Nightmare’s Call

541 Approaching 1

Temple General Control.

"How is it going?!"

"Everything is ready, just need to convey the news from the second crew!"

Campas quickly asked the manipulators in the surrounding seats with a dignified expression.

In order to deal with this unprecedented severe war, these researchers, who are not good at fighting, are naturally using their own methods to exert their unique light and heat.

"All fifteen units have been debugged! Alright, the second unit has also returned the ready status! You can start the operation at any time!"

An operator quickly replied with a happy expression on his face.

The entire general control department is like a huge pure white ring hall.

A circle of operators sat in front of their respective computers, using instruments to control various spells and magic circles that had been arranged around the entire holy city.

"Now that you're ready, let's get started!"

Campas and Madelan not far away looked at each other, their expressions were ruthless.

"Everyone get ready, give these Kuroshio monsters some surprises!" Although Ma Dilan was older, she had a serious temper.

At this time, his own relatives were still fighting on the front line, so he hated these Kuroshio monsters deeply.

If more monsters can be killed here, the pressure on the front line will be much less.

"Everyone on your marks!"

Campas raised his hand.





"One!! Activate!!"

Almost at the same time, everyone in the entire control department clicked the button to confirm the start.

Hundreds of special signals flow into the array controllers in various places through cables.

On the edge of the entire Hengruikala city, a circle of silvery white light suddenly and slowly lit up.

A set of humanoid mechas covered with simple metal shells quickly rose from the ground.

Each of these mechs is more than three meters tall, equipped with a thick giant knife and a triangular battle shield, and at the same time, circles of pure white holy light continue to spread around them.

This is the biggest achievement that the entire Hengrui Kara Research Institute can produce in such a long time.

This is a powerful generation of self-propelled mecha fighters driven by holy power and evil energy. The name was given by Campas himself, and it is named Guangming No. 1.

If Lin Sheng was here and heard this name, he might definitely strongly suggest changing it.

But for Campas and others who know nothing, this name is very appropriate.

Because of its appearance, it represents that people will fight against the tide of monsters, and it is likely to enter a whole new realm.

Guangming No. 1 was not produced much because of the initial attempt and because there was too little time. Only three hundred were put into battle.

They used holy power as their core energy before, but after the emergence of the holy crystal pool, they were replaced with holy crystals, and their performance was greatly improved.

The destructive power and purification power are also several times stronger.

However, because the holy crystal is a high concentration of condensed holy power, most people who get too close will suffer a spiritual baptism similar to brainwashing.

So in normal times, the research institute buried all these Guangming No. 1 underground, and used them to purify the soil. On the one hand, it can also guard against monster attacks that may appear underground.

And now, it's time to put these Bright Ones to work!


A Guangming No. 1 swung a heavy saber, and slashed a two-meter-high lizard-like three-headed monster into two halves.

There are no allies around it at all.

All the opponents who approached him were weakened to the weakest level by the incomparably powerful purification of the holy light before they even made a move.

Then it cut it in half with a close knife.

As hundreds of bright ones emerged from the edge of the city, they joined the battlefield.

Although the number is small, it has little impact on the overall situation.

But it's very important for everyone's morale boost.

After receiving the signal, the hard-working fighters quickly gave up the most dangerous tasks and combat areas to these self-propelled mechs who were not afraid of death.

This greatly reduces the psychological pressure on the soldiers.

But the trump card of the general control department is certainly not just such a small thing.

Guangming No. 1 is just an appetizer that they have prepared for a long time. As early as the beginning of Lin Sheng's establishment of the research institute, all of them have been taking the fight against the Kuroshio as an imaginary enemy and constantly developing their own set of combat systems.

And now. The second item is coming.

"Guangming No. 1 has been put into the battlefield. The specific effect cannot be observed at any time due to signal interference. We need to wait until the mecha returns to check the black box to confirm it." An operator quickly reported.

"It doesn't matter, just confirm that it can play the role of suppressing level. After all, this is a trial work that took a lot of my resources." Campas smiled and looked at Madilan. "It's your turn!"

Madeline nodded solemnly and cleared her throat.

"Everyone, start the second ring plan and activate the reserve pool of light."

"Start the preparation pool of light."

"The pool of light has been activated!" Several operators quickly replied.

"Then let's start!"

A gleam of coldness flashed in Madilan's eyes.

"Launch the holy path plan in an all-round way!"


Immediately, dialog boxes representing red warnings popped up on the screens of all the operators.

Everyone clicked OK in unison.


The earth trembled suddenly.

The ground of the entire Hengruikala began to tremble slightly with some kind of powerful vibration.

The same is the edge of the city wall.

The ground cracked one after another, and sharp metal pillars rose from it.

The sharp pillars split from the middle, opening the pure white diamond-shaped fluorescent stones like eyes.


Chi Chi Chi! ! !

In an instant, streaks of thick holy light with a width of more than ten meters burst out from the middle of the stone pillar.

All the monsters irradiated by the holy light were silently purified and annihilated.

Only some particularly powerful monsters can support without retreating.

However, under the illumination of the powerful holy light, their bodies festered and mutated one after another, and their skin and muscles became dilapidated and rotten.

At most, these holy lights are to disperse the power of the suppression level and turn them into dense beams of light, which penetrate and shoot out in all directions.

The holy crystal pool in the holy city cannot withstand all-round radiated holy power.

So after adjustments, Vice President Ma Dilan of the General Control Department personally designed and planned this so-called holy path plan.

The so-called holy path means to create a sacred path in the Kuroshio tide for the soldiers to return.

These rays of holy light seem to be just the compressed release of holy power.

But in fact, it also contains a lot of space magic circle technology in evil energy. As long as any priest who enters it, he will use his own holy power to respond to the fluctuations in the holy path.

Within ten seconds, he will be sent back to the holy city of Henrikala to rest in the medical area.

This is what is meant by the so-called divine path.

The densely packed white sacred path is like a series of pure white spikes, spreading out in all directions with Hengruikala as the center.

Many of them were blocked by powerful giant monsters, but more of them still brought light and hope to the soldiers fighting fiercely on the front line.

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