Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 71 Meeting Xiaohuan On The Road

Chapter 71: Meeting Xiaohuan on the Road

"Brother, take care! Let me know where you want to go next, and I'll give you my identity card for a free ride!"

"Alright, take care!"

Once again, Yang Ning walked steadily and let out a sigh of relief. He walked out of the flying boat dock and looked around before arriving at a crane rental yard.

Putting the card given by Wen Ze into his pocket, Yang Ning took out the black card given by Li Yuan and went to the counter of the crane rental yard. "Do you have any cranes available?"

"Yes, where do you want to go? Do you have a card?" The disciple here was only fifteen years old, with narrow eyes and thin lips. Surprisingly, his cultivation was only at the Fifth Layer of physical body refinement.

However, his attitude was quite arrogant, as if he was looking down on others. He didn't even look at Yang Ning when he spoke.

"Black Soul Peak, here's the card!" Yang Ning showed the black card.

"Oh, the deposit is 500,000 taels of silver, and the rent is 50,000 taels of silver. If anything happens to the crane, the rent will not be refunded!"

"What? So expensive?" Yang Ning was surprised.

"If you think it's expensive, you can walk there yourself!" The disciple said impatiently, "Are you renting or not?"

"I'll rent!" Yang Ning gritted his teeth and handed over a storage bag. The disciple rummaged through the counter and then took out two cards to give to Yang Ning.

One card was made of wood and the other was made of jade. The wooden card had the word "crane" written on it, while the jade card had the words "deposit: 500,000 taels of silver" written on it.

"By dripping blood on the wooden card, you can communicate with the crane bound inside. Tell it where you want to go, and it will take you there!" The disciple said, "The rental period is ten days. For each day overdue, there will be a deduction of 10,000 taels of silver. If you don't return it after fifty days, the crane will belong to you, but the money will belong to us!"

"Alright!" Yang Ning took the cards, dripped blood on the wooden card, and felt that there was actually a considerable amount of space inside the card. There were lakes, forests, and everything else. At this moment, there was a crane standing by the lake. It was over three meters tall and had a slender figure. It stretched out its beak and caught a fish in one go!

"The storage space can also hold living creatures?" Yang Ning was somewhat surprised, but it wasn't the time to explore the principles. He first arrived at an open space, then thought about it, and a huge crane appeared in front of him!

The crane tilted its head back and swallowed the fish it had just caught, then said impatiently, "What's the rush? You almost choked me!"

The voice actually sounded in his mind!

And it was a female crane!

"You can talk too?" Yang Ning was surprised. "What's the principle behind this?"

"Idiot!" The crane seemed impatient. "This is a Spirit Beast contract. Naturally, we can communicate. Besides, I'm not an idiot. I'm a crane at the Eighth Layer of physical body refinement. Is it strange for me to be able to talk?"

"I see." The Eighth Layer of physical body refinement involved the brain, refining the five senses with qi and blood. If the animal was intelligent, it could indeed communicate.

However, if a crane had cultivation at the Eighth Layer of physical body refinement, wouldn't it be able to kill him with a single slap?

"What are you hesitating for?" The crane asked, "Where do you want to go? Get on!"

"Alright!" Yang Ning jumped up and landed on the crane's back. Then he said, "To Black Soul Peak!"

"Let's go!" The crane flapped its wings vigorously, and the two of them took off into the sky.

"Damn!" Yang Ning was startled and quickly said, "Slow down, be steady!"

He wasn't afraid of speed, but he was afraid of disturbing someone he shouldn't disturb along the way. It would be too unjust if he made enemies for no reason!

As Dean Fang had said, there were all kinds of people in the Extreme Eternal Sect. Some people wouldn't care even if you insulted them to their faces, while others would think you were seeking death just by looking at them a little longer.

Yang Ning wasn't afraid of trouble, but there was no need to invite trouble for no reason!

"Ah, how boring!" Sensing Yang Ning's strong emotions, the crane slowed down and said, "You humans are just too fragile. I haven't even used one-tenth of my strength!"

"You're already very fast, sister!" Yang Ning lightly patted the crane's neck. "I'm not in a hurry. We can take our time and enjoy the scenery of the Extreme Eternal Sect. It's my first time coming to the sect, after all!"

"What's there to see in this place?" The crane said, "Besides mountains, there are only more mountains. The real beautiful scenery is blocked by formations, and you can't see anything!"

"I'm already very satisfied!" Yang Ning smiled.

To be honest, even if the real magnificent scenery was blocked by formations, just looking at the continuous mountains, the white clouds between the mountains, and the deer flying in the forest, this place was already a unique landscape in the world.

Moreover, each mountain here represented a Qi Refining successful inner disciple, until the disciple's death.

"Huh, Yang Ning?" A soft voice sounded in the distance.

