A faint fishy smell wafted in the evening wind.

As soon as Ma Yi came out of the academy, he was called to cooperate with the local investigation organization to solve the emerging infiltration phenomenon.

The back door of a bar, in a somewhat dark alley.

Ma Yi waited solemnly for the two people in front to squat on the ground to examine the corpse.

The body was swollen all over, the skin was whitish, and there were three hideous wounds on the thighs and the back respectively, with the wounds penetrating about one centimeter into the flesh.

The fatal part is the torn throat at the throat.

Dark red blood flowed down the sleeves of the black shirt on the body and continued to flow into the sewer drain.

"The deceased was a bartender. He had worked here for about a year. He didn't have any bad habits. The only thing he liked was working overtime."

"Working overtime? That's really exemplary." Ma Yi lowered his head and lit a cigarette, taking a deep breath.

"The time of death was half an hour ago. The specific range requires the assistance of instruments to be accurate. Something attacked him from behind, and the whole process did not exceed five seconds.

And most importantly, all the wounds on the deceased were left almost at the same time. This is not the domain of human beings. "

The one who was squatting stood up with a dignified expression.

"This kind of speed is only possible for that kind of guy!"

Ma Yi was silent for a while, then nodded.

"Let's block the news first, I'll try to see if I can notify the relevant departments for support."

"I'm sorry, Ma Yi, for bringing you into this kind of thing again." The person who spoke was a bald old man with the temperament of a university professor.

He looked extremely tired.

"But I really can't help it here. There are five incidents in a month! This frequency is crazy!"

"These guys are like this. Remember last year? At most, it happened ten times a month." Ma Yi shook his head.

"Anyway, try to prepare as much as you can."


Unfinished building, sixth floor.

Crimson sparks slowly escaped from the corner of Lin Sheng's mouth, and his pale golden long eyes stared at the strange silent figure opposite.

"I've only been here once, and I was stared at by you. Did you come to find me specially? Or was it just a coincidence?"

"Forget it, you don't need to talk, I don't want to hear it anymore."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Sheng clawed at the opposite side like lightning.

At his level, swordsmanship, boxing and palm techniques can all be integrated into his own fighting system at will.

Every move is accompanied by the huge dragon blood power, which can burst out with terrifying lethality.

like now.

call! !

Lin Sheng's claws spanned a distance of several meters in an instant, and slashed across the man's body fiercely.

But strangely, he didn't touch the entity.

The man was like a phantom, his body wavered, then naturally spread out and disappeared.

"En?" Lin Sheng stopped and stood still.

He clearly felt a physical presence just now, but he rushed over but couldn't touch the other party.

At this time, the man's figure reappeared a few meters away from him.

The man remained motionless, as if nothing had happened.


Lin Sheng moved forward slowly, approaching step by step.

He stopped one meter away from the man.

The other party actually didn't notice this dangerous distance, as if he didn't care that he was so close.

"Can't speak?" He asked again.

The man remained silent without saying a word.

boom! !

A large cloud of dragon fire spewed out from Lin Sheng's mouth, completely engulfing the man with a puff.

There was a faint smell of charred breath in the air.

This time the man did not appear again.

Lin Sheng stood where he was, looking around. I don't feel any residue anymore.

He controlled it well, and the flames he spewed just reached where the man was, leaving the rest unharmed.

"Weird energy." He had never been in contact with that feeling, the energy that permeated the man.

It's not evil energy, it's not the black smoke in the dream, it's not the power of holy power and evil spirits, etc. This kind of power seems to be only noticeable when the activity is flowing.

If the man hadn't condensed and reappeared just now, Lin Sheng wouldn't have felt the man's presence.

Lin Sheng checked all the locations, doors and windows, and found no problems.

Only then did I feel a little relieved.

"It seems that there are still many mysteries in this world that I don't know about. If the energy just now grows stronger, it will easily cause trouble."

After locking the door, Lin Sheng made sure that there was no problem, so he took out the plastic paper for the ceremony that he had drawn in advance and put it on the ground.

As always, he has done a set of procedures many times. This time, I'm also familiar with the road.

In less than twenty minutes, all processes were ready.

Lin Sheng looked at the pan that was about to boil, and lit the whale oil lamp with a lighter.

Coming here is like doing as the Romans do. People here like to eat whale oil, so the butter lamp has also been replaced with a whale oil lamp.

As an orthodox summoning ceremony, the initiation language of the primary alien summoning will naturally induce spiritual power and special power.

Lin Sheng began to chant the activation language in a low voice, and immediately felt that his consciousness was being drawn out and injected into the array in front of him.

A trace of white smoke flew out from the whale oil lamp in the array, and soon sank into the water surface of the pan.

Ripples appeared on the thick water surface. The ripples made a puff, and a large piece of white water vapor was diffused.

The water vapor drifted up, and soon formed a large white mist, covering Lin Sheng in it.

Let his consciousness gradually sink into hazy.

In the field of vision in front of him, a huge ball of crimson light slowly lit up.

The domineering ball of light almost filled his entire field of vision.

Without hesitation, Lin Sheng's consciousness quickly moved forward and plunged into the ball of light.

"Avoid battle! Trash!!"

"Cowardly! Trash!!"

"Painful! Trash!!"

"In the fight, the only thing you can rely on is yourself!"

In the haze, an old and stern voice kept ringing.

"No retreat! Retreat is death! Advance, attack, go mad! Forget everything! Charge! Only you can win!"

"Win! You are qualified to decide everything!"

"The winner is king! Bavaria, from now on, you are the new King of Steel! The successor of the blood of the Flame Dragon!"

"Hundreds of years of family glory rests on you alone."

"Glory, history, power, will. Everything must win in the end!"

Lin Sheng opened his eyes, he was sitting in a gorgeous golden square study.

Standing in front of him was a handsome, but with a hint of timid, brown-haired young man.

Although the young man was covered in armor, holding a sword in one hand and a helmet in the other.

But Lin Sheng still saw deep fear in the opponent's eyes. That is the fear of oneself.

"Father." The young man whispered.

"Your will is too weak." Lin Sheng heard himself talking, and that voice seemed to be that of the King of Steel.

He immediately understood that he had entered the resonance memory of the King of Steel. Now he is the King of Steel.

"But I don't want to go to Sinrad." The young man summoned up his courage to argue.

"You have to go!" The King of Steel couldn't help but say. "I've already taken care of it for the city lord. Now you are as fragile as a rabbit who can only dig holes."

"I understand." The young man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Lin Sheng watched him turn and walk out of the study, and disappeared. On the desk again, the hand of the King of Steel holding the seal was slightly clenched.

A document placed in front of him only needs to be stamped. He did not move for a long time.

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