Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 172 Light 2 (Thank you for the reward~)

Inside a cheap hotel in Huaisha City.

The two adults, a sea eagle, sat on the wooden bed, holding the cold canned milk in their hands and drinking it one by one.

"Why am I here?"

The girl sitting on the far right looked blank.

"Shouldn't I be in charge of the reception in the guild hall?" The girl fell into deep thought.

When did she start running around with this confused woman?

By the way, why should I run?

"Because you see things you shouldn't see."

The sea eagle on the side picked up the milk with its wings in a humane way and took a sip.

"Things you shouldn't see? Talking sea eagle, what are you talking about?" The girl had already been surprised several times, so now she was able to communicate with this mutant sea eagle calmly and normally.

"You and Xie Qiaoyue have become the lucky ones chosen by me." Haiying said lightly. "Next, I will give you a brain development technique to tap your own potential."

Xie Qiaoyue chuckled and continued to drink milk.

"Since I was selected by you, I have been running like a dog every day. No, it's not like, it's just like that."

"Don't worry, it will be soon, as long as you do what I say, villas, fine wine, yachts, private beaches, whatever you want." Haiying spread a wing and said seriously.

"I just want to ask, when can I go back? If I go back late, I will definitely lose my job." The girl at the front desk asked cautiously.

"You don't want a private beach on a villa, yacht?" Haiying asked in surprise.


"Then just hang out with me. The old man has lived for so many years, and he has never failed to keep what he said! Do you understand?" Haiying said proudly.

"Understood." The girl at the front desk nodded ignorantly. "Then when can I go back to work?"

".Fucking front desk!" Hai Ying yelled furiously, "The front desk knows the front desk, how much money did you make in the front desk for the rest of your life!? Nothing good!"

"Okay, now we have to carefully plan the next move. We have been hiding here for several days. It's time to start your first step." Haiying snorted coldly and began to plan.

"We're running out of money." Xie Qiaoyue interjected. "Recently prices have risen too fast, and if it weren't for the help of the lady at the front desk, we wouldn't even be able to stay in a hotel, and we would have been caught by outsiders long ago."

"I still have some money with me," the lady at the front desk couldn't help but whispered.

"Oh? Not bad!" Haiying cheered up, "Don't worry, I will borrow it from you first, and I will give you an extra sea view villa later! By the way, what's your name?"

"." The lady at the front desk suddenly felt a little tired.

She originally applied for the Tekken Club, but it was only because the job was leisurely and the income was not low, so she never expected to encounter such a thing.

That is to say, she is the only one in her family, otherwise she would have been officially investigated by Redeon's people.

"My name is Tan Yue, you" she didn't finish her sentence, and there was a faint sound of a siren outside.

Xie Qiaoyue got out of bed quickly, ran to the window, and looked out through the gap in the curtains.

Black armored vehicles and personnel carriers are constantly passing by on the gray and white streets.

There are several police cars in the front with flashing red lights to open the way. In the middle is a strangely shaped armored vehicle, each of which has one or two officers standing on it, and it seems that the military rank is not low.

Da da da da da.

There was a sound of helicopter propeller turning in the air, and soon Xie Qiaoyue saw black armed helicopters flying in a certain direction.

"What's going on? What a big battle!" Xie Qiaoyue was speechless.

"This direction seems to be the direction of the Blackwater area. I don't know what's going on." Hai Ying flew over with a thumping tone, and said solemnly.

"Tsk tsk, there are still several good players out of the Corruptor, and the bazooka. It seems that something big happened."

Xie Qiaoyue carefully opened the window, stuck her head out and looked down.

On the street below, some passers-by stopped to watch the excitement.

Redeon didn't make any excessive moves during this period, which gradually made the residents of Huaisha City feel at ease, and began to continue their lives as usual.

At this time, seeing the army dispatched again, the crowd was a little curious and a little worried, standing together and discussing.

"There was an explosion at the intersection of Luohu Street, and a fire spread in the Heishui area. People from the emergency department of our hospital were called to serve as temporary medical staff."

"Didn't you say it was a war between supernatural beings?" Someone asked in a low voice.

"Anyway, I didn't see it. No matter whether they were supernatural beings or not, many people died in that place, and the remaining few were all seriously injured. It was terrible. I heard that many people belonged to the Iron Fist Club."

In front of the small supermarket next to the hotel, there were a few young people in medical uniforms chatting.

Hearing the word Iron Fist, Xie Qiaoyue suddenly felt guilty.

She knew that she had offended the Iron Fist Society badly. The monster she had lured over had killed several members of the Iron Fist Society. Naturally, this account was placed on her head.

"This place is getting more and more chaotic, we can't stay here anymore! We have to find a way to get out!" She made up her mind.

The dense yellow current condensed into a ball in Kadulla's hand, then rapidly shrunk and dissipated. In the end, only a trace of blue smoke remained.

"Tear him apart!" Kadulla stared.

Chi Chi Chi Chi! ! !

Countless pale arms rushed up like sea water, and rushed towards the man overwhelmingly.

A large number of arms filled almost every inch of the hall, tightly wrapping the man in the middle.

"Thunder Beast!!" The man pointed his finger between his eyebrows, and yellow and white thunderbolts bloomed all over his body. Countless thunderbolts surrounded him and turned into a blazing thunder.

The thunder light was like flowing water, so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it. There are even binocular eyes and a single horn gradually appearing on the head.

"Since everyone is here, let's all die!!" His pupils shrank suddenly, and a sharp golden glow lit up.

An indescribably huge energy exploded from the Thunder Beast.

It seems that a large number of high-energy explosives gathered together and exploded.

Boom! ! !

The fiery yellow-white thunder light instantly tore apart the sea-like arms, and the layers of arms could not stop the terrifying impact of the explosion.

Dozens of layers of arms were torn apart, and dust and rubble were blown away by the impact of the explosion. The empty playground outside the clubhouse was exposed.

"Where are people?" The man was slightly taken aback.

Before he could react, huge blackish arms on the right were smashed down from the air like lightning.

Bang bang bang bang bang! ! !

Continuous pounding sound.

The man's body exploded like a ball, crashing through the side wall of the hall, breaking the electric poles on the street outside, and hitting a white car that had just passed by on the back.


The window glass of the car crashed and shattered, and the entire body was knocked to a side stop, and it moved more than ten meters laterally and got stuck in the sewer gully.

cough cough cough

Lightning flashed on the man's body, and he pulled himself out of the car vigorously. He stared coldly at the Iron Fist Guild Hall that was emitting thick smoke.

"Very good. Ahem. I haven't had this kind of injury for a long time."

With a bang, half of the small building of the Iron Fist Guild collapsed, and a six-meter-high yellow-robed old man protruded from it.

The old man was surrounded by massive centipede-like arms, and Kadulla's immature and delicate face was inlaid in the center of his body.

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