Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 820: Newcomer 2

Although Malfuria is only eight years old now, the life of the stream elves is much longer than that of humans. The concept of time is also completely different.

The age is young, just wait a few years. It mainly depends on the potential of people.

Originally, Molly came over to help her sister understand the situation and talked with Lin Shengpan.

As a result, some gossip and chatter, and sister Dolly yawned aside. She had a very good impression of Lin Sheng.

"Okay, okay, I confess, brother, you are really good, so mature at such a young age. Well, not much gossip, let's change the topic, are there any channels interested in shipping multiple constructs? "Molly blinked and laughed.

"Channel? How to say?" Lin Sheng refused to say that money is coming.

"We can talk about the number of requirements for your various model constructs, and the minimum will not be less than ten sets a month.

And you can also receive some precious materials through us. If it is natural, it will be much lower than the market price ~~ Molly smiled in a low voice.

Lin Sheng thought for a while, and talked about the relevant cooperation matters with the other party in detail.

In fact, more people in the party are doing similar things.

The essence of such a banquet is a place where people are intertwined.

The song and dance continued until 12 o'clock in the evening before the end of the show.

Instead of returning with the mentor, Lin Sheng chose to walk back slowly.

Just at the banquet, Shengying issued several announcements about the completion of the task.

The existing parsing tasks are almost complete.

One of the four Holy Shadows controls the body's deep meditation, and two of the remaining three will be idle immediately.

"Simple Holy Shadow does not have the R & D ability, it can only analyze the existing things, so what should be done?"

Lin Sheng strolled alone, along the right side of the main road, under the street lights entwined by trees and vines, passing by.

At night Baiyan Woodland, on the long main road, there was no silhouette at a glance.

It is already late at night, and the mages participating in the banquet almost always come and go by teleporting spells.

The apprentices are either already asleep or studying hard in their own room.

The evening breeze was a bit cold, even though Lin Sheng was wearing a thick white robe, he felt a little cold.

He moved forward slowly, stepping on the hard tree vine without making any noise.

"Speaking of them, where did my unscrupulous mentor go?"

Halfway through, he suddenly remembered that he had forgotten Dora's teacher.

Recalling the glorious couple at the banquet.

Wearing a long green dress, Ariana showed round and long legs, the perfect look that was so beautiful that she had even lost her firework atmosphere, so Lin Sheng had no appreciation.

On the contrary, another son of nature, Saron Ogilola, known as the first young mage in Baiyan Woodland, is more in line with his aesthetics.

Yes, this Salon Ogirolla, a powerful fifteenth-level master mage, is a boy and girl with beautiful faces.

In other words, apart from the difference in reproductive gender, Saron also has a beautiful S-shaped curve, fair skin, slender waist, slender and rounded legs, dark brown long hair with a shawl, and a pitifully beautiful face.

In a sense, if he changed his dress, he would be more attractive than the great druid.

Therefore, His Excellency Salon not only has many female suitors, but also a large number of male suitors.

"Unfortunately, I heard that Master Saron, the beauty, is actually very irritable in private. Sometimes, the attitude towards others is already severe and violent." Lin Sheng's mind flashed the comments of other Masters on Saron.

This is a pitiful appearance and immaculate, but in reality it is a pervert that shakes S.

Thinking casually, he unknowingly stood at the door of his residence.

He lived in a small double-storey house next to Dora's Castle.

On the first floor is the living room of the restaurant and where Lido stays, and on the second floor is his bedroom and laboratory.

There is also a small yard downstairs. Recently, Lidu planted a lot of flowers and plants in his free time, and it looks like a flower farm.

Lin Sheng just walked to the gate and was about to reach out to release the secret seal, unlock the magical barrier in it, and open the gate.

Suddenly, a small floating gun flickered a few red lights in his jacket pocket.

Then a mosquito-like voice passed directly to his ear hole through vibration.

‘Communication channel number three requests a connection. ’

"On." Lin Sheng answered in a low voice.

Soon, a small murmur of noise was transmitted from the encrypted communication method in the floating gun.

‘Boss, the newcomer is here. In addition, the goal of hunting was also completed. We are already waiting at the designated place. ’

A deep male voice sounded in Lin Sheng's ears.

"I see, I'll be right here." Lin Sheng answered calmly.

Recently, for the Guangming Society, a secret association he randomly formed, he continues to develop talented newcomers to spread the Holy Light and help them improve their martial arts and meditation methods.

For newcomers like the caster, he also wrote some basic textbooks to cultivate the masters who belong to Guangming Society while not involving the materials of Baiyan Woodland.

The effect is also beginning to see results.

"Boss, this newcomer has a very troublesome thorn, please pay more attention."

"Oh, I see."

Lin Sheng raised his expectations a little.

The Guangming Society itself is a non-advanced and strange association. Although not long established, it has great potential for development.

Up to now, the highest members, except for the bald Henry and Keresha, have appeared in the sixth and seventh level.

Although not the 6th or 7th level of the caster, it is quite powerful.

The resident who is currently based in Lin Sheng, who is in communication with Lin Sheng, is a powerful mad fighter who has reached the seventh level.

The simple seventh-level Berserker is actually not enough to describe him.

The man named Gao Leng, who is named Key, is also a Level 6 Assassin registered with the Assassin Guild and a Level 5 Evil Magician.

And can make this tough reviewer feel tricky newcomer. Lin Sheng felt a little more anticipation.

Quietly left Baiyan Woodland. After walking some distance in the wilderness, Lin Sheng took out from his arms any of the door scrolls made by the speaker himself. Rip gently.


Suddenly a dome-shaped light gate appeared in the dark woodland.

Lin Sheng stepped in, then pulled out a scroll to tear. Continue transmitting.

Arbitrary door itself is only a short-range teleportation technique, so continuous teleportation is required to achieve the purpose of long-distance teleportation.

The use of scrolls is also to prevent others from seeing him.

After all, he is now just a third-level mage who has just been promoted.

Behind any door six times in a row.

Lin Sheng appeared directly in a dark valley filled with dense fog.

Standing in the valley. After judging the downward direction with the spell.

He strode forward without hesitation.

At the same time, in the process of moving forward, his hair color naturally disappeared and hidden, exposing iridescent psychedelic fluorescence. The face was shrouded in mist.

After traveling for about a few minutes.

A misty grey stone forest gradually appeared in the fog ahead.

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