Nightmare Immortal Era

Chapter 81 Spiritual Energy Level

Chapter 81: Spiritual Energy Grade

Unlike Hongfeng Mountain, where there were only two people, Black Soul Peak was filled with people from top to bottom. It was densely packed, with possibly over ten thousand people?

Some of these people were hammering stones, some were forging iron, and some were washing things by the water. They were all doing work related to artifact refining.

Yang Ning also knew where the black smoke in the mountains came from. He originally thought it was some kind of black smoke formation, but after entering, he realized that it was actually spewing out from the mountaintop!

The black rocks were just unburned charcoal, accompanied by a strong smell of sulfur. Yang Ning couldn't help but ask, "Li Ge, what are you burning? Did a volcano erupt?"

"Brother, you have a broad knowledge!" Li Yuan praised, "This is indeed a volcano. I discovered it outside the East Sea and brought it back with me. I planted it on the mountain I had before."

"Huh!" Yang Ning was surprised, "Where did the roots of the volcano come from?"

I remember that volcanoes are not connected to underground magma, right?

"It's the essence of fire!" Li Yuan said, "There is a fire essence mine under this mountain. If someone else had taken these ores for cultivation long ago, but I prefer the fire ignited by the essence of fire. It's perfect for artifact refining!"

Oh, immortal materials. That's fine then.

"Is this fire very useful?" Yang Ning asked.

"Of course!" Li Yuan exclaimed, "With spiritual energy, there is nothing that can't be burned. I'm very satisfied!"

. It seems that the temperature is still not high enough. If you had the temperature of the surface of the sun, you wouldn't need spiritual energy to melt everything.

"Follow me!" Li Yuan said excitedly, "I'm currently refining my life Treasure Weapon. It's a critical moment now, and you can take a look and give some advice!"

"I don't understand Treasure Weapons!" Yang Ning responded, following him.

He was really curious about how Treasure Weapons were refined.

The two of them landed directly on the mountainside and then Li Yuan led Yang Ning into a cave.

This cave was extremely long, stretching for twelve kilometers. The further they went, the hotter it became. Until they reached the end, the whole scene suddenly opened up!

Yang Ning saw a magma lake with a diameter of four kilometers, filled with fierce flames. The orange-yellow and deep red magma rolled within it, radiating terrifying energy!

On top of the magma lake, a pitch-black disc with a diameter of 180 meters, shaped like a sundial, floated and rotated leisurely.

Instead of being covered, the top of the disc revealed a clear sky and countless stars. At this moment, infinite starlight fell on the disc like flowing water, and strands of black gas fell from the disc, plunging into the magma lake.

With each strand of black gas falling, the magma lake became darker. Obviously, the falling black gas was similar to what Bo Ren had, both being non-combustible substances.

"This is my life Treasure Weapon: the Reverse Fate Star Disc!" Li Yuan proudly said, "The entire disc is cast from a single piece of Reverse Fate Star Stone. The pointer on it is made of Jade Soul Crystal Copper, and there are also Moon Soul Stone, Profound Dark Water, and various other rare materials. I have been practicing with this thing for over four years, and it will be completed in another two years!"

"It takes six years to refine a Treasure Weapon?" Yang Ning was somewhat surprised, not because it was too long, but because it was too short.

"What six years? It's just the completion!" Li Yuan said, "At this point, it can only be considered a Spirit Weapon. It still needs to be refined with mana for several thousand years to activate its aura. Only then can it be called a Treasure Weapon!"

Yang Ning was speechless. "After several thousand years, you would have become an immortal. What's the use of refining it then?"

"So the last step is not done by me, but by the elders of the Spirit Law Realm!" Li Yuan said, "It takes several thousand years in our hands, but only a couple of months in theirs!"

"That's good!" Yang Ning nodded. So is it because the elders of the Spirit Law Realm have higher quality mana or because they can manipulate time?

"What is that?" Yang Ning pointed to the moon-white flowing water on the star disc. "Starlight?"

"That is the power of the stars!" Li Yuan explained, "The Reverse Fate Star Disc is used in conjunction with the Reverse Fate Pointing Star Technique. It can invoke the power of the stars, so it needs to be refined with the power of the stars!"

"Is the power of the stars a type of spiritual energy?" Yang Ning asked.

"Yes!" Li Yuan nodded, "The power of the sun, the power of the moon, and the power of the stars, together known as the Three Lights, are all High Grade spiritual energy!"

"Spiritual energy is also divided into upper, middle, and lower grades?"

"The Immortal Ascension Academy doesn't tell disciples who are too ambitious, but it doesn't matter if we focus on artifact refining!" Li Yuan said, "Spiritual energy is divided into Immortal Grade, High Grade, Middle Grade, and Low Grade. The only spiritual energy related to us is the Primordial Chaos Qi, which is absorbed when we start practicing. It's actually not very useful. The rest can only be absorbed by the big shots in the immortal realm!"

