the prepared materials and said, "These materials are what I need. Let Xun Hu bring them."

Yang Ning didn't mind spending Xun Hu's money, after all, Yue Kingdom had greatly benefited from Yang Ning's enhancement of its national strength.

Moreover, these materials were all ordinary materials and not worth much money.

"Good!" Ning Rong nodded and looked at Yang Ning, who had started writing and drawing with great speed.

After a while, Yang Ning looked up and asked, "Why are you still here?"


Ning Rong gritted her teeth, stomped her foot, and thought, can't you spend a little more time chatting with me?

But seeing Yang Ning open another piece of paper and start writing and drawing again, she could only sigh helplessly.

Mother was right, teenagers of this age really don't understand love at all!

Fine, I'll leave then!

It took Yang Ning an hour and a half to finish the drawing. He finally relaxed when Deep Blue's prompt sounded.

"This won't do. I'm always being watched. I can't do anything!" Yang Ning didn't need to draw when refining tools, but he detected that the surveillance from before had returned!

Living in the library for a month was not only for changing his image and reading books, but also because it was disgusting to be spied on in the dormitory.

They even spied on him while he was sleeping!

"Deep Blue, who is the dormitory supervisor for the Grotto-Heaven Residence?" Yang Ning asked.

"There are two dormitory supervisors, one named Ma Longjiang and the other named Ma Longhe!" Deep Blue pulled up the photos of the two people, which Yang Ning had taken when passing by the entrance.

Both of them had triangular eyes, hooked noses, and expressionless faces. One was sitting at the entrance sunbathing, while the other was holding a bamboo pole and knocking on a coconut hanging from a tree at the entrance.

From their appearance, it was clear that these two were twins.

The monitoring range of the Grotto-Heaven Divine Eye was not far, and it was a Divine Ability that could only be cultivated at the Qi Refining Stage.

There were no Qi Refining Stage cultivators in the dormitory building.

So this surveillance should be from the Ma twins.

"Both of them have reached the Fifth Layer of the Fleshly Transformation Stage!"

"Then they must have used an item, engraved with the Grotto-Heaven Divine Eye as a Spirit Weapon. This Fleshly Transformation Stage allows for changes in appearance. Why haven't these two changed? Is it a problem with their aesthetics or have they not reached the peak of transformation?" Yang Ning speculated.

The transformation of the Fleshly Transformation Stage referred to the ability to change one's appearance and greatly enhance one's speed through the strengthening of blood and qi.

It also referred to the ability to change one's appearance by adjusting the position of muscles and enhancing the skin through the strengthening of blood and qi.

The skin, being outside the muscles, naturally requires stronger qi and blood to control.

"Perhaps it's breaking through the superficial confusion?" Deep Blue said.

"Yes," Yang Ning nodded, it was possible.

Few people are indifferent to their appearance, but not none.

"I wonder if this surveillance behavior is demanded from above or if they do it themselves. If it's a personal act, punishing them would be enough. If it's demanded from above, killing them would be useless, as new people would continue to monitor," Yang Ning suddenly felt the frustration of the people on Earth in the "Three-Body" world. No matter what they did, there could be an intelligent being watching them, leaving no secrets.

Can Yang Ning, the one who faces the wall, still do it?

Next time he passes by, he should see what they use to spy on him.

Back to the topic.

"I've read a lot of books on refining tools in a month!" Yang Ning said, "The people here use the performance of the metal materials themselves for refining tools, rather than using alloys much. The metal ratios are also rough, using words like 'approximately' and 'almost'. If they're lucky, they produce Supreme Grade; if they're unlucky, they produce defective products. It's quite unstable. They think it's due to different control of the flame and the force of hammering."

"And they prefer to use metal materials. In fact, we all know that many non-metal materials have performance that is not inferior to metal, and sometimes even better, such as carbon fiber, gallium nitride materials, Darwin spider silk, Kevlar fiber, oxide ceramics, and silicon crystals."

"The birth of a perfect alloy requires a lot of experiments and consumes a huge amount of manpower and resources!" Deep Blue said, "And only a few major forces in this world have the experimental conditions, but they may not be willing to make such a large investment!"

"More importantly, they don't know that doing so can be successful!" Yang Ning added.

No one knows that doing it this way can produce an alloy. When you can't see the way forward, few people can persist.

"And there's the existence of spiritual mines!" Deep Blue continued, "As well as runes and formations to supplement materials!"

Yang Ning raised his thumb, "You know more about this world than I do!"

That's right, Mortal Weapons are only useful in the Physical Body Realm. When it comes to the Qi Refining Stage, everyone uses Spirit Weapons.

And if the material performance is not enough, there are runes and formations to supplement it. Carving a sturdy formation is enough, so why bother researching harder materials!

Lack of research motivation naturally leads to a scarcity of excellent materials.

"They are accustomed to being lazy, but it has given me a huge business opportunity!" Yang Ning murmured.

The effect of the Spirit Realm is that you can conduct experiments without consumption and without limits. It's perfect for finding alloy formulas and such work. And Yang Ning doesn't even need to do it himself; Deep Blue can handle it.

High-strength alloys are not attractive to immortals and cannot be produced by mortals. Isn't it just right to sell them as a top-notch commodity to the outside world?

In addition, it can also showcase his own talent in refining tools, making others let go of their guard against him. Perfect!

"Using a grand plan to cover up one's true intentions, isn't that exactly what the one who faces the wall does?" Yang Ning felt a sense of joy in his heart. Fighting with the heavens is endless joy, fighting with the earth is endless joy, and fighting with people is endless joy!

From today onwards, I am the one who faces the wall, Yang Ning!

(End of this chapter)

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