The three Ace brothers went to sea at the age of seventeen, but everything will not go well!

The fire in the garbage mountain burned for three days and three nights, but fortunately, at the moment of life and death, there was a gust of wind that opened a road to the sea, and the people of the garbage mountain ran to the beach, and there were not many casualties, and the fire for three days and three nights burned the entire garbage transfer station clean. On the day the fire was extinguished, the whole country celebrated, and a long banner was hung on the seaside: Warmly welcome the world nobleman Lord Tianlong to our country! ”

Beautiful girls dressed in fancy clothes danced beautifully on both sides of the strait, and the citizens dragged their families and dressed up to stand on the shore with small red flags waiting for the arrival of Draco, just to see the noble Draco. Today, the Kingdom of Goya issued a ship ban in order not to let people collide with the great noble Draco. In the distance, a huge and luxurious passenger ship sailed over.

“Coming, coming, coming!” The lookout shouted excitedly, “Draco is here!” ”

Three hundred salutes fired at the Heavenly Dragon in unison. Fireworks are clearly visible even during the day, girls dance cheerfully, and people wave flags in their hands and shout enthusiastic slogans to welcome Draco.

“Look, there’s a ship.” Suddenly, sharp-eyed people saw a small boat coming out of the shore.

“Sa… Saab!!! Village Chief Slap exclaimed.

That’s right, on that small boat was Saab in a dress.

“Adult, a ship is approaching, it’s a child.” A soldier gave a military salute to a fat man wearing an oxygen mask and said respectfully.

The fat man frowned: “What did King Goya do, it’s too eye-catching, sink it!” ”


The shell fired, hitting the boat, which soon sank in flames, and no one saw a gust of wind sweep up the unconscious child on board and disappear.

A hundred miles away from the Goya Kingdom, a large ship docked on the coast, and a woman wearing mesh stockings with a large face said anxiously: “Why hasn’t the boss come yet, has he encountered something.” ”

About an hour later, a whirlwind fell on the deck and transformed into a cloaked man with an unconscious child under his arm.

“Boss, who is he!”

“A poor man abandoned by the world, rescued by my hand, well, don’t say more, set sail!”


Dadan’s family, Ace grabbed Dadan’s collar and roared: “What did you say?!” You repeat!!! ”

“Saab, Saabhe… He’s dead! ”

“Impossible! How could Saab die! ”

“It was one of my subordinates who saw that the imp chose to go to sea today, rammed Draco’s ship, and was sunk. Ace, Luffy, you mourn. Da Dan patted the dull Ace on the shoulder.

“Click!” Luffy crushed the cup in his hand, his eyes filled with tears!

“Draco!? Very good, very good!!! ”

Murder pervades the room, making people feel like an ice cellar!

“Ace, don’t be impulsive, Draco is a world nobleman, if he is beaten, but even the admiral will come out!” Da Dan advised.

“Draco, a world noble? Admiral? One day I’m going to uproot Draco. One does not stay! The admirals can’t stop it! Ace said quietly.

A few days later, Draco left, and the cart of garbage was transported to the garbage transfer station. Soon the garbage transfer station returned to its original foggy appearance, everything returned to its original state, and Luffy Ace also received a letter from Saab before going to sea: ”

Ace, Luffy:

My dear brother, when you saw the letter, I should have gone to sea. I couldn’t stay for a quarter of an hour in this hypocritical country, and even the air made me feel disgusted and didn’t want to breathe. Sorry, I broke our agreement, did not wait until the age of seventeen, I went to sea early, my dear brothers, I went to the sea first. I’m waiting for you on the sea, and when you go to sea, maybe I’ll already be a famous sea thief, and when the time comes, I will welcome you at any time if you want to come to my ship, haha.

Ace, I know you’re carrying something, something heavy, but no matter what, you’ll always be my brother! You have to take care of yourself and don’t be miserably repaired by Luffy.”

Luffy, your potential is stronger than me and Ace, but you are still our brother, I went out on an adventure first, and I will cover you from the wind and rain in the future! That’s what my brother should do, isn’t it? You have to cultivate well, don’t be surpassed by us, otherwise I won’t show mercy to my subordinates in the future, and you must take revenge for your previous sneak attack on me and beat me into a pig’s head, hee-hee.”

Ah, by the way, and everyone from the Da Dan family, thank you for taking care of our brothers, although Da Dan you are always unforgiving, but I know that you are kind in your heart, like us, but you just can’t express it. Take care of yourselves, too! Dadan, smoke less, it’s not good for your health!

Goodbye, everyone! ”

“Saab !!!”

After reading the letter, Ace couldn’t help but cry into tears, and Luffy also shed tears sadly, and couldn’t help but think of the days when everyone hunted together, hunted treasures together, ate overlord meals together, fought together, cried and laughed together, sadness came from the heart, and cried with Ace!

Da Dan and the others also secretly wiped their tears.

Saab died, and Esluffy and the two were depressed for a few days before recovering from their grief, they did not forget Saab, but hid their grief and hatred in their hearts, turned grief into motivation, and continued to cultivate, crazy cultivation.

Then when Ace was seventeen years old, he went to sea in a small boat, and when Ace went to sea, only Luffy and Sister Marcino and more familiar villagers came to see him off, but both knew that the bandits of the Dadan family and the grandfather of the village chief were hiding to bid him farewell. On the coastline, Luffy waved goodbye to Ace on the boat!

“Luffy, I’m going to sea first, you have to come on too!” Don’t let me find OnePiece first and become One Piece. Ace laughed.

“Don’t worry, One Piece must be mine!” Luffy also smiled, “In three years, I will also go to sea, and we will join Saab’s share of the adventure.” Always brothers! ”

“Ah, always brother!”

Ace went to sea, and Nightfall on Reincarnation Island received his bounty order soon after, a bounty of fifty million Bailey, and heard that he formed a pirate group of spades. I heard that he ate the Devil Fruit and was called Fire Fist Ace.

Not long after, it was rumored that he became a super newcomer with a reward of 350 million Bailey.

I heard that he later failed to challenge Whitebeard, but became Whitebeard’s son, disbanded his pirate group, and became the captain of Whitebeard’s second team, offering a reward of 550 million Bailey (Ace’s previous bounty was not found, so he set it casually).

Every once in a while, there would be news of Ace, and Luffy gradually grew up, and then when he was seventeen years old, he agreed to go to sea!

But the calamity that belongs to Ace has also arrived!

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