"High Grade spiritual energy, in addition to the Three Lights, there is also the Nine Yang Qi and the Six Yin Qi, which are not something we can touch. Only the predecessors of the Spirit Law Realm can touch them."

"Middle Grade spiritual energy includes gold, wood, water, fire, earth, thunder, ice, wind, light, darkness, and other types of spiritual energy. There are also things like Sharp Gold Qi and Profound Water Qi, basically anything with those ten words in their names."

"As for Low Grade Qi, it includes demonic Qi, blood Qi, gloomy Qi, ghostly Qi, and curse Qi. These types of Qi are all considered Low Grade and are not beneficial for cultivation. Only some unorthodox and evil paths would cultivate these types of Qi!"

Yang Ning nodded repeatedly on the side, amazed by the variety of spiritual Qi. He had gained a lot of knowledge!

He wondered if there was a pattern between different types of spiritual Qi, similar to the periodic table of elements. If he could figure it out...

"Can I touch this?" Yang Ning pointed at the Star Power, the first type of spiritual Qi he had seen with his naked eye. If he could touch it, perhaps he could simulate it in the Spirit Realm.

"You're asking for death!" Li Yuan quickly stopped him. "I dare not touch that thing. Look at how it purifies the impurities in the Treasure Weapon materials. If it were to touch a human body, it would turn it into powder instantly!"

"It's that powerful?" Yang Ning was somewhat skeptical but even more curious. "Then, can I try a little bit? Your Divine Ability can control it, right?"

"I need to have this Treasure Weapon to control it!" Li Yuan said. "If I only use my Divine Ability, I can only simulate star power with my mana, but the effect would be much worse. Do you want to see?"

"In that case, forget it!" Yang Ning shook his head. He had seen other people's mana before. This kind of thing with its own will was a part of life and couldn't be simulated in the Spirit Realm.

"In fact, you don't need to worry. When you reach the Qi Refining Stage, you will also have mana!" Li Yuan said casually. "I believe you will definitely break through the Qi Refining Stage!"


"To say that everything is Low Grade, except for those who excel in artifact refining, such spirit and determination cannot be limited to the Physical Body Realm!" Li Yuan patted Yang Ning's shoulder. "To break through the Qi Refining Stage, both the physical body and willpower are indispensable!"


Yang Ning wasn't afraid of testing his mental strength or his state of mind.

But willpower...

Thinking of countless times in his past life when he was lazy and never played against the wind, he had developed the Black Tortoise Aura Concealing Technique in this life to conveniently cultivate while AFK.

Damn, he didn't have much confidence!

"Oh, right, Brother Yang came to find me. Is there something you need?" Li Yuan finally remembered. Yang Ning must have come to him for something other than visiting the Treasure Weapon refining process!

"Oh, oh!" Yang Ning also snapped back to reality and asked, "I came to find you for this!"

He took out his identity jade token.

"Identity jade token? What's wrong with it?" Li Yuan asked.

"Don't you think it's inconvenient? It's only a one-way communication device, only able to receive messages from superiors or send messages downwards. You can't casually message people or add friends. You have to give someone a jade token to get to know them. I have several of them in my pocket, and it's very inconvenient!"

"Inconvenient?" Li Yuan blinked. "I think it's fine!"

Of course, you would think it's fine if you've never used a cellphone!

"I think there's room for improvement with this thing!" Yang Ning said seriously. "Can you introduce me to an elder who works on this?"

"Well, I can't introduce you to anyone!" Li Yuan shook his head.

"Why?" Yang Ning asked. "Is this thing a secret of the Extreme Eternal Sect?"

"Not really!" Li Yuan said. "The key is that this thing was invented a long time ago, and the elder who invented it is no longer here."

"Uh..." Yang Ning was speechless, but what he said made sense.

The inventor was an artifact refining master, unable to obtain better cultivation resources, so his lifespan naturally couldn't be extended.

"Then who can I find to improve this identity jade token?" Yang Ning asked. "Is there anyone maintaining it?"

"What needs to be maintained?" Li Yuan looked puzzled. "Isn't it enough to produce and distribute it? What needs to be maintained?"

"No need for maintenance?" Yang Ning was dumbfounded. "So the technology we use to make identity jade tokens now is the same as the one left behind by that elder a thousand years ago?"

"Yes!" Li Yuan nodded. "That elder didn't take any disciples, and no one can understand what he left behind. They dare not touch it rashly. It works if you follow the instructions, but it's impossible to improve!"

"Can I take a look?"

"Sure!" Li Yuan nodded. "We're all on the same side. There's nothing wrong with that. I have a complete set of formations here. Feel free to take a look!"


(End of this chapter)

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