Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 162 Summoning 1

Withdrew from the dream, Lin Sheng's hands were still shaking.

He straightened up from the bed and sat on the edge, his hands seemed to be cramping, and he couldn't stop, shaking constantly.

There seems to be something backlogged in the chest, which is inflating, pressurizing, and may explode at any time like a balloon.


Lin Sheng took a deep breath, and then slowly let it out several times.

This is a little technique that he has seen from nowhere before, and it is used to regulate emotional breathing.

The effect was unexpectedly good.

After several times in a row, his mood stabilized slightly, and his hands no longer trembled.

"Absorbing this soul fragment, I have a little indigestion."

In the dark, Lin Sheng stood up, walked to the desk habitually, took out the encrypted notebook from the drawer, opened it and recorded it with a pen.

He recorded some of his own major turning events on it.

After he started to learn the evil spirit language, he began to use the evil spirit language alphabet, Guren characters and Chinese pinyin to perform a certain proportion of mixed encryption.

After such encryption, the security brought by it is beyond doubt. The downside, however, is that a brief message will be expanded to double its original length.

The desk lamp is turned on.

Lin Sheng sat under the lamp, picked up a pen, thought for a while, and began to write quickly.

After recording all the information, he returned to the bed, lay on his back and began to meditate on Gray Seal.

The gray seal of the sanctuary has been completed, and now he is meditating on the second gray seal, roaring.

Under his perception, the roar was about to feel a little bit.

After meditating for a while, the impulse in Lin Sheng's heart gradually stabilized.

He paused again, and began to organize the large amount of meaningless information he had just absorbed.

Khadulla's fragmented memories don't hold much. There is only a little bit of real information.

From the contents of his memory, Lin Sheng probably knew part of Kadulla's life.

It was born deformed and then abandoned.

No one is willing to raise it. It is regarded as a monster, and the peddlers who picked it up dragged it around to make money until it was finally discovered.

As for how Kadulla obtained the ability and how to enter the elven dungeon, these memories are not there.

The only information left was a white-haired old man wearing a yellow mage robe and missing an arm.

The old man's name is Xie Yige.

"Xie Yige really is him, the guy who created the stripping magic circle is also the chief culprit that completely polluted the elf dungeon."

Lin Sheng felt emotional.

The soul of the thousand-armed face was so bad that he couldn't fully digest it after leaving the dreamland for so long.

Lin Sheng just lay there, sometimes meditating, sometimes sorting out memory fragments, and sometimes resting.

Unknowingly, the sky outside gradually turned gray.

After much difficulty, he waited for his physical condition to improve a little, then got up immediately and packed all kinds of things.

Quickly changed into a set of loose clothes, and then found some leftover boiled eggs to eat.

He can't wait.

"If the thousand-armed human face can really be summoned, the impact on the situation in front of us will be unprecedented!"

At least the Redeon provincial military will definitely be extremely afraid of the Iron Fist Association.

In the absence of a direct conflict of interest, there is a high probability that Redeon will not easily provoke the Iron Fist Association whose strength is unknown.

Lin Sheng didn't know what level of strength the Thousand-Armed Face was, but it was definitely far stronger than he is now.

After getting dressed, he left a note to leave a message, gently closed the anti-theft door and walked out, calming down in the stairwell for a while.

Now his hands would suddenly tremble as long as he wasn't paying attention.

It's as if something happened to the nerves. The body tenses up unconsciously.

Lin Sheng had a faint feeling that it should be because the soul absorbed too many soul fragments at once, which caused some indigestion, and his own soul was affected by Kadulla.

So there is a special phenomenon.

He didn't pay attention to it. This kind of phenomenon is not uncommon in his mixed memories. Generally, as long as he persists in practicing the holy power for a period of time, it will naturally disappear.

Holy power is the most overbearing power that can eliminate all impurities in the soul.

At six o'clock in the morning, Huaisha is like a cold beauty who has just put on a layer of blue gauze. Under the invasion of sea wind and waves, she is slowly losing her last line of defense.

Lin Sheng rode on his bicycle and headed straight to the mountains in the suburbs without stopping.

There were vague spies outside the community who wanted to follow, but he sent the black-feathered swordsman Crow to lead them away easily.

Now he has only one black feather swordsman and two heavily armored dungeon soldiers beside him. The Aegis of Ferocity and other summoned creatures were dead, and they were not re-summoned.

Lin Sheng intends to leave as much soul space as possible for this thousand-armed face.

The strength of the thousand-armed face Kadulla far exceeds himself, so he doesn't know how much soul space he needs to be able to afford the existence of this monster.

Anyway, there will be no problem in reserving as much as possible.


The bicycle wheels stopped.

Lin Sheng was dressed in a black sportswear, turned over from the car, picked up a dark blue backpack full of materials, and strode towards the mountain.

His steps were big and fast. Almost one step is more than two steps for normal people.

After a while, we went through the farmland, got into the dense forest, and walked up the slope. A dilapidated and abandoned temple appeared in front of Lin Sheng.

The temple appears to have been tidied up recently, broken and hanging doors were replaced.

The weeds on the ground and the moss on the doorstep were all rubbed off with tools.

Lin Sheng pushed the door in with his schoolbag and entered the middle courtyard.

Most of the tree roots that were exposed to the ground in the yard were torn off and cut off, and the dense grass and vines were gone. Leave a lot of open space.

Lin Sheng walked to the open space, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

A black crow passed by silently above his head, and then began to circle around the entire temple.

The black-feathered swordsman Crow slowly appeared with black smoke, and together with another heavily armored dungeon soldier, began to patrol around the temple in circles.

As for another soldier in heavy armor, Lin Sheng sent him to protect his family.

After finishing all this, he put down the bag and began to quickly take out the painted plastic paper and various materials.

He didn't have much time, once Redeon found out that he was out of surveillance, he would definitely take action. So he had to complete the ceremony as quickly as possible to prevent nights from having too many dreams.


Lin Sheng spread the plastic paper covered with the summoning ceremony array on the ground.

Then skillfully began to place the materials one by one in their respective positions. The rest of the materials were fine, and they were collected with the assistance of the Iron Fist Club, which was definitely enough.

Only gold nuggets and silver powder are only enough for three summons at most.

"I need to get some new materials. The Tekken Club is not profitable. Just preparing other materials for me has already used up more than half of the activity funds in the account." Lin Sheng was a little emotional.

Finally setting up the pan, he poured filtered purified water into it.

Then light the butter lamp with a lighter.

The water in the pan also began to boil slowly in the rising bonfire.

Lin Sheng picked up the paste material that had been stirred, scooped up a spoonful, and poured it into the pot.

"let's start"

Add the last of the live white spiders to the liquid in the saucepan.

"mu, ba, en, di, yu, yi" one by one weird syllables began to float out of Lin Sheng's mouth.

Soon, wisps of white smoke from the butter lamp began to fly towards the frying pan, and then quickly got into it.

The turbid liquid in the pot began to stir up slight ripples, and along with the ripples, there was also a large white water vapor rising up.


Countless white vapors rushed towards Lin Sheng like a mist, surrounding, enveloping, and enveloping him.

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