Yang Ning had cultivated the Heavenly Dragon's Apocalyptic Sound, so he was extremely sensitive to sounds. Although the voice was very soft, he still heard it and recognized the person.

"Xiaohuan?" It was none other than Lin Yuanxi's maid, Xiaohuan!

In the past, when Xiao Huan and Lin Yuanxi stood together, people couldn't help but focus their attention on Lin Yuanxi. But now, when Yang Ning saw Xiao Huan, he found her quite cute.

This maid was wearing a bright yellow long dress, with two round and bright eyes on her face. Her eyes revealed liveliness and curiosity. Her eyebrows were like willow leaves, slightly raised. Her whole face was delicate and exquisite, with a slight resemblance to a phoenix's eyes and willow waist. Especially her mouth, slightly upturned with a hint of a smile, full of vitality.

She also had two braids tied up like sheep horns, with a hairpin on her head. At this moment, her whip was blown into a mess by the wind, making her look lively and playful.

"It's really you! I thought I was mistaken!" Xiao Huan was also riding on a crane, sitting sideways on its back. She was holding a green jade-colored long stick in her hand, but Yang Ning didn't know what it was.

"Are you here to see our young miss?" Her crane came to Yang Ning's side, walking side by side with him, and she started talking rapidly: "Although I do think you should thank our young miss, it's a bit abrupt to come without even saying hello!"

Thank? Yang Ning thought of the blessing Lin Yuanxi had given him three months ago, saying that his identity would have a turning point!

At that time, Yang Ning didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until three months later when Xun Hu was suddenly noticed by Earth Heaven Gate and he was promoted to an official disciple in order to have someone to take care of him in Extreme Eternal.

And then there was the function of Qi Heaven's Word Magic.

Now Xiao Huan was saying that he should thank her.

Was it really her?

Thinking of this, Yang Ning nodded: "Then go and inform your young miss first."

"Hmph, that's more like it!" Xiao Huan nodded and said, "There's no need to inform her first. Let's go together. By the way, did you bring any gifts?"


Xiao Huan raised her eyebrows: "You're coming to thank someone without bringing gifts?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Yang Ning hurriedly replied, "I definitely have!"

"Then it's almost there!" Xiao Huan smiled sweetly and rubbed her hands together. "By the way, do I have a share?"

"Yes, I have something for you. Do you want to see it in advance?" Yang Ning asked.

"Since they're all for me, it wouldn't hurt to see them in advance, right?" Xiao Huan said expectantly, "Is it something delicious or something fun?"

Of course, Yang Ning didn't bring any gifts, but he had brought a lot of things he had made during these three months in his storage bag. Now he quickly thought about it.

A watch? He made five of them, gave two to Su Bai and Ning Rong, and the remaining three were adult watches, not suitable for Xiao Huan, who was 155 cm tall and weighed 40 kilograms, and still looked like a young girl.

A hand grinder? This was what he used to grind coffee. In this world, coffee was considered a stimulant, but would children drink coffee?

High heels? Crystal high heels, but if he took them out, he would be seen as a pervert! Besides, they wouldn't fit Xiao Huan's feet!

Stockings? That would also be seen as perverted.

Hanfu? There wasn't a style that suited Xiao Huan.

"Can you drink alcohol?" Yang Ning thought for a moment and asked.

The alcohol in this world generally had a low alcohol content, at most 30 degrees, so it was a drink suitable for men, women, young, and old.

"Alcohol?" Xiao Huan's eyes lit up. "I can drink. Did you bring alcohol?"

"Yes, homemade fruit wine!" Yang Ning took out nine bottles of apple wine tied together from his storage bag. "This is my homemade apple wine. Not only can it quench your thirst, but it also contains some ingredients that nourish the qi and blood, which can be used for cultivation!"

He had diluted the Blood Circulation Tablet ingredients in the fruit wine. Drinking 27 bottles was equivalent to taking one Treasure Essence Pill.

"Let me taste it!" Xiao Huan took the fruit wine and touched it first. "Is it cold?"

"Yes, it's chilled!" Yang Ning smiled.

"I've never had chilled fruit wine before!" Xiao Huan became even more excited, then couldn't wait to open a bottle and started chugging it.

"Hey, you can't drink it like that!" Yang Ning said hurriedly.

"Don't underestimate my drinking capacity. I, Xiao Huan, am known for being able to drink a thousand cups. Hiccup, huh?" Feeling the gas rising in her stomach, Xiao Huan looked confused. "Did you poison me?"

"What poison?" Yang Ning rolled his eyes. "It's carbonated. I added carbonation! How does it feel?"

Carbonated fruit wine, does it have any effect?

Xiao Huan didn't answer, but picked up the wine bottle again and chugged it.

It seems that it should be very popular.

(End of this chapter)

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