Fan Enleil's mind turned sharply, but a peaceful smile appeared on his face, an illusion of being completely integrated into this harmonious and holy scene.

Since it was my daughter who directed this scene, she should behave well at this time, get closer, and then casually persuade her. With Perola's temperament, wouldn't she be more obedient?

The ambition that gradually rose in his heart swelled up with the huge scene in front of him.

Although the relationship with Hei Prison has deteriorated, there are new thighs to hug.

The governor's rule will still be dominated by him.

At this time, the sky above the entire Governor City was dyed white by the bright and dazzling holy light.

Countless people knelt and prayed, tears streaming down their faces. Feel the health and energy springing up in your body.

No one will not be shocked by such a miracle.

Daisy and Sinda were far away. Seeing the scene in front of them at this time, they also felt shocked and looked at a loss.

The force of the Holy Light that suddenly appeared was beyond their cognition, and there was no sign of it at all before.

And Perola seems to have played an extremely important role in it.

"What should we do now?" Sinda didn't know what to do.

If you want to rescue Perola, but looking at the current situation, other people will burn incense if they are not killed by Perola. Don't talk about rescue.

But if they just left like this, they would feel even more at a loss.

What will happen in the future, what will happen in the future, and what happened to Perola.

These are the answers they want to figure out.

"Don't worry, just wait and see what happens." Daisy thought for a while and said in a low voice. "I always feel that Laura's current state is a bit wrong."

When Xinda heard this, he immediately felt something wrong.

Recalling Perola's performance before, indeed, they are completely different from before, whether it is character or posture, they are completely different.

"I understand what you mean. After it's all over, let's quietly contact Laura. See if we can succeed." Sinda whispered.

The pure white holy light began to emit a large number of white particles.

Countless particles are like raindrops and dandelions, spreading everywhere, flying to every corner of Dushi.

At this moment, the entire Governor City was surrounded by countless white particles.

All alien powers and energies began to be strongly expelled, purified, and suppressed.

Dikas and his party had already been eroded by the holy light and fell to the ground, powerless to resist.

Only Dikas and Casciaro were left, reluctantly kneeling on the ground, gritting their teeth and staring at Perola and his party.

The black energy representing the black prison on them has almost dissipated.

But the attention of Lin Sheng and others did not fall on them at this time.

Instead, look far into the distance.

The reason why Lin Sheng is so cautious in this world is that this world has a strong background far beyond the previous world.

Although the Angels of Saint Laurent are top-notch fighters, it doesn't mean they are the strongest.

The most powerful thing about angels is not single combat, but the number of armies!

As the holy light covered the entire Dushi, all the world around Dushi began to shake and tremble violently.

Massive powerful oppressive force began to squeeze the entire Dushi from all directions.

At the same time, a lavender light that came from a distance slowly moved from far to near, and gradually even approached Dushi.

The purple light emerged from the edge of the sky. At first it seemed that the speed was not fast, but soon, the purple light was like a heavy object falling rapidly, and it quickly approached the governor with a terrifying acceleration.

"Here we come!" Lin Sheng's eyes narrowed.

The real test begins now.

Dushi is just a small city in this world. It does not represent the power of the whole world.

What really scares him is the Angel Federation.

The power of the entire Angel Federation can rule and suppress everything in such an oppressive world. The hidden meaning behind it is definitely not simple.

Not only Lin Sheng, but all the citizens who were stunned by the holy light at this time saw the more brilliant purple.

The purple color is a streamer of light, and a fuzzy purple-haired figure is quietly flying inside.

The figure seemed to be flying at high speed, trying to get close in a hurry.

Followed by the purple figure.

A large purple light curtain has begun to occupy most of the air around Dushi.

The light slowed down slowly, and soon reached the sky above Dushi, forming a confrontation with the large white holy light.

"An outsider with a chaotic position who intends to harm the angels of the Federation will be given a higher crime and will be given an equal trial." The figure in the purple light said loudly.

The overbearing deafening sound waves constantly shook the eardrums of the citizens below with severe pain. Many people with poor physique even heard the sound and were immediately stunned.

"Yves Saint Laurent Purple Angel?" Lin Sheng squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the purple figure who was repeating the content like a machine.

Soon, after finishing speaking, the purple light figure took a step forward and entered the area shrouded in white holy light.


A huge rainbow-colored hourglass slowly emerged above Dushi.

The hourglass quickly turned upside down, and the golden fine sand inside began to float out from the hole below the hourglass like a living thing.

"Sand of Judgment, miniature divine light, open."

The purple figure stretched out his right palm.

All of a sudden, all the leaked golden sand gathered together to form a huge palm, and made a movement like a purple figure above Dushi.

The huge palm pressed down with the backhand.

call! !

A golden palm descended from the sky, pressing down fiercely in the direction of the holy spirit of the temple below.

"court death!"

Lin Sheng's face turned cold, and he lifted his right palm up.

Immediately, countless white holy lights quickly condensed into a big white hand, firmly supporting Jinsha's palm from bottom to top.

The two palms collided heavily in the air.

boom! !

In an instant, countless white and golden sands splashed in all directions like a stream of water.


The purple figure made a slight sound.

Immediately, the entire golden sand palm quickly turned into countless golden gases, bypassed from both sides, and condensed and formed behind the white holy light palm again.

The condensed golden palm pressed down again.

Lin Sheng looked indifferent, and let out a breath.

Wisps of breath rapidly grew from small to large, and in the blink of an eye, they were transformed into a pure white giant tornado in the infiltration of countless holy lights.

The tornado hit Jinsha's palm heavily from the side, shattering it into pieces in an instant. Then it continued to castrate, and slammed into the purple figure in mid-air.

Boom! ! !

Countless purple light and white air currents exploded quickly.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky were dispersed by the huge explosion.

"Killed?" Tian Gongxia's voice suddenly sounded from behind Lin Sheng.

Taking advantage of the time when she just started, she rushed out of the transmission channel at the first moment and landed successfully.

"It's resolved, but there are more troubles coming soon. You can deal with it." Lin Sheng calmly said with his head sideways.

"Okay." Tian Gongxia was dressed in blood-colored tight-fitting clothes, with a pure white cape representing the temple behind her. The hem of the cloak was pulled and rattled in the frenzied air current.

Looking at the huge explosion not far away, an inexplicable frenzy flashed in her eyes.

The time in the temple was too boring, and she was already bored of it. Now is the time for her to move her hands and feet.


At this moment, there was another loud buzzing like a buzzing in the distant sky.

It seemed that countless swarms of bees were rapidly approaching.

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