After hearing Nightfall’s words, Morguns was thrilled in his heart, now the dark world under the control of the six of them has developed to an unprecedented scale, with a lot of resources, but he can only mobilize one-sixth of them, now with Nightfall, he will get whatever he wants, and listening to Nightfall, there will be a greater surprise.

“Thank you master!”

“Well, this is what you deserve, by the way, you send the life card right away!” Nightfall first praised Morguns and then ordered.

“The subordinates have already sent the life card over, and I believe that they will soon be able to reach the island of reincarnation.” Morguns said respectfully.

Nightfall heard this, quite satisfied, and after a few words of encouragement to Morguns, he hung up the phone.

“Simon, prepare a ship, let’s go to the windless belt together!” Nightfall looked at Simon, who was less than two meters, and a trace of essence flashed in his eyes.

“Yes, my lord!” The Czech Republic was also very excited at this time, he was the only one who knew why Nightfall was looking for lanternfish, pure gold! A strange thing that can make people live forever!

The Czech Republic hurried down to prepare everything that needed to be used, and the night dead looked at the palatial palace, the corners of his mouth showed joy, no amount of money could compare to life.

Now it is 1904 in the Haiyuan calendar, the night death is Chinese New Year’s Eve one year old, at the peak, but there are several thirty-one years old in the life of the person, he has not taken the dragon’s blood grass mother root, the strength will decline with age, now pure gold is about to arrive, eternal life is within reach.


Time passed little by little, the moon was in the middle of the sky, and the cold light like frost fell on the sea…


The sea water is constantly lapping on the beach, huge waves are overwhelming, and on the distant sea, a huge whirlpool is taking shape, and Nightfall looks at the scene in front of him, and his heart beats non-stop.

What is this place? No wind belt! How do the waves roll up when there is no wind?

“Sea kings? Super Giant Sea King!! ”


“Pure gold!”


Under the light of the moonlight, under the bottom of the sea, a huge black shadow that cannot be seen with the naked eye appears.

That kind of body size is several times larger than the island at the foot of Nightfall!

In his eyes, the head of this fish-shaped sea king has a lantern that is more dazzling than the moon in the sky, exuding a dazzling golden brilliance.

“Such a big lanternfish, golden lights!!”

Nightfall looked far away, his eyes staring at the golden lantern on its head!


With a loud bang, under the stunned night death, the island was swallowed up by half of the area by this sea king on the spot, as insignificant as if humans had eaten a bite of biscuits.

Then, the lanternfish set off a huge wave, and the huge body quickly sank to the bottom of the sea!

“I want to run! Hum! ”

Nightfall pressed his hands to the ground, and countless dark green vines extended out from Nightfall’s body, wrapping around the lanternfish’s body at lightning speed.

The lanternfish roared in pain, and the endless waves formed a tsunami.

“I still want to resist! Damn beasts! There was a cold light in Nightfall’s eyes, and the blood light flashed faintly.

“Mu Dun Qingtian Muren!”

In an instant, a hundred-meter-tall giant appeared, and at this time, the fruit of the night wood had already developed to the point of awakening, and the sea had to turn into a forest in a single thought. Despite this, the hundred-meter-tall wooden man is still just a drop in the ocean compared to a super giant sea king, but the strength is not the larger the volume, the stronger it is.


A huge creature was smashed on the island, fortunately, the island has been turned into an endless forest by the ability to use the night, otherwise the lanternfish that can swallow an island in one bite would have smashed the island long ago.


Lanternfish are surrounded by a sea of trees, countless trees absorb the life force of lanternfish, and gradually the roar of lanternfish becomes more and more weak.

Two or three hundred years ago, there was an island in the world called Alkemi, the capital of steel, of course, unlike the steel capital of the West Sea, Steele, this tragic Alkemi was directly swallowed clean by a lanternfish.

Alkemi had a metal refining scientist named Miskina Assière, and his daughter suffered from a terminal illness that was incurable at the medical level at the time, the Nanhai Emperor fever, and was about to die in the middle of a good year.

In order to cure his daughter’s terminal illness, Misgina Assière planned to touch areas that should not be touched, and according to the notes left by his predecessors to condense “pure gold”, he began experiments again and again.

In an irreproducible accident, he really made this metal “pure gold” that can be called a “fetish”!

Scientific wonders are often born by chance, someone found penicillin in a worn-out boot, someone thought of gravity from a falling apple.

These scientific miracles are full of chance, Newton can not discover gravity, there will be Marton, sheepton!

However, the “pure gold” discovered by Assière is not just a notebook of predecessors, it was born by accident and cannot be copied!

The person who left the notebook must have refined it, otherwise where did the pure gold in the lanternfish come from? But after so long the notebook has been circulating, why is it that only Assiel can succeed?

This god-given “pure gold” emits a special light, which contains the miraculous power that can almost stop the vitality of all living things!

If human beings wear it, not to mention living to the earth, the sky is barren, the sea is rotten, thousands of years is still possible, a year is used for hundreds of thousands of years, the life expectancy is greatly extended.

After Assière researched pure gold, the news was not retained, and it was naturally learned by the world government at that time.

Originally, the world government wanted to forcibly keep the pure gold, but unexpectedly, the island was swallowed alive by a super giant sea king.

The sea is so vast that you may not encounter this lanternfish again until you die.

After that, this news has been preserved, and the world government has been pursuing it for two hundred years, and has not received any news….

Almost all of this intelligence navy top brass knows that there has been a brief record in the Sea King class map.

Now, Nightfall can get all the pure gold

Ye Xiao looked at the lanternfish, a wooden knife more than ten meters long appeared in his hand, and then slashed at the lantern of the lanternfish.



The intense pain caused the exhausted lanternfish to go crazy again, and the whole island shook, but everything was bound by the ability to use Nightfall.

Nightfall frowned, chopped the lantern into pieces, and found a piece of gold that emitted a strange light, Nightfall stepped forward, felt the golden light, and his body couldn’t help but feel refreshed.

“Is this pure gold?” Nightfall stroked the gold that exuded golden light, and his face was obsessed.

After a long time, Nightfall broke away from that state, turned his palm, and the pure gold disappeared.

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